Nah , nothing to appoligy for realy , bit misunderstood in my way
I am a big fan of championships, special events and other things that gives opertunities to win something, it's a great addition to the community.
Nice words same word Framaris told me , he also said : DCke , guys like u keep LFS alive with winning S2 Lisences he's great guy , R2R Team R4R great guys all
Its been great to meet u on Demo in the past , U have done a lot for my server(s) and U are a trusted Admin imo , so I give U with plaisure your 'S2 Lisence' for free , for all the help u gave me till now and in the future
Its 350,00 $ is a big difference then 350.000 $ imo , anyway if U want to sponsor a few 1000's $ let me know But i think a few moneyprices to win is better then nothing at all , on our FBM RankingServer already 6 racers won a S2 Lisence , so we decided to add a moneyPrice to S2
nope , CP works thats true , but update gameUpdate not possible :s
i i try to update airio or server it shows error
The update has not been installed. Could not copy patch file from ftp. Local Temp Path: ..\Temp\TC80134187143065323056777\TCA.Patches\ FTP Path: /Games/LFS/TCA.Patches/
1st mail 13/02/2011 about update path server , update airio to full version
2nd mail 16/02/2011 about update path server , update airio to full version
no answered at all
Please tell me , is this the way u treath ur customers ? Is this the way u give Support to them ? Did u ever read my mails ? tickets ? no important to reply them ?
Been days now without any answer specifiek to my mails ...
Did u read my mail Dean ? no answer till now , i need to do some changings specified in mail with i cant do on CP
Regards DCke
17 feb 18.00PM :
Hello back again , WHY NO ANSWER MAIL IN DAYS ????? WHY ??????????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!
why post things like Feel free to e-mail any important changes to me: [email protected] and i will get them changed in the mean time
YOU DONT ANSWER MAIL AT ALL ? SO disapointing , please dont post things u dont do !
ATC Dadge said : i'll send him a text to see if he can let you know in his own words what stage the CP issues is at.
that's the best i can do.
seems no intrest at all , seems not inportant that a team cant go on with what he is doing , seems every time the host mess up the work teams been working months on ...seems totaly normal... this aint real , firts time in 12 years serverrenting i have something like this ...
I understand everything and im not that bad , but why no answer, no reply mail , ticket in 2 days , why ??? tell me that pls , i guess u know everything every time , u guys are on teamspeak , we dont know anything at all ! and when a client mails me or phones me or post me a ticket , the least i would do is reply him , or am i wrong ? i'm talking as payed costumer , not as a teamfriend , sry
Hi Dean , when will u read my tickets , when will u give any answer , when will u update my airio to FULL , when will do anything ffs !!
Did u ever read my tickets since 2 days ago or posts here ? you are online at ATC teamspeak i saw , but give me or us an answer or any progress info ... sry but thats not the way how u handle ur clients at all .
im waiting still errors , no update airio ( Could not connect to the master monitor )
I want what i payd for , i want my airio Full update what i payd for days ago , i want to work on servers
thx for trying to help us by sending changes by mail , but in my case changings are to big .
servers need total change , airio needs to get updated to FULL , lisence needs to be added ,airio needs to be config to several servers , srv and cfg files needs to be configurated , and so on ...
I want to reset the points on airio , only the points , no stats , we want points to start from zero again for all racers without losing stats pb's rates .