Again i agree u cant use the CP at the moment but there's an temporary solution for this
Dean is working hard on that , and he's doing all he can to help everyone who sends a e-mail to [email protected] as quick as possible , also know that if hes helping customers that send e-mails for updating etc... he cant work on the CP at same time , still Dean is doing the best he can to get things OK as soon as possible , don't think he doesnt care about this ....maybe inform us about any progress or some kind of compensation would heal a lot of these frustrated posts imo .
Funny how u all guys are frustrated , read previous posts ...
If U need to do Important changes to ur servers just mail [email protected] , Dean will do the best he can while working on CP panel to help u with the changings when he is at Office .
I asked Dean twice to update cfgfiles and restart few servers , he helped me out , not directly but within a few hours .
Just chill , send ur Info to Dean , as soon he's got time he will help u out .
Keep up the good work Dean , i hope things get OK soon again so all this is history .
ive seen the quote , but in my case i was able to login yesterdaynight and now i cant no more , just posted it to let it know thats all
Just wondering how long it will take its been from 21st December 2010, 09:00 that CP is down , no hurry but just wondering when it will be ready to use thats all , im still relaxed , what can we do
d'ont misunderstand me please , i'm patient
yeah yeah lot of comment , this is serverhosting and not a police case , we pay for servers and normally u have Quick support or info ,still i think we all should be informed , not every hour , but a small information would heal a lot of these comments everyone has an opinion .
It would be helpfull if Franky inform us from time to time about any progress ,promise us a CP will be online later tonight , i accept things can get longer time , but no information in last 16 hours leaving us in the dark aint no good at all , a small post on forum if things arent fixed in time and u want to go to sleep to inform us all aint that much asked i guess , or am i wrong ? A lot of teams are waiting so i dont think im that impatient alone , check previous posts .
Yeah agree was promised last night , its been over 12 hours ago that we had any info about 'progress rebuilding controlpanel '
I can understand things take more time then expected , but leaving us in the cold without any info at all last 12 hours, we are all waiting over 48 hours now .
I hope things get fixed before Xmass , defo need to do some changes to my servers , like everyone does i expect .
I tryed to acces my FTP doesnt work
Regards DCke
The day it arrives, it will arrive. It could be today or 50 years later. The only sure thing is that it will arrive.Quotation of Ayrton Senna
I'm still learning Airio , im new to this because we were used to our own FPRS System in the past , my question is :
Can somebody explain me how i can add rankings like : Novice , Clubman , National , International , Pro ,depend on how much points thy have in total .(maybe add an example of it , copy of FTP-File ) or maybe link me to another post where this is explained .
can anybody help me with setting up my ario , im new to it because we are used to our old FPRS insim system in the past .
if u can help me out on controlpanel and setup my ario please add me on msn : [email protected] or reply me here how we can contact eatchother , i will make u subuser at controlpanel so we can sort things out .