Event Rules : Read them verry good please , respect them
1) You have to be Registered for the Event before Sunday 16.30 GMT . We dont allow last minute registrations no more , you have a week to register , check your mailbox and Eventforum .
If u did Register and you cant Race the Event , please reply us with a small mail to unregister Event .
2) Every Event starts exactly at 18.30 GMT Servertime Everybody has to be on server if Qualifysession Starts 18.30 GMT Servertime .
If you didnt Qualify >>> no Qualify , no Race <<<
3) At 18.30 GMT Servertime the RaceSystem Connects .
That means from that moment your only allowed>> ' 1 x SHIFT + P in a session/race '<<
Take Care >> Speedlimit 80 km/u 49 Mph << In Pitlane , High Overspeeding Results in Spectating .
There is only a >> 'Reconnect and rejoin Qualify allowed ' if u had a 'time out - lost connection '<<
If u did Teleport 2 x and You Reconnect You have to >> stay in Pitbox , your not allowed to Qualify no more << spectater .
If u do You will have a penalty >> Start Race from Pitbox << by Admin .
In Reality you cant teleport into Pitbox , so try not to Use it , get to pitbox on own Force , still take care for other Racers on track .
4) Start out of Pitbox penalty :>> You have to wait to join till race is started (12 sec) and then Start out of Pitbox .<<
5) Any kind of Slipstream or Draft in Qualifysession will result in a penalty >> Start Race from Pitbox << by Admin .
Again >> Drafttimes in Qualify NOT ALLOWED <<
So keep Distance , respect Faster Racers , you have 15 Minutes to Qualify , use them Please .
If there is a faster racer behind u , take care , lower your speed , get of the perfect raceline and let him pass .
Don't obstract the racer or don't start chasing him , just have respect let him pass, take distance and go on .
6) Respect the Yellow and Bleu Flag Rules . Yellow Flag : >>Take Caution , Slower racer in front of u or Accident happend , do not overtake in Yellow Flag situation .<< Bleu Flag : A faster racer is behind U , you are a lap behind him , you have to lett him pass .
You have to take care , lower your speed , get of the perfect raceline and let him pass .
In the turns Go wide let him pass inside , On straights go Inside , let him pass outside , always lower speed .
Don't obstract the racer or don't start chasing him , just have respect let him pass, take distance and go on .
7)Bumping is not allowed penalty will be given after seeing Replay , deppends on the Periods of Bumping in a race .
8) The Eventrace starts exactly 18.50 GMT , be sure your car has the good settings for the Race , feul , tires , setup ...
We do not Restart at all , its an Official Start , no way back 18.50 GMT ServerTime Sharp !
The Races are between 60-140 laps so all take care in first laps of the Race . Few tips : Hold your tracklines in turns in first laps if you're in big group .
Think smart , dont create dangerous situations , you got a long race a head of u ... .
Form Draft duo's or groups , wind up , close gaps to frontracers , think smart .
Help eatchother , its a long way to the finish , its all tactical on oval .
Respect draft , dont block inside racelines , leave room , dont create dangerous situations .
9 )Draft Rules :
2 man draft>> Racer 1 goes wider - Racer 2 passes inside - Racer 1 gets behind Racer 2 << and again ...
3 mandraft >> Racer 1 goes wider - Racer 2 and Racer 3 passes inside - Racer 1 gets behind Racer 3 << and again ...
Dont Ever Block inside Raceline in draft Or Bump on Purpose or create dangerous situations .
10) Respect the Yellow line if you're coming out of Pitlane , disrespect will result in a +30 sec penalty after watching MPR Replay .
11) Try to keep the race chatfree , only tYp when realy needed . Flooding (+ 5 times in a row ) will result in a 'get kicked from server '
12) We are not responsable for a bad connection , time out caussed by your network , unlucky for the guys who have connection problems .
13 ) We do watch replays , we keep a special eye on Racers that join Event , but sadly not seen on server in weekdays .
So join our server in weekdays or on EventPractiseDay to be sure you are experienced enof and have the right settings for Event .
14) Keep it Fun ,fair , clean , have a positief mind , and enjoy the races pls , we got a good group already .
We're getting used to eatchother as Challengers aswell as working in team on track .
15) Every Event runs the Sunday EventSystem so check your position on Eventladder by typing !ranking or !rankingnear .
We are Looking out for having great Fun , great races , meeting beginner and advanced racers , creating a good group of Racefriends and having all a blast off on Sundays
i run the LFSlapper on my server , everything works , only one thing , the ranking does not work , it stays on 0/0 ranking , pls can someone give me any support , thx greetz
i rented a 24 slot public LFS Server 24h/24h , everything works fine exept i cant find a way to change my servername in colours . normally if you host a server ingame you can change the colours , i know that but now i rented a server i have admin but theres no possibility ingame to change my servername in colours because i have to login to my server emidiatly from the loginpage .
(start LFS-multiplayer-go to specifiek host-servername-pasword(admin))i asked my hostingcompany where i rent server but thy dont know an answer...the only thing ican do is change the name in confgfile but in serverlist its black ... hope someone can help me