received mail , i cant login to billing system t send mail
a simple question
The backup for this machine was on the Control Panel machine. And the most recent backup for the control panel, was on this machine. This means that ALL DATA on this machine has been lost.
that means we lost all files from months racing ? pb files points ranks ??
any answer ???? no CP at all , are these problems gonna keep on , causse last months everything is a big mess here , i know u do the best u can , but this aint good at all , sry but we payed for trustable servers and acces to CP whenever u need it , seems like every time i need it its down or page cannot be found at all
when this all gonna end and be stabiel again ?? when ?? or will it ever be normal again ?? or am i talking to myself again ?
were having a tryout on oval to try to get server more crowded , even that doesnt work realy , seems theres no intrest in this event imo
my opinion is leaders are to far away , to much points and also that carrotation seems not to work causse everyone has his favoriet car and leave if carclass ch&anges , maybe u have a sugesstiob that we could add to server so its more atractief , also maybe the racers arent intrested in pricemoney , also possible , maybe racers dont trust it and think they never will receive there money
Yesterday racers KIRAYA Shadow_Tzu won the ' S2 Lisence on our FBM RankingSystem , maybe that 'proofs ' more that we are serious with our prices ( its the 7th s2 lisence won on our demo servers .
anyway everyone can still compete for the money :
EVENT :DAY 26 /157 DAYS to go ...
still 157 days to go ( about 16% of event completed now )
hehe good to know , we made room for 22 racers at startgrid , didnt know about the max 16 racers at start AU1 , thx for the info , its our first try-out on AU1
now server is having BIG LAG , inposible to connect , cant find server on headserver , after 5 minutes we can join again , but again all get BIG LAG and get time out... whats happening ?!
edit : seems to be normal again , but still cant go to servers on CP
An error has occurred. Contact an administrator. If you are an administrator please contact TCADMIN SUPPORT.
is it possible to answer my ticket posted on CP 09/03/2011 ( 5 days ago.. ) thx
edit : still no answer , still no CP , this is realy boring after all these downtimes CP , ok the servers run and the airio's run but we cant connect or change files on CP...damn why always CP down when u need it and for how long , and why do we have to post tickets if U dont answer them , only thing we can do is post here on lfsforum ? give us some more support or info please .... i was hoping and believing that things would get better , but seems not ... waiting on an answer
Last edited by DCke, .
Reason : waiting on a answer ...
Hi Franky i'm on the .208 machine with all my servers
'So some people will be unable to connect for a while'
U know how long or when ? all servers down and airios.