I noticed, that the tyres grows quite massively, allowing a lot of air under the car, which definitely doesn't help the traction issue on the Civetta Bolide.
Woah, I actually didn't know they used Macpherson, I thought they'd moved on to something a bit more advanced. like some strong multilink wishbone construction
Come on Dennis, if you want shells (negotiable currency) you need to provide a service or goods.
Or get a job. ( See above )
I have a job? But since danish taxes don't allow wealth, I'm only left with about 10% of my monthly wage, after I'm done with buying food for the rest of the month, which usually contains coarse pasta.
Mind you, see your point 3, male escort is a possibilty.
Check the Kardashians as a model for this. Apparently it only needs one video.
True, and I had considered it before.
Or South Park has a great business plan.
The plan was outlined thus:
Step 1: Steal Underpants.
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Profit
I have tried this business model, no one wants stolen underpants