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My latest onboard video from Rudskogen, nice action there
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Lovely news todays, for everybody, Mainly for my main homeboy and Corolla Liftback bro, Kirmelius, I'm going to rebuild the corolla, with a 3GSE :P

So some hours in the shop will be used during the winter.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :God damnit
Dennis - yes! I'll travvel over to DEN soon to buy cheap meat and alcohol, we can start the climb for world domination then!

Completely off topic, but how far away from places like ..uhm Hirshaels / Ålbord do you live? Those names are probally wrong written ^-^

Quite far, i live near Copenhagen.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Mine? Why? I mean - there are deffinitely better pieces of them out there. Check some car seller websites.

I live in denmark numnuts, we use salts in the winter, everything here is rotten.
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Tor, you and me, we can rule the world with our scand(alicous)inavian beauty.
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Hmmmm. 2 months Doesn't seem too unrealistic to be honest
S3 licensed

wtf medal.
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Quote from Sueycide_FD :Yeah over the net on your phone or pc. Sadly some of the best i dont think you can buy, like the vette , zagato knock off or convetible variants.

I just want the Futo GT, Also give websites <3
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I've not messed about with the Bleeter thing, seems more useful than I thought it was. That spoiler is bullshit btw, you can play as all the characters after the main story ends so I doubt any of them die.

Anyway, invested some hard earned cash in this beast...


Is it possible to buy cars at some place?
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :How can it be that one of teh most succesful WTCC drivers loses his ride after a season of producing good results in favour of pay drivers? **** this world.

I really hope the marked sentence is something you farted out..
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I know the reason the twin towers fell: Gravity.

Uhm, i thought the reason was the twin towers?
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It's a lie.
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It works?!

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Quote from BlueFlame :Hang on a minute all you faggots were jerking yourselves to the Delta Wing a year or so ago. What's with the weak personalities in this world?

Quote from deggis :Who all?

Yes who??
S3 licensed
dat biniz man homie.

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S3 licensed
Quote from CoolColJ :LOL, I pulled the handbrake at the lights and rev'ed my car up, and the sports car next to me took it as meaning I wanted a drag race and he took off on the third rev, even on a red light
I like to honk my horn if cars are blocking me on a red. Usually they only get pissed and swear at me, or stick up a finger, but one guy actually got out and try to punch me

Also I didn't realize you can interact with NPC with the right D-Pad button! Lots of fun lost :/

I'm also parking properly more often in this GTA....
Seem to care about the cars are lot more

In my proper garage, I have a GT-R knock off stashed there, bonus special car....?

Indeed. great car!
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Nykjær and Nika isn't going to race the rest of the season
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Quote from Eclipsed :It's a '91 car,been a summer car to previous owners (can see that from old registration notes),so it has done just over 200 megameters in it's 22 years. But why do you care about price? :o

Because I want to buy it..?
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Quote from pipa :img

Pretty sweet billboard.

I actually looked back, and double checked if there was a person hanging off
Such a great idea!
S3 licensed

This looks.... I don't want to comment.

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Good Luck
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you wot m9.
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So finally home, and slightly hungover, from a great weekend for the points point of view, I would've loved to win in the second race, but we had a malfuction with the fuel pump which fell down to about 10psi from lap 4, this caused me to loose a lot of power in the engine and in the end it was impossible to do anything than just hope the engine would'nt blow up or stall.

Didn't have any power what so ever after 4000rpm.
We havn't sourced the problem completely yet, but we're pointing at the fuel pump for now, could be electrical problem as well.

expect onboard vids during this week
Last edited by Dennis93, .
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Lel durnl