So finally home, and slightly hungover, from a great weekend for the points point of view, I would've loved to win in the second race, but we had a malfuction with the fuel pump which fell down to about 10psi from lap 4, this caused me to loose a lot of power in the engine and in the end it was impossible to do anything than just hope the engine would'nt blow up or stall.
Didn't have any power what so ever after 4000rpm.
We havn't sourced the problem completely yet, but we're pointing at the fuel pump for now, could be electrical problem as well.
It really depends on steering input and throttle input, reason why FWD cars tend to oversteer 'uncontrollably' is normally either lack of heat in the rear tyres, or lack of throttle input at high speeds, which causes a decrease in front wheel speed and almost causing a braking effect, which removes some weight from the inside rear wheel causing the outside wheel to loose grip.
the usual reason is the resistance on the front wheels, and the normality of FWD cars being quite light in the front compared to rear.
I don't really want to correct your driving, nor your train of thought during the accident.
But given the situation you are in, financially, level of racing etc. Wasn't it a bit 'Risky' going up against someone who doesn't have anything what so ever to loose?
Given the limited budget you presumably had since the first thought you had was 'Gonna limit the damage' and not 'Shit I'm not going to win', why didn't you back out when you KNEW it was not your corner?
Don't get me wrong, but, sometimes it helps to think the situation through, You clearly had the speed to take her down, but bad decisions nearly always lead to bad results.