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S2 licensed
G25 does the job here, first one got broken after 2 years and 3 months of use but I still got a free new set from Logitech.
S2 licensed
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :

New headlights nice eh!

Am I the only one actually thinking about GT4 when looking at this vid?

Great work, quality stuff.

Quote from Dac :i play rfactor when i get bored of the LFS content, and in comparison, it really does suck. the graphics suck, the physics sucks even more, and the tracks and car mods always seem half arsed. not to mention the standard menu system and everything is just rubbish.

still, if you want to burn a F430 around the top gear test track, or take a 1955 F1 car around the Nurburgring theres not many other places you can do it!

Download any Virtua_LM track and combine it with car mods from Niels or FSONE and tell me te graphics are worse than LFS. There are a lot of terrible mods, but it's up to the user to sort them out.
S2 licensed
Are there any differences in first generation G25's en the newest generation?
S2 licensed
Yeah, they say I have to cut of the plug of the power unit and the USB cable going into the wheel.

Logitech is awesome, I'm a very happy customer right now
S2 licensed
Alright, got mailed back and looks like I'm getting a replacement unit, but they asked me to send the plug of the adapter and the USB-cable of the broken unit back to identify if it's really broken ( how do they do that, the pedals are broken, not the energy supply?).

The plug is probably the Force Feedback cable, but isn't the USB-cable attached to the G25?
S2 licensed
Actually, I think it's GTR2.
S2 licensed
btw, why has the price of the G25 gone up 50 euros? Are they better compared to the old ones?
S2 licensed
Alright, I sent them an e-mail.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Go direct to LOGITECH.

How exactly?

I can't seem to find anything relevant on their site.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Just try to claim it back on Warranty. Logitech are very nice like that. Don't tell them you opened it up. They'll just want to see proof it's in a non usable condition so just make it look like you cut the USB cables.

I already asked the RMA service of the store, they said a few weeks is no problem, but now I'm already facing a 3 month overdue of warranty.
S2 licensed
How much would it cost to let the shop send it back to Logitech to get it fixed?
S2 licensed
Yes, that's the emergency solution.

The pedal starts freaking when I put my wheel on my desk, and it goes back to normal when I put it away.

Did my G25 set started hating me or something


seems like it's the cable, the connector plugged in to the wheel or something.
Last edited by Dillyracer, .
S2 licensed
Ok, update on the situation.

2 months warranty void was too much for the shop, so I decided to open it up myself. Cleaned all the pedals, tested the accel pedal and it worked!

I put the bodomplate back on, screw in some screws and turn around the set, suddenly my software says the pedal is at 70% and it stays there.

I unscrew everything again just to find out everything works like normal again, so I get the screws back in, same thing happens as before.

I unscrew again, tape the wires into place, screw everything back on, and it works! I put it in place under my desk, and suddenly software says it's at 20 procent.

Weird thing is, I'm not touching it and it's dropping, it went from 20 to 15 and now it's at 5, when I use the pedal, it always goes back to 5 procent.

Any ideas on what this is, I have no idea what's causing it.
S2 licensed
Quote from NightShift :AFAICT the sellers won't touch it after 30 days have passed since the purchase. From that point on, it's logitech's business, or so their warranty says.

I did some searching some time ago, some people were offered a replacement at a substantially reduced price. It may be worth contacting them anyway.

Alrightn I'll first contact them by mail.

It does say on the site of the shop there is a 24 month warranty there, but I'll see if I can get an answer from Logitech.
S2 licensed
I'm taking it to the store tomorrow, how much would it cost to get it fixed by Logitech? If I'm unlucky and they don't replace it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :You could maybe try sending it back. Seing as your warranty is out by only 2 months, they might let you off. Just plea with them a little.

If you cant do that, then it will most likely be a loose or disconnected wire on the accelerator. The pedals are extremely simple to take apart, so have a look and report back here. Get pics preferably.

Alright, I'll open it up later today and post some pics.
G25 broken, what to do
S2 licensed
So, I seem to have a problem with my G25, everything still works perfect, except the accelerator, which seems to have given up.

When pressing the pedal, nothing happens, it doesn't register in Wingman software either.

The wheel is 2 years and 2 months old, and Logitech only guarantees 24 months.

What do I have to do, unscrew the pedals myself and see what's the problem ( there could be some dust and sand in there, you can hear it) or could I still return it?
S2 licensed
Quote from aIM BLR :Remark. G25 have 500 Hz USB. DFP 125 Hz. Users G25 is cheaters, they play LFS in 4 time frequently.

Oh ffs, stop talking yourself out if this.
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Is there some sort of implication that we need to drift in order to live? I mean, will we be struck down if we don't?

No, but I think most people on this forum think they're going to get struck down if they can't flame drifting.
S2 licensed
Where do you have your game installed ? If it's installed in Program Files (x86) then do this :

1.Delete your game
2.Go to "C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)" and delete the map Live for Speed
3.Reinstall your game
S2 licensed
Quote from migf1 :Why's that? Modding is a feature rfactor utilizes while lfs does not! And since most mods are for free, the comparison is perfectly valid in my book.

IMO it's not, because the mods are made by different people than the people who made rFactor ( well, they made some new content ). If you want to compare, I think you need to compare both original products, especially since LFS is still in its WIP fase.
S2 licensed
Problem is with these threads is that people tend to compare a modded rFactor game to a standard LFS game. Both have to be standard to really compare them.
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Y tryed Rfactor , and dont like it , to much Bling bling DX22 Graphics

I know have to many add on´s things , but i preffer LFS s2 , graphicaly smooth , and have better Simulation =P

There is hardly any "bling bling" in rFactor
S2 licensed
Quote from Memph1s :WOW Patch Z is awesome, it contains everything that we were told to get it summer 2007, really fast work guys.

Sigh. Scawen never promises things, he only says what he expects to be in the patch. And if people like you are posting things like these, it could be he won't say anything about the content of the next patch.