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S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :

The same trailer in HD resolution and this time in English.

Those faces are just great
S2 licensed
Ah crap, I voted yay. Wasn't it easyier to just use Yes and No
S2 licensed
I wonder if there will be a BF1 2007 edition.
S2 licensed
Quote from TurboRacer35 :
- Realistic interior turn signals (e.g two green arrows that tick instead of 1 yellow dot)

That's the only idea that's good and hasn't been mentioned yet.
S2 licensed
I reported Tulio trough the Mail Us system. And I got a mail back with " thanks for letting us know ! "
S2 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :Pfff, who wants to race a computer AI nowadays?

They don't whine when you bump into them, so it can be relaxing
S2 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :Speed hack cheater caught this morning on ConeDodgers 1:
345 km/h on the main straight with the FZR.

You can clearly hear when he activates the cheat.
Screen name Tulio, LFS username Funnybone2.
Reported to Barricade, of course.

Replay attached.

He was using it on the CTRA servers too, I have a replay !

Where do I report this and how ?
S2 licensed

The official Mafia 2 trailer, but it's recorded with cam tough.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :I've bought the original PC game off ebay for £3.50 inc. P+P and have downloaded the demo which I'm playing atm, in the first cut scene one of the guys is spikey to say the least (as in all the polygon points have got scrambled up) and then when I get to the garage I have a great big triangle above my head (caused by a shaddow glitch I think), bizarely Alt + Tabing out and back in again corrects these graphic glitches anybody else had these?

Yeah I had the same, Paulie looked like he came from a horror game
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :And in this modern country they don't have mandatory military service

In Germany they don't either I think, but anyways...

And I'm glad about it
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :omgomgomgomgmafia2omgomg

Exactly what I said
S2 licensed
Became 15 this year
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Hmm I suppose I should catch up with the times never got round to trying Mafia. Is the Xbox version worth trying or is it best on PC?

I played the PC version and it was absolutely beautiful, no idea on xbox.
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Mafia 1 was one the greatest games ever.

(Please let there be no console versions of Mafia 2. They're the kiss of death for games. Yes, I'm looking at you two Bioshit and Fallout 3...)

There are console versions, but I have my full confidence in Illusion Softworks tough.
Mafia 2 is Official + screens
S2 licensed
Hi guys

I don't know about you, but I remember Mafia 1 as one of the best games in feel and story. And today, Mafia 2 was officially announced on the Games convention in Leipzig. The devs are still the same, the publisher is still the same, so no f*cked up game with a name that sells, but a true sequel to the Mafia game.

I never tought that there was going to be a Mafia 2

Screens and official site :
S2 licensed
Normally I don't say things like this

But the maker of that hack and the people downloading intending to use it are complete RETARDS
S2 licensed
What's wrong with an option to turn it on/off as you wish

Can only be of better use.
S2 licensed
I was thinking the same yesterday

And when you overtake the Safety car, you will be send to spectate, but there must be a server option to disable/enable the Safety Car.

S2 licensed
I'm happy I bought the full just before the hack was spotted, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.
S2 licensed
Quote from wark :
Personally, I'd rather bicycle up that thing.

I'd rather bicycle off that thing
S2 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :Take a look at Flight Sim addon prices, you would be surprised. I take LFS as a hobby more than a game, so I don't mind spending $30 or $40 per year in quality content, as I have done with other hobbies.

Flight Sim is more Offline than online, here we are talking about a full online expirience.

Let me put it this way, LFS S3 with real life tracks in the game and not as addons for the price of €50, but not an LFS S3 with a downloadable real life track for €15. This would completely ruin online expirience. As example : "That looks a good server to me, oh no, I must give away another €5 before I can play it."

This would ruin LFS even more than open modding idea. I'm fully against it.
S2 licensed
Sounds pretty stupid to pay 20 € for one track if the whole game costs 35 €. Real life tracks ? Sure. Pay for it ? No
S2 licensed
Quote from Krammeh :New setups stops the whole passenger issue.

Take a look down the bottom, there are a few options that you can turn to "yes", maybe that will bring a few more servers up.

God, the server with the new map was hell yesterday, great map, but people were only fighting.

Anyways, this is how I think about the cruise servers.

I race, a lot, especially on the CTRA, Redline Racing and sometime on the Conedodgers servers. When I don't feel like concentrating too much but still want a good race, I go to the CTRA Bump n Jump ( I think that's the name ) but when I just want to enjoy LFS handling and listen to music at the same time, I go to a cruise server. Yeah, there are some more cruise servers around, but I can't really say I need to search for a good race, because I always know where to find one.
S2 licensed
Quote from bluejudas :
Man!!... your Internet connection stinks... you must move to Norway.. Belgium must be a bad country to live in

For internet the country sucks indeed

Stable line, 10MB/s but when I download 12 gig a month, I get warped onto 64kb/s. And we pay 40 euro's for that.

Offcourse you can buy packs of 1 gig for 1 Euro
S2 licensed
Another thing, wouldn't this ruin the LFSW expirience ? I mean, for every single car there needs to be a new line added to show the hotlaps en PB's online, I don't want to scroll for 2 days to find my new PB in my car on a specific track.