I don't know about you, but I remember Mafia 1 as one of the best games in feel and story. And today, Mafia 2 was officially announced on the Games convention in Leipzig. The devs are still the same, the publisher is still the same, so no f*cked up game with a name that sells, but a true sequel to the Mafia game.
I never tought that there was going to be a Mafia 2
Flight Sim is more Offline than online, here we are talking about a full online expirience.
Let me put it this way, LFS S3 with real life tracks in the game and not as addons for the price of €50, but not an LFS S3 with a downloadable real life track for €15. This would completely ruin online expirience. As example : "That looks a good server to me, oh no, I must give away another €5 before I can play it."
This would ruin LFS even more than open modding idea. I'm fully against it.
God, the server with the new map was hell yesterday, great map, but people were only fighting.
Anyways, this is how I think about the cruise servers.
I race, a lot, especially on the CTRA, Redline Racing and sometime on the Conedodgers servers. When I don't feel like concentrating too much but still want a good race, I go to the CTRA Bump n Jump ( I think that's the name ) but when I just want to enjoy LFS handling and listen to music at the same time, I go to a cruise server. Yeah, there are some more cruise servers around, but I can't really say I need to search for a good race, because I always know where to find one.
Another thing, wouldn't this ruin the LFSW expirience ? I mean, for every single car there needs to be a new line added to show the hotlaps en PB's online, I don't want to scroll for 2 days to find my new PB in my car on a specific track.