Okay wait, you want a Japanese car, but you hate all of them ?
Honda's engines are great, Mazda's aren't all for 70 year old women, Toyota has quality ( even rumours about a new Trueno that only will cost 10.000 $ ) and Nissans, well, they look good in America.
What Japanese manufacturers are left, Subaru and Mitsubishi, and they only got good looking top models.
Audi's fall apart ? IMO they are one of the most decent manufacturers in the VAG group.
You probably could afford to tune a French car, but please, don't disturb us with a tuned Saxo that makes so much noise that I am thinking I'm on a race track.
I bought the game for the Pikes Peak races, and after playing some time and getting used to it, it was fine. But the bloom effect really starts hurting my eyes and I just hate it when I'm sliding and I turn the wheel to the other side a little bit, it reacts immediatly.
I only got it today, I played the demo lots of times.
Let's put it this way, if you like the demo even a little bit, you will love the full . Buy it, you won't regret it at all, I'm already sorry I didn't buy it earlier
I think that will ruin the feel of LFS a little bit, sure must be fun to race with some more and real cars, but I bought LFS for the great and fun handling, when someone creates a new car, the handlings must be made too, and that can be dissapointing. It's also going to be harder to find a decent server or you will have too download all the car sets out there.
And that is a pain in the ass in Belgium, since I can only download/upload 12 gigs a month or my speed will be lowered to smallband ( 64 kbps I think ) or I have to pay extra. That's what I like about LFS, no nonsense and finding a great place to race in just some seconds.
Really ? I think that ID&T is one of the best modding teams I know, also some great tracks.
Well I tried modelling a Television once, but it turned out to be a weird looking cube, so I can't help, but the expirienced modders modelling some more tracks would be fine for me
Look at it this way, if you buy it, the devs gets more money and the patches will come quicker
I really don't think someone is going to give a license away if they have paid for it, offcourse, there are some contests to win a license, but I don't know any.
Anyway, I have raced the demo version for a long time, but today I decided to buy a license for S2. The demo was great fun with my Logitech G25. Too bad I have to wait to pay, because I don't have a paypal account and someone else is doing that for me.
I also have rFactor, but LFS races are much nicer, especially online