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S2 licensed
Quote from bluejudas :That is why all mods must be certified by a small "mod-certification group". And all mods !must! be released as part of LFS, maybe downloadable from lfsworld or directly in the game. But as you say, for offline play people can run non certified mods..

And then I have to pay more for my internet, it was hell with rFactor and it will be hell if it happens to LFS.

Seriously, I can only download 12gb's a month, I don't want it to waste away because everytime I join a server a new carset must be downloaded.
Open Wheelers question
S2 licensed
When driving some minutes ago I noticed how plain those things look that connects the body to the wheels. Is there any texturefile to edit this texture to something else ? Since on the newest F1's they are made of Carbon.

Just noticed this is the wrong section, can someone move this ?
Last edited by Dillyracer, .
S2 licensed
Here is my laters and fifth skin. A fictional Denso RB4
S2 licensed
Quote from 1303s_vortech :I don't think the port is used in shortcut anymore.

edit: works fine without port number here.

Still doesn't work, it doesn't show up ingame and when I type in /insim 29999 it says TCP Bind Failer, Insim not initialised.

Fixed it.
Last edited by Dillyracer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Buyme s1 lic and play with you all the day

Did that guy made 1 post without trying to get people to buy a license for him ?
S2 licensed
I wanted a simple skin for the MRT5 but looking decent enough to race in offcourse, so I came up with this

Next up : RB4 and a new helmet skin.
S2 licensed
Quote from dexxy :'cmon people! Have mercy on a poor n00b LFS'er...
I'm 2.4 seconds from the WR and can't push this thing any faster

I drive 1:24:190,

Actually, altough it may seem that you have the same lines as him, he can be driving very differently, keep practicing is all I can say.
S2 licensed
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :that is a very good skin.


Here is the side pic, it's a bit empty and the logo's are a bit dark.
S2 licensed
Quote from Highsider9 :How exactly does a T1 Crash look like there?

That and imagine a bunch of noobs trying to countersteer, urgh, the mess.
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolum :Yeah, where you from? Flemish or French?

Flemish, you ?
S2 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :If I would choose one track for LFS, it would be SPA.

But the Nordschleife would be second in my book, those who say you cant have close Racing at the Ring must have never played Grand Prix Legends, or simply lack the skill to do it.

Probably some lack the skill, seriously, I'm still wondering how that someone can even crash on the straight in Blackwood, and it still happens, I don't want to see those drivers race on the nordschleife
S2 licensed
I seem to have a problem with this, this is my shortcut : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Live for Speed\LFS.exe" /insim=29999

but when the game starts, it says bind failed, why is that ?
S2 licensed
I still find it incredible that a little country like Belgium has such a great track, Spa ftw
S2 licensed
This is my second skin I made, and the first one for a GTR car, the previous was for my Formula XR I know there are some bugs, but the overall picture isn't bad I think.
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolum :Wow... those are pretty impressive stats for a beginner; nearly 50% podium finishes. On what server do you race mostly?

EDIT: nevermind, checked your stats. Mainly Redline Racing and CTRA1 apparently. Congrats, seems like you're quite talented then Or... maybe I'm just a hopeless case

Hehe thanks, I see you are from Belgium too

I already got a Redline Racing WR setup from one of the admins, I think that's a good sign
S2 licensed
Spa Francorchamps with the BF1 should be a perfect combo
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :don't think so..

and i think that THAT is lag

I didn't had lag...
Moving Nicknames above cars
S2 licensed
After discovering the Oval races today, I noticed something that is rather irritating. I always drive with nicknames visible above the cars, but with high speed corners like on the Ovals the nicknames starts to float 3-4 meters next to the car, it is confusing to see a nickname so close to your car in the mirror but don't knowing where the car is.

Can it be fixed that the names above cars keep hovering above the cars in all turns ?
S2 licensed
I'm going to be positive again

How do you get Vista to use 900mb of memory :s, my installation of 64-bits only uses 450 mb on startup, and Vista automatically kills every unneeded proces when you are gaming. I'm using Vista for about 5 months now and I'm happy with it, works fast, looks good, no errors yet.

I only have 1 gig memory
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkTuning :How run to 250mph ???

Please can someone learn me???


I'll say how it's done for real

1. Uninstall your LFS Game
2. Restart your computer
3. Buy NFS : Carbon
4. Install NFS : Carbon
5. Don't even dare to come online on LFS again if you even intend to use that cheat.
S2 licensed
Yeah indeed, I got LFS from last thursday, and I have vacation

LFSW stats :

Total stats:
Travelled distance:3133 Km
Fuel burnt:757 Ltr
Hosts joined:68
Races won:7

I'm addicted
Visible Tire wear
S2 licensed
This is especially for the open wheelers. Watching the last Formula 1 race I saw how badly the tires looked, and I wondered, can that be done in LFS too ? I know there are still some things to be added and fixed before going trough graphical updates, but I think this would be a nice feature and not seen in any other game. I'm basically saying to add visible tire wear to the tires, so you can see the tires wear off instead of only feeling it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Venus :This is sposed to be a race simulation. I think its about time you got rid of the big messages (Yellow flag, Blue flag etc) and actually placed some models around the track that waved the correct flag for the proper event.

And did any of you ever think a race simulation needs a Checkered Flag at the finish??? Its about time it had one.

Small thing I know, but without those basic things, it has a more arcade feel, regardless of the realism we know it possesses in car.

Another obvious thing missing, is crowds. Its about time the sim got these basic things, partially animated crowds, waving the odd banner/flag wouldn't add too much to the f/r load (animations could be dialed back nyway in options). But it should be there.

Although it has everything a race sim should have, missing these few basic things, leaves wins feeling a little hollow.

Another thing that would be nice, but probably not possible is a podium. Mostly for SP, as I don't think ny1 would want it in MP.


I fully agree, but in the real racing cars there should be lights to indicate there is a blue/yellow flag, or maybe someone trough radio.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Why should it look like a Mini? The car is UF1 and it looks exactly like a UF1.

The RB4 is based on a supra and the interior does have similarities with a Supra interior, doesn't it ? I'm just saying that there is too less detail in it.
S2 licensed
After needing to drive the UF1 on the cruising server, the details really starting to bother me. The interior looks more like a Citroën 2CV than that of a Mini. I do hope it gets improved.