Its 2am, Im bored, So, Figured id try to make a slo Mod vid.
Took various attempts to find the right setting, in the end, 50fps at x250 speed seemed to do the trick. The video is choppy, i know, i should of turned my LFS settings down a tad, to keep it stable at 50fps in LFS when recording. Oh Well.
Ive seen these pop up. But im not against them, as they have varied layouts, which makes it more Fun. Wether and City Driving Servers have the same layout 24/7.
its because his spokes are seperated from the actual rim, he said he made the tires thinner, so maybe the drawn spoke position didnt change, or he didnt edit that specific part.
I persoanlly wouldnt like this released until the devs have a look at it, and say "ok".
To Avoid the Demo users using Tweak, maybe work with the devs, to include an Unlock system Similar to how you unlock LFS inside LFS, were it connects to your user and varifies you have S2 etc.
yeah, i agree. if tools were released, they should be sold as Deveolpment tools, then you would have to unlock it via LFSW, like the actual LFS unlock system.
The Devs already give us a great game for a great price. i personally would mind them charging is a small fee for 1024x1024 skins, but i can hardly tell the difference, unless the skin is really sucky.