On LFS i have been trying to setup my own server but when i have compleated the server setup page it says Connected to master server i have now checked on another pc (if its there) and it appears to have gone? So i have been told i need to setup my router, so im asking for advice
You need to forward the port your server uses from the router to your pc. If you don't give even the name/model of your router, you're not going to get much more detailed help.
Read the server guide pinned on this forum, after that you should have it working.
wasn't there a site out there like portforwarding.com or portforward.com with directions on exactly how to do it. It worked for me
I dont much about routers but when i make my own server it says conncected to master server. I then go to check on a different pc and find out its not on master server? I have been told router settings, so im hoping if you guys can help?
The router is Netgear Super Wireless ADSL Router DG834GT
Try reading the information in this thread, entitled "
Guide: Running a LFS Server"
will do thanks
Particularly look at the section on Port Forwarding (damn I wish I;d done them all in separate posts now. Would've been much easier to link
