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I understand what Overclocking means, and what its like now
Wheel, Is it broke?
S2 licensed

The other day i was in the XFR and i had r2 slick tyres on. I turned round the corner but it turned abit to sharp and clipped a curb. Then it went onto two wheels as i went to save it i went oppostite lock (Only 90 Degrees to the left) and it made a snapping noise. Now i can slightly wobble my wheel, and i can see a bigger gab where the rotator bit is. Ive took abit of it apart and there seems to be nothing broken in there, looking at it, it seems to be something insim the wheel not the box thing. It still works perfectly but it does have a little wobble but it can slightly get annoying. Has anyone ever experienced this with the Logitech Formula wheel? (Its the new style). Ive tested the wheel for force feedback and it all works, it seems like something has popped out or something has come loose?

Many thanks,

S2 licensed
S2 licensed
I just have my head tilt on the standard setting BUT i do zoom in abit or Zoom out so i have a space between the side mirror and the edge of my screen. I use that because i have a good view of the track, and the cars around me.
S2 licensed
I can't see the edit
S2 licensed
Well im 14 and im at school, maybe there could be some sort of guide? Its not the case the settings in the engine. Its the bothering doing it. The game needs to be realistic
Engine Differing
S2 licensed

Ive just had a good suggestion which came across me but ide like to share it with you, just to see what you think. Here i go:

In karting and racing cars engines can differ, For example My kart/car Engine could give out 12.8BHP, but a backmarkers engine who didnt bother to tune his has 11.3BHP. As this does make a vast ammount of difference i was wondering if it has any part in LFS? Like for example you can tune your car engines your self, after so long it needs retunning. I think this would make it alot more interesting and it wouldnt just involve the setup, it involves the car engine aswell?

Last edited by dmwright, . Reason : Spelling Mistake
S2 licensed
To be honist i wouldnt recommend sky Boardband at all. Im always timing out. It has been getting better but, still i wouldnt recommend it. You also have to buy the Sky package (Television). It costs us £26 with 5-6 Packs (Not Sure) and Internet at £5, which is 8Mb and 40Gb Allowence. The specs are ok, but its the service which counts. Custormer service is up thr wall to, its about as useful as speaking to a brick wall. We would like to have Unlimited Calling service aswell, but custormer service is very C&&p. There is alot of comments in my last posts about Sky in google search on a review centre.

I Hope this helps,

Becky Rose
S2 licensed

Becky is there anyway i can contact you privatly? As ive tried to Pm you but youve Blocked Personal Messages into your account.

Many thanks,

S2 licensed
Have you Port Forwarded (If not Link Above)

Also if you have unstable internet i recommend 500 Servers,
Good service, and always happy to help, many people who host servers (Buy them) use him.

Franky500, i could be your business advertiser

S2 licensed

Ill take all your comments into mind, ill start looking at the websites youve sent (see if it can help me).

Many thanks for all your replies, Its much appreciated,

S2 licensed

Thanks becky, whilist your here, i think your servers are great!

Many thanks,

Learning To Program.
S2 licensed
Hi Guys,

I would like to learn how to program, but i dont know where to start? (I would like to create racing insim), Please could anybody help a noob here?

Many thanks.


Edit : Sorry. This should be in the Programming Forum, Just if anybody says Im a bigger Noob!
Last edited by dmwright, . Reason : ABove
S2 licensed

Most people in real life who race karts/cars/other know the setup allways needs to be spot on, to be able to become competitive. When i had demo i was told that himself could do a 1.33 on Hard Track setup in the XFG & Bl1. I asked him to show me and he came back with an answer saying his busy. As we all know setups will always count, but it has to suit you as a driver. There is no point having a very quick setup but your driving styles don't match it. In away its like a puzzle. Like i find when on lfs ive not been on that track with that car for ages, i find my self tweaking the cars setup because my driving style has changed towards the car. It becomes very confusing but in the end you get there.

[NPC] North Pole Cruising Recruitment ASAP
S2 licensed

I created a thread before but it seemed to go abit offtopic. So, if we could keep on topic on this one. Simply this is a new cruising Server which wont just fade away. We are coming very close to releasing it but, we need more team members so where able to kick this all off well. If your interested in this, please visit, if you would like to make a form to join the cruising team, please visit the forum. (there is a link on the webby). This will be simular like CLC or LTC, ive also just been told that the insim isnt far off and it should be done soon. Ill let you all know when im opening it, and when we can get it started and running.

Many thanks for your time and effort,

S2 licensed

Another stressful day working on the forum, weve been testing the dedicated host and it seems to be ok but still testing. Insim will not be long now . We still need many more people, At the moment we only have 4.

How to reformat Windows
S2 licensed

My system on my laptop is very slow ive tried wipping it out, virus scanning, Rolling back windows, Defrag. I cant it work any quicker but when i purchused the laptop i thought it was pretty quick. I havent got any windows CD's but its allready been preinstalled. Im sure your thinking how is this LFS Related, well in away it is because im going to run 2 servers off it and the insim and i think it might not be able to cope? Is there any clever person who could give me an answer .

Looking forward to your kind replies (Like Usual)

Many thanks,

[NPC] North Pole Cruising Recruitment
S2 licensed
Hello Guys,

Ide like to introduce you to a new Cruising server which will include insim. i while ago i asked on this forum is there anybody who could kindly do the insim for me. Leifde is kindly doing it in his spare time and its about approx 60-70% done. (Due to the update on insim on patch X). As for safety issues the server will be not hosted at night, and will be hosted from 7.30 AM-11PM (On Sunday to friday) Saturday will be up to about 12ish. As this is done a budget ive hosted a free website and forum which just has a couple of mistakes but is nearly finished. Website is, with a link to the forum on there. As at the moment there are only 2 people working on the whole thing, i thought this would be a good time to recruite and get peoples oppinions on the website and forum. Also Officers would be needed and people in the team which are able to refund and keep an eye on people. Officers and Team Mates will be given admin password, so we can keep a eye on everyone so there not clowning about I.e Wrecking.
There will be a grand opening and i will post it on the forum when its be finished (Probably sometime on Saturday or Sunday). Also with this insim there will be a scratchcard so you can Win Money, and for people who timeout, you dont have to pit/leave/spectate in the garages due to this causes alot of errors and time. And personly we thought it didnt need it. The track should be hosted on Aston North, with a quick easy layout, which we shall put road works there for abit of fun. There are same speedlimits as CLC but there is another orange pole which will mean NO LIMITS. So you will have a chance to floor your car without the officers having a pop at you. Ide like to just note it seems that LTC and CLC people slag one of and the other, personlly i dont give a monkies and just drive on both. By hosting North Pole Crusing which will give 35 Slots and 2 servers, i hope we can all work together and i have made clearly on my website that people on the forum slagging each other or other servers off will be banned off the forum for a short period and the server. This is the first time i have annouced it in public which i am planning on doing and i hope that we can work all together, and not build a barrier between us.
Also on the first paragraph on the website, if people get the wrong idea of this, it means that it gives you another choice, if you dont like LTC and CLC maybe you may like NPC?

Well ill keep you updated and i hope people will help me (seen as im 14, and its quite a big thing to take on). As im still learning on everything.

Please PM Me if your interested on becoming an officer and part of the team as we are quite desperate for members.

Many thanks for taking interest in this VERRRRRRY long post,

P.s I do know that the logo is Spelt wrong, but the file is at school so ill change it when possible.

Last edited by dmwright, . Reason : Correcting grammer mistakes
S2 licensed

Beat you to it this time
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Hello.
I couldn't find a better place for this, so i put it here.

I'm suggesting that if you win the 1st prize in some week, you can't win another.

Anyone with me?

Hi W*****

Yeh is a good suggestion because you probably get someone winning them all so, that should give other people a chance to win a price.

Btw ***** is just a word which we say to each other on msn and other places
S2 licensed
This is what i would do,

Delete LFS and redownload it. Remember to backup your Settings folder and skins? Redownload it as you do and see if this works, could be a possiblity. Also if this doesnt work maybe your computer is screwed up and your windows or what ever needs reinstalling? There are tips on google how to do that. I recommend a Disk Degfragment, Disk Cleanup, Antivirus, Spywhere is worth a try?

Hope this helps,

Thats what i would do,

S2 licensed

Thanks for your replies !

Leifde ill speak to you on msn

Programmer Please!
S2 licensed

Ive just spent 3 hours making an City Driving Server Layout which i think looks pretty fantastic. Although im a complete noob at programming and dont have a clue what to do. Except hosting servers and LFSLapper and insim. Thats all i know, i don't know the coding or anything. To get to the point is there a file or something like CLC or LTC which i could download and put on my server. You know, Drive and earn money with speed cameras and lotto. Could anybody help? I know this is asking alot but would be appreciated!

Many Thanks,

Looking forward to ALL of your replies!

S2 licensed
Try rebooting your router/modem. I normally get this when i have slow interenet. What ISP are you with? Also if this doesnt work try changing the cable, maybe could be a fault? Have you also tried rebooting your pc?

Hope this helps,

S2 licensed
i would of joined you, but i was kicking TRM.13 a*s in a kart