Ive just been looking at PCWorld.co.uk (whilst i was waiting for Niko to come back on msn) and a review centre and i cant really see anybody talking about LFS. There either talking about Gran turismo and Test drive at the review centre. Now to be onist i personly think that LFS is better than all these games put together but i think to my self what is the difference and how come there alot well known? The only explination of this is because i think that they are put on CD and in shops (compact disk) and people spread the word? But i personly found LFS quite hard to find through a karting website (which my brother told me about). Should LFS be put on CD and published in shops and be spread, and with a S2 Licence code inside to create an account? Then The LFS Community would definitaly become greater!
Ive also added a poll just to make out what you think.
I think it alot different and i feel that its not that great but would do. If somebody turns into me and we both go sideway and i sort of hit him on the side he goes into a spin and flips. My brother just touched someone down the straight scraped sides and they both came off. In real like you would really feel a jerk and bit of an impact in the wheel.
Ive been wondering seen as i have to join through specific Game then local network and connecting through my IP Address. I cannot see the game on the master server so i dont know how to find out my ping. Is there anyway i can find out my ping?
Ive just tried loading LFS Lapper so i could use it on my server, but however LFS Lapper is being very strange. Every time i try to load LFS Lapper It says this file is in use so cannot load. I cant think of anything which is using the file so could someone who has experienced this problem (or knows) how to fix it could they please help me?
Yeh thankyou for entertaining me for the the last 12months and im sure there is alot more time to come. I recon this is the best game ever (even on any console), your work has been oustanding and i cant download the patches as fast as you put them on (im downloading at 200kb, when my internet is strong). THANKYOU AGAIN! Now every body put your hands together!