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S2 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :I don't know of any adapters, but if your computer's video card supports Video In then it would be easy. Usually cards with TV tuners have this functionality.

Thats exactly what ive got But I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT. The lag is about 6 seconds, because it has to process it travel etc, and I believe it doesnt develop graphics as good as the tv would (My graphics card is a geforce with 256mb).

S2 licensed
Were Hoping to run a Event over the christmas season, Is there anyone interested in joining the team?
S2 licensed
Don't tell me you were going to spend £150 for a wheel then not buy a s2 Licence For £24?
S2 licensed
Stick it on ebay
S2 licensed
Don't get that post :s
S2 licensed
Simply you need to really concentrate. Try to remember the more track you use - More turn in and faster through bends = More speed = Faster times. Also keep practising and watch the leader, and concentrate on his lines, try and be smooth with the wheel/gears/throttle and brake controls. Keep exploring different lines, trying to find every possible split second you can find. Try various setups, (Infereno), and don't listen to people who say the setup only counts for 10%, you HAVE to suit the setup if you want to go fast. You need to know what the car is going to do and how to respond to the car in various ways. If you are really struggling I will be willing to give up some of my free time and help you. (Especcially blackwood, im always winning on there! ). Hope this post helps you, and another thing always keep confident, and don't let things around you distract you!

Kind Regards,

S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :How much will I earn as a professional racing driver in your team. T7R pay me bugger all, so I'd seriously consider jumping ship for about £20k.

How about if I make you an offer, £15k?

Seriously now, We hope to be a big fast team in the future

S2 licensed
Hotlaps (1-2 Laps)- R1
Short Race (5 Laps)- R2
Medium Racing (10 Laps)- R2/R3 (Depends on how much you use the tyres and depending on the track)
Longish Races (25 Laps)- R3
Long Race (25+ Laps) - R4

This depends on if you have pitstops etc...

Hope this helps

S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Whats with the aggressive comments? Come on... He wanted to have fun, let him have fun. Thats what i do when i am bored, i don't find it retardish. Please, give him a break. I am pretty sure you have used tweak and drifted with it... Yes, a small rant-ish speech.

Nice video, imho. Whats that song?.

Well said . He's Intitled to have fun, Thats what LFS is about isn't it?
S2 licensed
Maybe this could be in the improvement section, maybe you should be allowed to change those options?

S2 licensed
Daniel you banned me from CLC perm because I thought your driving for an admin was unacceptable.
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :I used this song for my slow motion vid.

The songs cool! :s
Looking for a team, With Professional Racing Drivers In It?
S2 licensed
Hello Team Searchers!

First of all welcome to our advertisement for clean fast drivers. Our team is called Kart Racer's, which you DON'T have to be a karter, just enjoy racing on LFS.
We are recruiting because we are a small 5 Person team who are willing to take on more members. All we ask is you to is try to race competitivly, cleanly, drive atleast once a week and Fast! We do have a website, which is currently still in work ( Hopefully we are trying to organize an event which will run every 2 weeks, will take alot of organizing but we are willing to do that.
We have Team skins, thanks to Invader, he's pretty good at them aswell, have to hand him that! If you are interested please drop me a PM with your name, Age, Race Name and country.

Thanks for your interest,

Matthew ([KR] Nofear)
S2 licensed
look like more than a lick of paint will fix that
S2 licensed
Sorry in advance to be going a little off topic but...

The tracks which have been updated and different things done to the cars must effect the time in some way or another. Will there be any lap records after this patch being realesed (especcially Blackwood and South City tracks)? Im really looking forward to try the new car and can't wait until trying all different things which lfs now gives us.

Scawen - If that really was your first time in a single seater car, I think what I saw in that video was astonashing. I think you should try kart racing professionaly .


Quote from Crashgate3 :That's the glow from the overheating clutch :P

looked like a tracking graph or fire from here
S2 licensed
yay! looks like more fun
S2 licensed
In that case we need to aim for the fastest gear ratio of the line?
S2 licensed
Hmmm, maybe you would have to aim for both? Like Power but not alot of wheel spin, so the engine doesnt bog down. But not to much power so the wheels don't spin that to much to loose time? If you get me?

*Wonders If its another odd post*

S2 licensed
Lol its alright, Should see the ammount of questions ive asked here .

Jakg - Wouldn't that give you wheel spin tho and give you a bad start or would you have to change the ratio of 1st gear?
S2 licensed
Err, How about KR Racing Team?

Were just a racing team with alot of karters in it really.

Just drop me a PM if your interested.
S2 licensed
Hmmm don't AMB make transponders?

Anyway, I just tend to mess around with the setup, and it sort of works , well, In away.

All you have to do is understand what Castor and Camber With suspension and Tow and er Flexing thats it.
S2 licensed
Happyyyyyy Birthdayyy *Sings*

Party Time - :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Shouldnt we be mad at him really? For creating such a good game which is taking over are lifes?

Only messin Have a good day! Hip Hip Heraaa
Last edited by dmwright, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :I use manual clutch for the start with the car in first gear, full revs, clutch at biting point, at green just jump of the clutch. You can also adjust the first gear ratio to avoid excessive wheel spin of the start line or even go online and watch someone making a fast start and ask nicely for his/her set

Welcome to S2, do not be afraid to go online, it is the best place to learn

So that's why you were so quick
S2 licensed

First of all welcome to LFS, and glad to see you got S2 Straight away .

Anyway, back to the subject, what I would normally recommend is keep on practicing. When the lights go Red Red Green, Try and get it as soon as the Green goes on, or when you feel it's going to go green slam it into first and off you go. Keep doing this, you will get the hang of it. Today I got a pretty good start and I passed the guy infront of me off the line, and we were on the front row, so I guess it can really cost you abit of time really.
Also, If people start saying its not the setup its the driver, I find it isn't. I'd say it's 50/50 driver HAS to suit the setup to be able to be up there. Hard track and Race_S you will be way off. Are you on wheel, mouse or keyboard?

Kind Regards,

S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Dmwright never made it to officer status on the other cruise servers. Poor him. Now he's got his own server where he can play cop . I think that's why people start new servers. They're not doing very well on other servers.

Excuse me Erik, I NEVER even applied for a officer?


Krammeh, Just take it, one of the guys out of your team made a mod for NPC. There is no point in going on now your getting rather boring with it.

All of you guy knew about NPC, About we were looking for a Coder, and we were going to open around this time. Maybe you ALL didnt have faith in us and thought I was a stupid 14 year old kid trying to get somewhere. Well NPC Has happened, NPC Is online and NPC is working.

We want to progress and make a fun enviroment NOT where people 24/7 argu. Also Mcgas001, Dustin, Me, John all wanted to get somewhere. We didnt just want to cruise on someone else servers, we wanted to be more in charge.

Also, TC came to the server and ACTULLY wished us look WITHOUT any arguments.

NPC are sorry for the inconvience we caused with the other cruise servers but I think this is dragging out. As mcgas001 says, He enjoyed making the insim, so whats the point of letting his ability go through the window? NPC SHOULDNT BE SUFFERING ANY ABUSE. There are many cruise servers out there and you have a wide range of choice.

Krammeh, Why are you doing this? We both said sorry, and groveled etc. We don't want to argu.

Last edited by dmwright, .