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Just let every one know that....
S2 licensed

If you have sky tv and have been offered Sky Broadband for £0-£10 P/M my advice would be not to take it. Since we have swapped from Wanadoo/Orange to sky broadband it has been hell ever since. Im timing out atleast 10 times perday and im running 8MB, during every timeout i have to get up go downstairs and reset the router. Sky have told us different things by different people (i.e To many computers, Main socket, Faulty WLAN Cards). This internet is only useful for people who browse the internet about twice a week (If its on).
As i get so furstrated by loosing my car on CLC server i have to wait in a very long que to rejoin the host. I also did some research and i 9/10 slagged the internet off with the following:

I recently switch from NTL to Sky, my motivations were simple: NTL is far too expensive and it is very difficult to speak to someone on the help line. The Sky offer looked on paper very attractive from £0 for the 2mb broadband to £15 for the 16mb... For Chrismas I decided to treat my self and went for the 16mb.
What I have experienced since is nothing but torture! The quality of service is terrible, constant drops (ie no more internet!) only solved by switching the modem on and off, and believe me this is very anoying when you have to lift your fat arse form the sofa every 5 minutes! When the internet is working (not often...) I get on average around 0.5mb (instead of the 16mb promised...). I managed once to get 6mb for 2 minutes which is still 10mb off the16mb I have signed for... I got on the phone with the support team after a very long wait (Ntl style...) and they were clueless, and useless... I am stuck in a 12 month contract, I cant wait until the 19/12/07, the last day of my contract...

This is exactly the problems what ive been having then i have to nag you guys thinking it was my pc or the router. I think Sky Broadband are going to do something about this quickly or people will be changing.

Whilst im doing this message can a few people kindly put the suppliers if they recommend them and they dont timeout? Because that would be very helpful because ive lost hope with sky but 0.0001% of me thinks that it will improve. Its clearly not any good for LFS, and hope you guys read this and dont get stuck with a 12month Contract which was the mistake we made.


S2 licensed
The F1 car is the with just the rims and the wheels different, they cant even think up their own ideas

S2 licensed
Hi Thanks for you answers,

BTW (karting) Thats my brother and its at PFI but i start this year in 2 weeks.
Ebay Selling Fee's
S2 licensed

I know this is a strange question to be asked on LFS but i have looked on Ebay and cant get my answer. We were going to sell are router and we were setting up a Ebay Selling Account. As we would probably only sell a few items on ebay and we were is the process of setting the account up it come up with something about monthly payments to ebay? Now i was wondering i thought the ebay selling fees (starting bid / Ending Bid) were all the fees that went to ebay to sell the item and there would be a small Paypal Fee to recieve the payment? Does anyone who sells on ebay could kindly help me?


S2 licensed

Thanks for all your reply and ill try the edernet. Ill firstly look through the forum about the loosing connection threads.

Just one more question

Sky broardband have been rated one of the worst company for internet because of loosing connection could this be one of the problems?

Thanks again

Ethernet Cable Instead of Wireless Card
S2 licensed

Since we have moved to Sky Broadband we have been sufering problems on my computer which is wireless. So ive been asking around and was told that try an Ethernet cable because wireless lags to much. I have seen on tv that Sky has had 2nd worst complaints, because its always off and on and slow. But most of the time its fast but i wouldnt recommend it. So i was thinking would a Ethernet cable improve the signal and i wouldnt lag and loose connection as much?

Please Help,

S2 licensed
This is what i would try:

Firstly i would try it a few times to see if it just starts to work

If that didnt work i would do a diskdefrag just to test if your computer isnt messed up.(By doing tht you do Start>All programs>accessories>System tools>Disk Defragment).

Also maybe your spec of your pc cant cope with Windows Vista and LFS? (CPU or Ram)

Not saying these wont work but might aswell try putting more ram in depending on how much you already have

Good Luck
S2 licensed
My driving is smooth in the xrt but when i put my foot down early out of the corner the back flicks out so you need quick reactions out of the corner. so im not really a big fan of the xrt
Time out/Lost Connection To Host Problems
S2 licensed

I have been suffering problems on race servers every now and then when im on CLC it times out and i loose my car, Saying Find! I was wondering maybe because Sky Broardband has a big demand or either it was my Wireless Lan Card?Shrug So im loosing up to 6 cars aday and dont like taking expensive cars out of the pit lane so i dont lagFrown

Please Help :Eyecrazy:

Last edited by dmwright, .
S2 licensed
Ok thanks ill give it ago
Sony Vaio Belkin Card Trouble
S2 licensed

My brother has asked me to try and connect his wireless belkin card to are Sky Netgear Router. Every time i go through the Belkin program and i select the Network and then it asks me for the network key. I try putting in the key but its heximal keys not passphrase so it wont exept certain letters. So i tried going into profiles and creating one for the network which allowed me to choose passphase and type the network key in. After i have entered all the correct information and connect to the internet i try a web page (serveral ones) and it says page cannot be displayed. I have also tried and that doesnt work eiter so im kind of stuck.

Please help, would be greatful,

S2 licensed
ok mate ill give that ago

S2 licensed
ive tried the Host password box with the password then i have entered the server and then entered /restart and it came up in the message area 'You do not have admin rights'.

S2 licensed
i have to connect through local network under specific conection. The i get an option of Ip, Port, Host password*

*which i thinks for Private
Dedicated Server/Autocross
S2 licensed

Ive been strugling with this now for abit but when i was on single player (When my internet was off) i decided to make a Autocross layout so then i could run it on my dedicated server. Seen as i cant be admin because i have to connect through local area connection so i cant load my Autocross layout onto the server. I wondered is there any other way round this like dedicated server setup? or anyway i could get admin?

Please Help

S2 licensed
1.Buy s2
2.Steering wheel
3.use mouse
4.change your setup (inferno is a well known)
5.make sure your taking the corners corectly
5.xfg isnt rear so maybe youd like that?

Hope this helps

S2 licensed
yeh that worked thankyou
S2 licensed

but when we called up to buy sky broardband they sent a letter with Username and password for the router but another letter came saying the line hadnt cleared yet. After we re activated it, we got another letter with just the Username and no password???
S2 licensed
tried and tht doesnt work
Sky Broadband Router
S2 licensed

Recently i have changed from Orange Broadband to Sky Broadband and in this process we have been given another Netgear Router. Meaning i have to log into the router to make a few ports so i can run a LFS Server from my computer. But we havent been given a password so i was wondering is the router locked?



EDIT: Heading Sky Broadband Router
Last edited by dmwright, .
S2 licensed
Just got estimated time of 5-7 days now. Also got router

S2 licensed

Dont worry its not blocked at school .

But i have to watch my teacher tho

Thanks for replys

S2 licensed
C) Depends on price you want to sell.
D) How can you leave LFS


Internet Going Off For 3 Weeks :((
S2 licensed

Whilst we are changing from Orange Broardband to Sky Broadband ive been told its going to take 2-3 Weeks . So that means ill be off LFS and internet for abit. I dunno how im going to survive but all i can do is play with the AI's. Ill try and get on the forum at school tho.

Seeya in a few weeks,

S2 licensed
Ok i mean with server that when i connect through Percific and when putting in my IP address on the third line it says Host password. Ive tried putting in admin password and it doesnt make me admin.

