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Quote from Gills4life ::doh:

Surely the same applies to Senninha. You have no more rights than anyone else, so why try and tear the shit out of someone else for posting and asking a few questions?

Tear the shit out of ? Oh please , some people need thicken the skin slightly
S2 licensed
Bollox to moving on ,my original point about the fact that this has been disscussed before still stands .

If you regard reapting yourself as usefull disscusion , then so be it , sorry but I didn't realise this was a closed disscussion between the select few

Ok I'm out , you and the select few can carry on and discuss the finer points of the CTRA or lack there of ...just seems a little misplaced
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :You can post whatever you want, so long as you're not being overly abusive and condecending. Sadly you failed on that earlier.

If thats the case , you failed right afer . pot , kettle , black anyone ?
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :But Doc, I'm looking for where it says he can't make posts about whatever he wants.

Oh yeah.. He can post about whatever he wants (within logical reason) whenever and in whatever tone (again, within reason) he would like. It shows your mental capacity when you're unable to recognize this and begin to flame and insult him.

No where i guess , but then am I able to make the same posts ? ( my tone being open to discussion)

I see many , many other posts pointing out that that the topic may have been discussed before . But wthout the response that you you so gracefully added to mine .

My original point being , that we have seen the CTRA posts before , and so I find its both repetative and annoying that we have to sit through th same old, same old rubbish as before ..

I am sorry if this offends you

But I stand by my original post ..................CTRA is gone with it and move on
Last edited by DoC_uk, .
S2 licensed
You m8 can think and post what you like , but I for 1 can't see the point in another " i saw the CTRA site up and i'm gonna post " thread . If that makes me me vile and repulsive then so be it ... I'm not here to make Efriends, i post as i see fit or feel at the time , as is my right as i have paid my £24 (if thats ok with you)

He made a thread about a topic that has been discussed before , then came out with random shit that i can't even be assed to quote , inaccurate and unfounded ( look it up )

Ctra was a nice app , very well programed , and for the most part was very well moderated , BUT ...its GONE ... deal with it and move on

I guess you think I am not allowed to reply to idiots that cant get their facts right ?

stfu you vile repulsive fool
S2 licensed
Quote from Steven Seagal Is The Co :why are u so revolting?
personally im interested in bump n jumps, i could have a go there, the tracks to choose from seems to be wide!

wat ?

did you even read the thread ...or this 1 ... =60320&highlight=ctra

im guessing not

Steven Seagal he your hero ? or you just REALLY like him ? I kinda thought he got a little fat in the last few years , let him self go a little .. , bet you would love a 3 some with him and Jean-Claude Van Damme eh ? ...its ok to admit it m8

yay 201 posts in 6 years ...i'm such a forum whore ! Double century ..go me
Last edited by DoC_uk, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :don't you have anything else to do rather than talk crap all the time? I don't think I'm the one who should stfu when you are going offtopic (I'm being a hypocrit here but I don't go this far).

1. if its a fact then its not crap

2. its not off topic

3. you just don't like being proved wrong and so lower yourself to mindless random insults ...

Facts are , this HAS been discussed before and you just don't like that being pointed out to you .

suck it up m8
S2 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :This is the first thread of them all, mate. And I don't take any pride in it whatsoever, it just came from a doubt stemming from the website being up, so please read the OP before making stupid, reasonless comments like that one.

Ok i was wrong ...there is only 1 , but still my case stands ... ... =60320&highlight=ctra

So how about you get a 'kin clue before spouting off your "OMFG CTRA is back boff boff boff boff ahhhhh " type threads

now stfu and go find a different web addy to sit there and refresh
S2 licensed

(bump to keep people informed)
S2 licensed
Jeez people must just sit there all day refreshing the CTRA website addy in the vain hope that it comes back ...and the world is well again

Think this is the the 3rd OMFG ctra is back ..quick get the tissues im about to explode thread

If the guy that wrote it is using it on his CV , thats cool , its a nice piece of work ...... but please do us all a favor , and change summit in the addy so the numpties dont post "OMFG CTRA is back boff boff boff boff ahhhhh " type threads
S2 licensed
Does this mean you gonna keep your laggy ass's of our UK servers ?

You play over there , and we will play over here

Runs and hides
S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :couldnt agree more!


'kin great sig btw ... i loled
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :XRG, XRT, XRR

B****x .. aye valid point , for some reason just didnt put the xrg with the other two in my head ...

the Lx8 ..would that have slicks maybe , i could live wth that
S2 licensed
Quote from Dalek0220 :Fools.

I'll be the one laughing when we all find out the new car is the LX8.

That would make 3 lx's only a fool would want 3 versions of the same car rather than summit different
S2 licensed
Thanks guys ... tried googling 3 more times upper and lower case ..set to UK only and still cameras ... strange

That would be nice btw , 375 hp awd weighs the same as a peanut !

Thx for pointing me in the right direction guys
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :And the worrd you're looking for is "to". To S2 or not to S2. 2 is a number, and is inapproriate.

Ahh i did chuckle , but to be fair it looks as if he from the UK and so probably knows .

Also you got my attention with mention of a DP1 , so i googled this but came up with nothing but rather expensive cameras .Any chance you could give me the full name please , would like to take a look .
S2 licensed
Quote from jewjoo :I was wondering, Ilove the demobut should i weight for s3 to come out and radical and scirocoo and rcokingham or buy s2 now?

thanks in regards tom


The radical eh ? cool that clears that up then ....I heard it was gonna be a motorized pig with wheels for trotters ?

Buy s2 now .. then upgrade to s3 , it won't cost you any more or less money
S2 licensed
gotta say pics do look rather tasty

But I hope this wont hold up the release of the new tire model

The front wheel drive crapbox i can live without ...

KY- v1.2 i can live without

Dont delay the new physics plz Mr Dev sir
S2 licensed
Errr give the people that have bought the game the beta then ?

If its good enough for the punters at a bttc event , then im sure we could have some fun with it while you guys refine it

I have my flame proof wellies on .. so bo**ox to ya all
S2 licensed
Quote from rasmusl :i will find you, and give you a swift kick in the balls if you give me false hope
Otherwise, good job

S2 licensed
Nice rework of the whole hotlap thing .. Very nice website intergration also ,good job chaps at SR

if you like me .... in the 25-30 ..... also 20-70 bracket hurts man really hurts
S2 licensed
I read ..then re-read , i couldnt believe my eyes !! not a single vote

Shocked i tells ya !!

I vote [SR]zeugnimod as he seems like a nice guy and dosn't hold a grudge
S2 licensed
I for 1 would like to change mine ( Doc was a very old FPS name i used since Quake ) Would like to change to my race name which is much more grown up

But I'm not gonna sign , as after reading some of the replies its never gonna happen .

The Devs are busy enough atm i would think
S2 licensed
Quote from Damion1972 :How much time must somebody spend at LFS for the right to say something in the forum?

you're quite right , the 6 month thing was a cheap shot , on the other hand its not really about the right to say something , more about really knowing what you are saying . knowledge gathered over time ..

@Jrd.racer , sorry about the 6 month thing there buddy , was an uncalled for comment
S2 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :i saw that Amg was kinda being compared with CD a bit so i commented
and what about the other guys taliking about the FZR is rear engine or not..they basically hijacked the tread too.

No its not being compared to CD , a few CD have posted here but its a disscussion about the AMG server .

The disscusion about the pros and cons of the xxr was infact quite interesting , so I stand buy my previous post