Bollox to moving on ,my original point about the fact that this has been disscussed before still stands .
If you regard reapting yourself as usefull disscusion , then so be it , sorry but I didn't realise this was a closed disscussion between the select few
Ok I'm out , you and the select few can carry on and discuss the finer points of the CTRA or lack there of ...just seems a little misplaced
No where i guess , but then am I able to make the same posts ? ( my tone being open to discussion)
I see many , many other posts pointing out that that the topic may have been discussed before . But wthout the response that you you so gracefully added to mine .
My original point being , that we have seen the CTRA posts before , and so I find its both repetative and annoying that we have to sit through th same old, same old rubbish as before ..
I am sorry if this offends you
But I stand by my original post ..................CTRA is gone with it and move on
You m8 can think and post what you like , but I for 1 can't see the point in another " i saw the CTRA site up and i'm gonna post " thread . If that makes me me vile and repulsive then so be it ... I'm not here to make Efriends, i post as i see fit or feel at the time , as is my right as i have paid my £24 (if thats ok with you)
He made a thread about a topic that has been discussed before , then came out with random shit that i can't even be assed to quote , inaccurate and unfounded ( look it up )
Ctra was a nice app , very well programed , and for the most part was very well moderated , BUT ...its GONE ... deal with it and move on
I guess you think I am not allowed to reply to idiots that cant get their facts right ?
Steven Seagal he your hero ? or you just REALLY like him ? I kinda thought he got a little fat in the last few years , let him self go a little .. , bet you would love a 3 some with him and Jean-Claude Van Damme eh ? ...its ok to admit it m8
yay 201 posts in 6 years ...i'm such a forum whore ! Double century ..go me
Jeez people must just sit there all day refreshing the CTRA website addy in the vain hope that it comes back ...and the world is well again
Think this is the the 3rd OMFG ctra is back ..quick get the tissues im about to explode thread
If the guy that wrote it is using it on his CV , thats cool , its a nice piece of work ...... but please do us all a favor , and change summit in the addy so the numpties dont post "OMFG CTRA is back boff boff boff boff ahhhhh " type threads
Ahh i did chuckle , but to be fair it looks as if he from the UK and so probably knows .
Also you got my attention with mention of a DP1 , so i googled this but came up with nothing but rather expensive cameras .Any chance you could give me the full name please , would like to take a look .
you're quite right , the 6 month thing was a cheap shot , on the other hand its not really about the right to say something , more about really knowing what you are saying . knowledge gathered over time ..
@Jrd.racer , sorry about the 6 month thing there buddy , was an uncalled for comment