@ Please Be Nice , very nicely written thread my friend ! Your 1st point i'm not sure about ( more of that at the end ) , but your second point got me thinking , a little .
I think the bragging is something that only happens in a semi anonymous enviroment like a forum, this being that in the real world amongst our friends this is seen and rightly so as being bigheaded or arrogant . So just brush it off m8 , ingnore and carry on .Its been mentioned in above posts and i agree that a good deal of it is just chest puffing and probably to be taken with a pinch of salt ( shovel full ) ? They wouldn't do it in real life , so they do it here to prop up their delicate egos ... screw em !
As for the posting anonymously , no need jeez im the most hated bugger on this forum and I'll still post with my s2 account ,why? Because its just a forum and my real life goes on away from here! You seem far more , polite , articulate and offer a much better standard of written English than i do so throw caution to the wind , and post with your s2 !
As for your Dads situation , I feel for him m8 , I'm a tradesman and have been without work for 3 months now and nothing is looking like appearing very soon , it blows chunks . All you can do is keep pluggin' away , I hope things change for your family soon i really do .
Ok , back to the 1st point ..( already hated so just gonna throw this out there )
After 1st teasing us with a " You get new patch next week " post ...Do you think that after 3 months we could just get an update ? We're nearly there guys hang in there ..or , more probs , not gonna be anytime soon
I love the game as is .. sure aint gonna throw my toys out the pram because we didnt get the patch ( and to be perfectly honest I would rather wait for it to be finished than half assed and rushed ). Just a little info , realisticly would take a dev all of 30 mins to write a quick post .It really could be as short as mentioned in previous paragraph .
I know i'm gonna get crucified for my last 2 paras , thick skin and all that !
So again @ Please Be Nice , declare yourself now . They will be to busy nailing me to the cross to care