same as the super pi mod list but who's got the best temps for fan and water cooling when under load and idle
ill start it please use similar programs so that the consistency of the scores are good im using Intel tat and speed fan and prime 95 to put it under load let it run for at leased 5 mins to get the temp up lol
hahahaha my hdd is standard from my original pc think its a maxitor 80gb that runs my operating systems lol ive got 4 other 320gbs on raid but it only looks at the main hdd with the operating system
and i got a 5.7
and my cpu e6550 gets a 5.3 @ 2.33ghz and i think its crap lol
and a 5.0 for a 256 gfx card that cost next to nothing! gah think this is crap
PRO STREET[SIZE=2] wost game ive ever played to demanding on pc and just not worth the hassle and who wants to buy a game that if on easy brakes and almost will steer for you????? drifting on train rails whats up with that ill pay somone to take my NSPS off me
0/10 for the whole game no actualy 1 for the drag it was ok
most disappointing game
[SIZE=2]found that near the end it dint matter how many rounds u emptied into the aliens they dint die, the rail gun doesn't work with moving objects, try shooting one of them moving alien things on the boat like you would with any other game always seem to miss.
and the lack of ammo in hard parts
Graphics 10/10
game play 7/10
storyline 4/10 seems that all fps games are the same now days
controls 10/10 dint have to set up my keys for this game was happy for that
computer demands not high i can play it on all medium on 4gb ram 256gfx 2.33ghz processor (dual core)
best game i play this year. and im gonna be fully honest, DIRT i thought was good but i have only played it 4 times so it was good till ive played carer for a bit it just got worse worse and worse its very nice on the eyes at first and gets you going but i spose i was wrong so best for me
AGE OF THE EMPIRES- Asian dynasty's
i love long games that can get u stuck into them
and crysis critics again ive now played it on hard and can finish it in a night now i know what to do it took 2 nights on normal the only bit that gets you is being stuck in the alien plant where you need to find a way out and go though them tunnel things and choke aliens because theres like 2 rounds of ammo and i wasted all mine shooting the floor after becoming weightless
Last edited by Dooonster, .
you really need to open up you pc and see the slots that ur mobo has as i just thought i could be wrong im not expert but you may have AGP onboard GFX and thats what that program is telling you
this is what a PCIE card and slot looks like and how it should be installed, when i wake up ill write how to do it but first find out what slot u have!
PCIE slot not in use
standard PCIE GFX cards
hope that helps ya but if ur going to upgrade get a good second hand one like the Nvida one that i show with the fan i got it for 2 pounds and its a 256mb that would do u just fine it works well and runs LFS at 120fps
lol the wheels my best mate lol its being through some good times with me lol well im getting another cheap FF one hofully next week and then ill get my G25 when i get the cash dads bday sort of crept up on me lol and i got him a 52inch hdtv and im building him a HTMC so give it some time lol
also just saw this on ebay for ya find out if ur pc is AGP or PCI cause this is cheap enough and will bump the GFX up to a decent 90-130FPS thats what i used to get
well 2.8 should be just fine its ram a gfx then just get ur ram up to 1gb and get a non on board GFX card if your board supports it just look into it and see what happens but by the sounds of it ur GFX is so C***p that its using some of ur ram to try and power it. so try updating ur GFX card first then go for some ram.
well its better then t 3 msi ones i had that supported sli just kept breaking so the computer guy sujjested swap it for this, im getting a (..................) lets just say its a secret, but i need some help on the cpu should i just stick with what i have? i was thinking Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 but i could wait and get the case i want then get the other stuff end of feb when i get paid again lets just say the rig will be tooo much for me but hey lol i wont need another for a very long time lol and if im gona upgrade ram what should i go to i can take it to the 1066 but is it worth it? so far the damage for this month is looking at 315 pounds lol i only payed just over 100 for the motherboard and cpu so im happy with that result
i hit 200FPS today so i think the setup im on is running very well dam i cant wait to get all my new stuff more pics of the setup and the video of it hitting 200FPS with a video running on my other moniter
the fps screenshot from video im happy realy the 512 card is second hand and cost me 200RMB equilivant to just over 10 pounds lol
have to upload video in a min photobucket is like watching the queen trying to walk somwhere it taking forever
lol its not stock its a coolmaster ice 3 and im gona upgrade again end of month i sort of ran out of money this month so the cpu is tempary so i dont mind harjin ing it to learn the limits of a processer and the things it can do when overclocked at that level. im going for a quad or somthing i havent realy made my mind up, i payed about 65pounds for this processer new and i have all the shite for it if u want to get one i could prob get them sent over or the better ones.
heres the stress test after 35mins or touture
And standard when not doing anything realy
for my version of windows i can only see 3.5 of the ram so im not botherd about getting 4x2gb just yet as this was all i could afford lol
but i do need some help tho i can get 512 2x8800gt nvidia for cheap should i go for it or should i look at somthing differnt im currently running 1x nvida 512 7300gt and a 1x 256 7300gts and is ok for now but i do still have some small issues running some very demanding games but i do think thats due to my processer. so watch this space im spending most of my pay on it to get it how i want so
YUS and a new motherboard and spec to go with that post now!
yum yum
and im only using 2 of the screens atm the colour just dont seem right on the new two i got but i cant complain for 15 pounds new with 1 year warrent
forgot to upload the video ive got it running almost 40fps under load of photoshop and music videos on one screen and lfs on the other and im only using two screens atm
well took it for a quick spin with my dual gfx card setup and this was the resualts! from my last pc with 2.66 pentium d with std motherboard to A gigabite one and a 2.33 dual core
results 181.12 max Fps woooooo
OLD setup
this is what my setup looks like now