common problems with most cars has it being hot recently?
check the belt is it tight?
How to check it because it will feel tight to u.
spray some Wd40 on the belt if it stops making the noise u know ur problem
take a photo for me of what the parts are that it connects to on ur engine so that i can think of all the possible things.
if there was air in the pump the steering would get heavy then light then heavy
when does this occur most cold, hot after long drive first thing in the morning?
and last think of the sound does it sound like some of the old buses like a loose belt or does it sound like a quick loud high pitched scream at certain RPM
i know u said its when u rev but where in the range of RPM?
and also do u have the Air con on ? could be that too
and lastly do you loose any performance on a normal drive? like power?
to check this get ur fav song on make it night have the high beams on pump up the volume and floor it, if you have power issues it should feel restricted or like there is something wrong and the alternator light will come on. also if u have the wd40 handy spray a bit around the pulleys.
oo and before i forget last check hows the brake pads? if its when u move could be them.
i haven't really worked on them cars but thats what i can think of send me a few pics and ill ask some of my mates and see if they know of any common problems they have delt with.
hope it helps mate BTW did you know that a not even a third of that money that u give the dealer goes to the mechanic?
when i started my apprenticeship i was paid 2.50pounds an hour the uk industrial minimum wage and we charged 55pounds an hour labor lol
its either a different engine or its got a dragon flamer kit sold by MOTORWORLD lol i worked there for 4 months and sold loads of them
in the second video it hits what seems like a limiter but in a old panda they were carb.
the dragon flamer will do this when u set it to a sertain rpm, and temp the kit will make the car fire on 2 cylinders then 4 then 3 then 1 all very quickly dumping fuel down the pipes.
the backbox is same as what i had on my nova its like a twin but not. ur lucky if u even get one of them to work its routed very weirdly
it sounds like crap on that car tho its sounded good on my 2 L nova lol and i never did shit like that to my car i used it in padocks and playing about till it was almost dead then i welded my own roll cage up and banger raced it.
its where all cars like that belong
then a chav payed me 200 for the car after it died because i told him the back box system was worth thousands and it doesn't only sound good but it really improves performance on smaller engines!
but the bigger the box the worse on a small engine as there isnt enough back pressure in the Zorst to run the car perfectly lol
my mate is good he advises me not to spend money saying i spend to much, and taobao is full of stolen goods if u read it correctly, it says store warranty or manufactures warranty. so if u get it cheaper u know where its come from and taking things back to stores ages away bah no thanks lol,
i use pc online to get a price that it sells at the the info then i go to my mate and get it at the good friends price
i can get a tt toughpower 650 w its cheaper and its probably better in some ways with support for 4 sli cards all plugging into it so think i will go for that.
also for running all of this including the 2 8800gt's what power should i need 1 600w or a 450w?.
It also has some Uv lights in the case and water cooling and a couple of fans on the HDDs and 4 hdds 1 blue ray player 1 DVD ram and a DVD rom independent sound card and 2 cooling controllers,
ive had my 8gb touch for about 4 months now and is very disappointed, i was using a cowon A2 for a couple of weeks before i used this and ive got to say the i pod would win if it was BETTER!.
the touch screens becoming unresponsive
it doesn't reconise my music and some of my songs randomly vanish, yes im using the Shitty i tunes, but when i touch music it comes up with there is no music to display i click it again its the same i click again its all there
then i watch a few videos and go back to music and nope song i was playing isn't on the ipod no more
reconnect it to the pc and wipe and start again, ok for a few hours and then again music slowly deletes it self, the battery is good its still going strong
my remote works when it feels like it
the springboard freezes alll the time, and the utube button doesn't work and this is 4 months old never dropped charged correctly and is covered from head to toe in protection i got scratch protection sticker things on the front and the back i got a plastic hard case over that,
dont forget what country you live in where manners don't exist at all and kids run wild smoking and drinking swearing and wearing stupids matching bright colored tracksuits and calling them selfs chavs
i remember the day i arrived in the uk and was walking down the street and some kid and his dad were walking.
the dad had bought the kid a new toy who rip the packaging off like there was no tomorrow and proceeded to play with the toy dropping the rubbish on the ground.
my dad who after years of living in Australia. where doing this is illegal and u can be fined for it. kindly picked up the rubbish and alerted the father that his sun had dropped this only to be punched by the father then yelled at and and spat on.
So welcome to england we all said to each other.
after that i spent nearly 5 years in england and was the best time of my life but the attitude and disobedience of the younger was appalling. there is a lack of bins and just no discipline or teaching into doing the write thing.
but as said before in another thread thats how i found the uk others my of had a different experience
back on subject more bike lanes would be good i used to dig my bike out about 2 times a month to ride to work to keep my self in good fitness, and if u have to ride on the road well i tended not to i like my life, and it was quicker to ride along the A4 to get to work
theres a place in england just like this near Windsor i cant remember where ill dig up the thread out of my old car website thats now dead
but it did this with crap car alarms,
Now my theory
is that its not a electrical interference or anything like that nor is it a jammer what it is, is just that there are other devices occupying that frequency and therefore acts like a jammer, think of it like using a remote control car on one frequency then i come along and use the same frequency from another remote.
its going to interfere with it. so there in NYC must just be so many items and channels flowing around and doing the same effect. cars use this type of system to activate alarms using a certain frequency i reckon its just certain types of cars with a certain alarm running on a certain frequency. and it doesn't matter if the alarm excepts a different code to what is flowing in that frequency, depending on the frequency it can flow in various different tones therefore and change in the spikes will act like a code to the receiver and make the immobilizer cut in.
reason u cant get back in is the unlocking requires 4 spikes of the exact frequency to activate or unlock it(I THINK)
now i could be totally wrong. but thats what i believe is doing it as same as the one in Windsor move it out of the area where the signal goes and car will unlock and start
Last edited by Dooonster, .
Reason : dint make sence dam dyslexia
hey and after its all over do you know whats going to happen, the Americans will make a movie from it staring tom cruse woooooooo
but to make this more fun, think of if you put a cat in a box and put a poison's gas into the box and leave it for a while is the car dead? without looking in the box is the cat dead?
i just dug out my BMW spec book and if my calculations are correct the wheels and tyres that will run best for looks on that E36 would be an offset of 28.20mm and a size of 215/40/17 and dropped on shorter and stiffer springs by 15mm to keep the spec as closest to the original performance.
if i was going for speed and racing i would go for a size of 225/50/15 with an offset of 41.20mm using a set of 20mm spaces to keep the offset in check.
then again lower it but i would need to drive it to get it how i liked it and felt it was best for my style of racing before saying what id lower it to.
so now the reason why it will slow you down because most people just chuck any old wheels on there cars without looking at the original spec they will always loose the diameter of the original wheels, the car isn't made to take bigger or smaller, so therefore it will effect performance all over the bigger the wheel the more weight u add to the car some wheels can add 20lbs per wheel so adding more weight will always slow you down? and the bigger the wheel means the Rpm will have to be higher to move the car off the line then over all it wont make a difference. on a BMW as their performance is in the Higher RPM. so it will be sluggish off the start but as it get moving it will then be easier on the car but not always benifitial. (sp)
after adding bigger wheels to a car you should always upgrade ur brakes if not change the pads and discs, and check them regularly
as said before i don't want to go into a willy waving competition of who thinks they are right and wrong and who know better then the others, so before we spamm the fook out of the thread so letts take it to Pm or i cant be bothered
1: ive got 6 years of working on cars, plus a degree in mechanics so i wouldn't go there.
2: old ladys will most likely get it serviced more, when i worked at reno they actually brought theres in more as they like to windge more about it.
3: the bigger the diameter of the wheels will slow down the both top and start speeds, it takes longer to travel the distance that the original 15 inch steelies would, therefore without any technical words or going into it, it would slow it down but not by much. just think of a mouse running in its wheel give it a bigger one it will take it longer to get the rotation going but when its up to speed it will then maintain the speed its at more consistent rate but then slowing it down would be an issue, well not that much for a BMW as they come with decent big brakes from the start,
the car will feel smother because of its low and wide profile tyres, hence why "The General Lee" likes the drive and i can totaly reason with him on this, lets not turn this into a willy waving competitions on how much we know about cars and so on i just dint recommend that he got that car as a first. but well done mate your doing better then most at your age who dont have cars.
i did this on my first car in Australia when i was doing it.
it was a 1962 Austin pickup, but we used a bake beans tin, but i got rid of the silencers all together. then welded it to the pipe, then we wrote crap all over the car to make it a joke since it was only covered in primer lol, made for fun days
but how does it do on fuel(instant killer there) is it the E36? its just not a first car most people choose so.
SA: top speeds good and all but thats what it said when it was new lol, its not there today unless its being patted by some granny for years,its just slow and when u put the big wheels on it well that dosnt help! i cant even remeber the silly wheels mums had on it but they were 300 quid a tyre
A:ur a new driver ur curiosity will prevail
A 1: till u drive other cars then get back in your lounge room then u will notice it.
i used to hate driving my mums new BMW, something just wasn't right
hate to blow ur bubble but ur more or less buying my system im using the same ram same hdd with same size almost same processor and same GFX card model but mines a 1gb
and if that GFX card was good to anyone you can call me retardmcspakypants
depending on what operating system u will run the setup will run good for a while till you fill it up it becomes painfully slow and another 2gb is in order,
and dont get that GFX card its processor is wank! u will be better off with a 7600gt 256mb it will be quicker never buy a card because it says 512mb or bla bla bla look at its GPU is it quick bet that one don't make over 1000mhz.
my 1gb makes 1800mhz but its still worse then my 7300gt 256mb
it was just dead cheap for 1gb and i dint look at the processor, i mean 60quid was like very inviting lol. and no stop i know u all told me it was shit :hide:
sony is my fav u just think that blue tooth sucks on all moto's
mind ive got a HTC touch atm its ok but sony just more reliable.
sell it on ebay some person will buy it there a popular phone because of the style and flip