only problem with that game is the console its on.
(only reason i say this is i despise the controller)
GT has being around for years they are experienced in making the game forza has had how long so don't contest,
to finalise the damage system for GT how many cars are there? how many tracks, if thinking about the physics in a crash and just driving on the road and the graphics it will be a few more years before the technology can handle this sort if thing. i couldn't imagine the difficulties in doing this and fitting it all on one disc fat chance lol
rumors have being going around for years about damage to be done in GT but its just the same as DNF not going to happen nice to dream about it but still not happening,
what do you see more of in a house cockpits made for game consoles or pc?
only console ive bought lately was a wii who needs good graphics when even ur gf can play with you and not wine about it being boring because she cant figure out the controls all tho it does gather dust.
FPS mouse only cant play it otherwise. keep consoles to what they are ment for street fighter and so on thats how it used to be or the older mario bros.
but hey thats my oppinion everyone is diff!
if u cant understand it read it twice im dyslexic(soon enough people will know and i can just stop writing this i am still trying to improve my spelling and so on to help u guys understand me apologies again)
you mean found on road dead for 104 years worst car ive owned was mt fiesta. engine was good but the rest of it. well and it was a 1990 and was failing mot everywhere and was being used every day by an old lady so it was taken care of but it had to get new sills and shit loads of welding that i had to do as i sold it to a mate, so be advised fords are ok but some can be dog bags
i run 88fps at the lines with a full line up when the pc is fresh on what ram u running and what cpu speed u got mobo model and so on what power u running and whats the cooling u got going sli is all good and all but keeping it all cool is another q . this is one way of increasing FPS
also it hits 200fps on bl1 straight so dunno what ur on about pits lol and thats a 7300gt 256 that i payed muff all for
from my research sli is fine depending on the cpu,motherboard,ram you buy im looking at doing an sli setup soon, have you run all the tests and told the nvidia u want to use the sli function in the n hancer?
i used to ride/run morning and night to work when younger and dint have a license to work in england.
from slough to maidenhead
From: SL3 7FQ,Slough To: SL6 2HP,Maidenhead Distance: 15.0 kilometres
thats for a car for people running and so on had to go eden windsor way its alot safer lol avoiding motor ways
theres a map there so have a look
for this id stretch in the morning before i left eat plenty of fruit at about 5am id leave at 6am and get there at around 6.45 on bike and 7.20 running, just get into the zone and once your legs hurt keep going and find a pace its ok to run at with the pain. so then its ok!
.pace it evenly and dont push ur self
.always have some water with you
. do it in all types of weather get used to it it will improve your lungs
.do some swimming and build up all over muscles
.set some decent targets that are achievable you know your limits don't push them to hard.
.best tip for time keeping so that ur not looking at your watch and getting distracted. (use a playlist that equals the target time so set a song that you know is the end of the target time
thats all i used to do im alot uniter now and that trip looks daunting
just warm up and warm down tend to run your self on grass instead of paths, try to avoid distractions get in the zone and stay their its more mental then anything once your body's in shape
good luck and have fun with it running is great and its a good opportunity to do something different, im planning to do kakoda next year
ive got a 1gb nvidia 8500, got it yesterday6 and its not that great but it will do as my second card in my sli setup for when im done building my big pc for now overclocking this should be ok its got decent fan and ive got a fan under it as well and above it so its cold!
people these days have no respect for others and just plain and simle stupidity and causing other people pain is the main get off these days id like to know what ever happened,
i know i Britain they have banned spanking(adminesting(sp) punishment on children)
I think this is where its going wrong, the youth of Britain today is worse then ever half of them cant spell correctly all they want to do is shout (wtf u looking at) when u know they prob cant fight they have some of there own language (chav or townie)
and this sort of thing separates the public into groups like the old days pesents and so on. we now have chav townie traveler common trendy grunge, and many more.
i don't understand this sort of thing to make wars between the different types of music and ways of dressing, but so far i think Britain has toped my list. i have lived in the major places in the world born in auz and raised in auz and lived in Britain china japan usa and so on and they all have their problems. but living in Britain is bad i mean i dint live anywhere special in Britain i lived in SLOUGH so my judgment is around that. i trained as a mechanic in Nottingham and somewhere else that i cant remember the name of XD
so i have being around Britain and its sort of the same in different areas but over all i had a bad expeirance everywhere i went, i had 3 cars stolen my house broken into 2 times fights a regular week to week sort of thing. so my whole time there was not nice,
usa i thought was ok but the people were rude and up them selfs(not pointing at anyone so sorry if this offends anyone)
i was only in the us for a few weeks but left just because my job wasn't working out and i dint really like it but everyone has a preference.
austrailia we have our problems too like lebos (wogs we called them) diff to a British wog means a black person, we have our people who are up to no good and so on so wherever u go these days the whole way its all going we are all crumbling.
china so far is ok but its too democratic, and they are very deceitful and lie and its mainly disgusting.
so as i said before i think that the world is becoming more a war between our selfs and we all need to work out why we have problems with other people, and the way they do things.
on average girls these days are 70% skinnier and i think this is disgusting at certain levels, under 20 pregent rates well we wont talk about that lol, guys think its getting cooler to fight about everything and if we have something new the best thing to do is "willy wave" what a saying! but i admit it we do, do it
but i cant figure out where it is coming from is it a lack of social education or just that at a young age we are all trying to impress each other and, "willy wave" about anything and everything in desperate attempts to fit in?
now im not pleading inercent at all im no better but i have only noticed these things and i would like to see what other people opinions are
im dyslexic so if u cant get this please tell me and ill try and find some one to proff read it so that you can all understand.
think i diverted off the original topic now tho lol
id like to have a discussion on just how bad music is getting these days one song i will mention as i have a few stats about it
CRANK THAT soulja boy
worst song ive ever turd in the world makes bob the builders mambo number five look good lol.
and i also like to know how it hit no.1 in england? dont think it did in the usa correct me if i am wrong,
Australia when i ask my mates they don't know about it, obviously was rejected lol
but how can people listen to this sort of shit happily the lyrics are crap ive wiped my ass on better pieces of paper then what hes finalized that song on.
what are your thoughts on this subject. i listen to all types of music and music is good and bad and at the moment its looking ugly.
and i thought playing sim city 2000 and lemmings at school was cool lol and that bad ass tank war games but when i was at school we had the big old multi color macs them were the days building cities then sending disasters to kill them.
and most are 4 speed lol so that means lower gear ratios so slower ! everyone knows that, att is good for drags and manual is good for racing as the computer is not going to think about every track and car that what rpm the car needs to be in when u enter and exit a corner properly so hence for racing a manual is better.
im dyslexic so read it twice if it still don't make sense ill try re wording it later
ahh don't blame him hes just an excited boy lol ive giot a gf tooo tent not to mention her name tho so i think porns better in some ways u don't get the bitching that u get from a gf, if u get it free it makes ur wallet heavier every morning instead of missing notes, but i love my bird so meh cant say much we being together 5years. lol kill me kill me now! but just cause i u got a gf don't mean u stop looking at old faithful. lol
we take teachers from English speaking countries and get them to come over and teach in English to the Chinese we will also soon provide tutoring packages and teaching qualifications that you can get over the internet EG: tesol tefl celta delta etc.
also providing teacher training and cultural exchanges and much more to come.
i thought about using my work server that i used to do the FTP up and down for my site. but then the internet isnt that fast its only a 3mb connection its good enough to do my ftp, but dunno about lfs what is the usage for lfs? their wont be that many people playing at first i don't think.
id like to host a server for here in china, does anyone know what i can do to get this going i will pay for hosting costs but want one where us people in china can race, without the huge ass lagg lol
so any help towards this would be much appreciated
try removing the wheel with an allen key see if theres anything there hidden, if its anything like some cowling's on cars it will be fun mate!
after that make sure there are no blanking plugs left around it, from experience it will most likely have parts connected to the bottom as well as the top so try disconnecting a few things, ive never done a games wheel so thats all i can do!
dude now u have ur theory under ur belt go for the test when u take at leased 3 lessons to brush up on how to pass and drive with ur dad like every night i drove with my mate before i passed my theory for 79hours to become a smooth driver. u will notice this when u drive on ur own for about a year when u see learners when they change lanes they are very quick and deliberate. not like us drivers who have being on the road for a while tend to take it more smooth, just try not to pick up bad habbits lol i kept scratching my nose in the test to remind me "twenty to two" and both hands on the wheel lol, reverse park remind ur self to ujust the mirror back up when u are done lol i forgot and got a minor LOL im such a noob but i passed first time, more time on the road the better u become hassle ur dad like hes never being hassled and u will be on the road soon mate well done!