i can sell you nvida 7300gts for cheap but you need to figure out some postage its has had a small repair on it nothing huge just the fan its a 256m model and looks new now that its being all fixed and overhauled will post up the frame rates of this later when i get my pc back.
i runn the 7300gt its fine unless ur cpu isnt great lol for some reason it lags if you have 14 cars on the track what is the 7300gt tho the 128m the 256m or the 512 just go start run and type (dxdiag) without the brakets and go to the graphics pannel when its done thinking and it will tell ya if its 256 no problem unless ur thinking of getting ur self in some huge races lol otherwise i rate it .
say goodbye to my old pc lol the cpu packed it in today dont ask me how or why but it was making a funny noise from the motherboard and that was it just stoped during some of my hotlapping
so ive just got my self. will have it running tomoz Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 Conroe 2.33GHz 4M shared L2 Cache LGA 775 65W Dual-Core Processor
and just because i can ive got another graphics card not as good as my other Nvidia but according to the posts ive being reading from Having Tripple screens its not needed as long as its ok so ive got another Nvidia GeForce 7300GT older model and now the setup looks like this minus the tower as its at the PC shop getting the CPU and MotherBoard installed as im a lazy fooker somtimes
hmmm now im thinking about some wood and screws and somthing else im gona do hmmmmm
and to it top off End the month i get my G25 at the end of the month!
:bananadea:bananadea:bananadea u dint just say that!
the rear lights remind me of a car out of fast and the furious
the body kit is from the xrt skined bodykit from what i can see all u did was add random bits of carbon photoshop skills where? in blending others work into urs and saying u have skills? mmm i think ill watch fast and the furious now as i got my new 5.1 card today with dts decoding mmmmmmmmmmmmmm anyways give us the psd if u want to clear ur name where the items are drawn if u dont have them well ur not a good photoshoper for not saving ur work!
it will shift into reverse in certain ways i used to do it all the time when i used to race my mini in monicos(sp) it just depends how fast and what you gearbox is like.
if anyone knows anything about gearbox’s will also say with me i think its the cant remember the technical term for it but its something in the gearbox that when u put a car in forward gear the sleeves that put the gear to adjust to that gear in the opposite directions it takes for them gears to stop moving or be close to stopped before you can engage reverse. also the reason gearboxes wont explode as they are gears on a rod so if you think about it if u break the gears its most likely be the sincros that will break over the main shafts and the gears.
only explosion will be on the top half of the engine as can be the bottom half depends either piston rings or crankshafts either of these will do it when they are pushed far past the proper revs.
so for gearbox damage it will only be little it wont be realistick as theres just to much to think about when a gearbox can be damaged so if it was to happen it will be like stages of damage and u will loose sertain power and so on with the car but so far the LFS clutch system is good enough now that patch Y is on the clutch will just burn out and the engine will loose all if not power. they are what lfs has so far to speak of gearbox and engine trouble and thats good.
i think if they do anything it will just be engine and gearbox parts getting worn. as that will then bring in having to do engine oil and gearbox oil changes as well as sertain parts that need to be replaced.
for instance most of my engines in my mini i used to after a few events break it down and clean it out replace all the seals cheak for damage on the most common parts and then rebuild it all up and drive it for a 3000miles before compeating in it again then id overhall the car to make sure the brakes were all ok and the clutch and so on. so brake pad wear is somthing else that might be a thought and brake fade for heat on the pads and discs pad warping on the faster cars and things like that.
then again thinking all about that they would have to introduce a money system into the game so that you could pay for these things that would make its awsome but also making it harder for the developers to do all this as its a lot to think of if not part fixing and so on just part wear and so on breaks and engine for long races so that its all good engine overheating for if u get the setup wrong and so on. anyway somone will drill me for somthing i written in there if not 2nd it or mention somthing that ive missed ill digg out my books from colage when i wanted to to mechanics and ill write up properly about gearboxes.
BTW ive stoped racing ages ago it just costs far to much and ive moved countries and ill only ever race mini's as i love them lol man that took ages to write if not got loads wrong lol
Btw if none of that makes sence read it a few times im dyslexic so it may take a few reads before you get it !
could of swarn i bought a 256mb well someone correct me if im wrong
and 5.1 that it dont reconise well it says i have 2 speakers
and yes i got the right drivers before u say that lol and the sound works though all 5 so i dont care but just pointing out but LFS does run alot better
hmmm then it opens up a line of cars to join in as well serras(think i spelt that rong) they handle like dogbags in the wet somthing with some less power as well id love to see some cars that have loads of different spec but we can race more in their range to make it more fun lol everyones said it so im gona as well
i chin drive and or sick my arm up throught the top of my wheel and if its a chatty race or a muckabout i just throw on automatic because its pointless if ur chatting trying to drive thats what teamspeak is for
god its either people dont read or just like to windge its a test to see what people like and for them to make suggestions at leased there was one good comment on how thick the carbon fiber should be and lets just see if anyone give sugestions now?
also ive had to do this on my own not knowing the matirials to be using as no one posted up a reply so ill do the hard bit and fix it into photoshop and so on and make a texture pack but how about giving me a hand in suggesting things?
well this is the idea at a quick level tell me what u think then drop some ideas and then ill re do the whole thing in hi-rez with the new additions and then when done ill do all cars like this