Lol I know some people who have been racing him in Montreal in karts just last month. He sure seems like he wants to keep fit and keep his racing senses sharp. xD I think he's way too old for F1... Anyone with grey hair is too old for F1 imo lol.
Yeah I figured too but I wasnt sure how that could make sense. The crosshairs are black and on the lens, why would something white far behind make it dissapear? I figured maybe the glare or because it was too shiny...
Care to explain? I wouldn't mind you explaining why the crosshairs are behind objects, why theres shadows that point to different directons and why the astraunauts(failspell) are lit up really well yet they're in the shadow of the little space ship thing...
Did you even see or read what the consipracy theories are??? The ones I saw on TV yesterday were actually really good. Stuff like shadows pointing in 2 different directions, the crosshairs or watever are on the camera yet in some pictures they're behind some objects (failed shoop), astraunauts being lit very well while being in the shadow of the little space thingy... It gets you thinking...
There was a show on TV yesterday about the conspiracy theories about us not actually landing on the moon and the reasons given were actually extremly believable... I'm not sure if I believe it anymore lol.
Brawn Domination? Naaah I think Redbull is far ahead now heh. I'm happy to see Redbull dominate... I actually want them to win the championship with Vettel world champion...
I think they should've given the seat to Brendon Hartley... He's a great driver and IIRC he did drive the F1 car... But whatever we'll just have to see. Jaime will have the 3 practice sessions to get ready :P thats a true test of skill. I bet he'll score a point :P.
I don't think its THAT much work, but I'm a noob so correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't think he needs to remake the tracks, just add some random bumps here and there... Isn't there any easy way to just pull the ground up and make up quick bumps (Sims style ) ?