Right, even though you seem to be insulting everyone who gives you advice out of paranoia that we try to brainwash you into doing things our way, I'll still give my advice.
The aspect ratio is off. The cars look squished so maybe try to get it right so that they look like normal cars.
Shift F would probably be better because its pointless knowing that you're on lap 1/3 and to see the map anyways. You're trying to show us the battle and it's just distracting unnecessarily.
For Gamecam, why use it when Fraps does the work just as well and the watermark can be edited a lot easier in that.
Also, maybe try to edit out the botom part which has the time line for the replay?
This is just my opinion but since you don't seem to give a crap about people who want to help you improve thinking they're brainwashing you into doing it their way, whatever. This is my view as someone who watched many LFS videos and not as a movie maker myself.