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S2 licensed
Quote from Joris :It is allready copper free

It isn't.
S2 licensed
I absolutely love the uf-br server, today I've had a couple of very good races, with wheel to wheel action nearly all the time!
I think this has teached/is teaching a lot of stuff that will be useful in the decent-powered GT2 class, which I'm really looking forward to.

But you're right, the server is never really full, 5 racers if we're really lucky, so I'm doing most of my points alone, which is somehow missing the point.
S2 licensed
We in our team often say "seetra".
S2 licensed
Well, I'm also getting the silver licence driving alone in the uf-br.
S2 licensed
Since when do some satellites rely on nuclear power?
I didn't know that. It's nice to learn.
Last edited by Fabri91, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ElProempie :Yes.. but overall i've got 10 GHz.

You haven't. Separate cores work parallel, not in series. I also haven't got 4,2 Ghz, but 2* 2,1.
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :I really dislike Porsche's GTn naming system.

It can get confusing: the GT2 roadcar has in fact nothing to do with GT2 race cars, but the GT3 is used as the base for racing cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Nonsense - everyone knows that just clicking is safe hex.

Every right click it Closes To Desktop.

S2 licensed
Does right-clicking cause you a Close To Desktop too?
Last edited by Fabri91, .
S2 licensed
Congrats to your first post!
S2 licensed
My driving style?
Ambitious but rubbish.
S2 licensed
I also use the ABC system as described by Becky. The only place which I clean half-regularly is my pc desk, obviously. My room is always a mess, and when translating useless stuff in latin about some guy called caesar it doesn't get exactly better: dictionary box thrown there, exercise book there...then there's the best: I have no place where to store the car magazine I'm subscribed to, which means that now on my night table there is a growing pile of magazines.
Then my mum cleans it out and I don't find anything after that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :That man has advanced technology. He also has an advanced brain capable of operating this advanced technology; I am truly stunned.
I hope the pentagon is aware of that man and his technology.

Right, because it's truly advanced.

B2T, I'd like to know the name of this "user".
S2 licensed
Quote from ussbeethoven :Maybe this site sould be updated as well: S1 car preview pictures seems to be taken from a post-0.3H version and several data are outdated (LX4/FXR weight, TBO engines etc).

Not anymore?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :I want Lerts to win

Can't be any worse than the last bloke !


Although i don't care - all the candidates don't look as trigger-happy as bush.
S2 licensed
Rear engine with rear wheel drive obviously.

Which means Beetle or 911.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stigpt :that portuguese movie reminds me of something... Natural selection

I say remove the cops and marshalls from the roadside, let ppl stand wherever they want, and let natural selection do its work. I'd predict world free of morons in 10 rally seasons.

Great Idea!
S2 licensed
Well, why not? I'll give it a try!
f1racemanager looks interesting.
Last edited by Fabri91, .
S2 licensed
Quote from niels1 :Like andy already said this aint the place to discuss things.

So please can we move on and have some fun at racing ??


As soon as i get silver, shouldn't be that far now. Looking forward to GT2 racing.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dru :Not really,

Half the members have just decided they don't want to score Team points when on CTRA.... so much for unity

Would be nice to know at least the reason for that. But, as mentioned, it's not really our business.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback :What I've heard from Porsche enthusiasts is GT3<GT2<GT3-RS

Well, this is true if you consider that the GT3 RS is the most hardcore car of the bunch, although the GT2 is the most powerful and maybe the fastest. A GT2 RS would be terrific!

The 911 Turbo is the fastest 911 that is usable without smashing your spine or ear drums: remember that the 911 was conceived as a sort of daily-usable sports car.
S2 licensed
Quote from lerts :you are a bunch of sheep you let the society do your thinking

folklore has plenty examples of telepathy but you ignore them and adapt to what the media tells you to think

i bet youll do great following blindly the commands impose by the same system who transformed third world countries into dead camps in which every 4 seconds a human dies from starvation

of course youll believe the media and believe blindly that the never before destructed black box in 911 was desintegrated but a terrorist passport was there to prove who did it

Sure I do.
S2 licensed
Hasn't LFS started out as a stunt game too?

Maybe I'll try it...
S2 licensed
I'm interested in this wheel, because it has the good point of being nearly wireless, but the review posted here was a "tiny bit" biased, so i'm looking forward to some of your comparisons.