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S2 licensed
allready propogated for me, looked at the site where your hosting, i cant beleave companies can stay afloat on what they charge.

S2 licensed
I voted as 'the same' but!; connection and join and download pausing are the no 1 issue for me (have always been), im not sure if the devs want to address this as part of s2, their probably just looking at finishing s2 features.

Summary of connection issues:

1. Connect pause
2. Join Pause
3. Skin download pause
4. Chat spam stutter
5. Connecting clients holding up connected clients (cant pit/exit pit/vote)
6. Timing out clients holding up connected clients (cant pit/exit pit)
7. Connecting clients canceling starts/votes

All of the above are ultimately unnecessary and get my goat up.

To help 1,2,4 (a bit) i disable my antivirus network protect, 3 disable autoskin download - but i would like another option in there of download skins when in pit.

S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Okay, it would help the 'explosions' but it wouldn't fix them. Just upping the Hz rate would be the backwards brute force method of solving problems. It would be much better if Scawen found other means to fix this, like a backtracking code and sanity check, which should have a far smaller impact on performance than quadrupling the physics rate.

And what do you mean by "improve the faster cars behaviour"? What kind of improvement? Aren't 2000Hz tyre physics enough?

not sure if the 2k tyre phisics is 'real' (ie a timer interupt running a 2k) it may be, but even so its the overall physics rate that matters (the one hitting the springs and dampers) ie a vehicle traveling at 300 kph, the 100hz engine will 'sample' every 83 cm but to accuratly sample you need 2.5 times what your sampling so therefore 2m is the minimum 'bump' length.

Im not a phisics person but have worked in the reatime software/hardware industy before, so thats is where im baseing my info from.

BTW i think netkar is 500hz, iracing is also going to be high and wasnt gpl at 273?

This isnt a critasism of the current system (it is what it is) but upping the rate may also allow simulating other things aswell (flex maybe?) i cirtainly wouldnt say upping the rate is a crude way to solve problems, it only brings benifits (with the exception of system performance)

BTW i also agree on the 'backtraking and sanity checking' but in addition to uping the rate

S2 licensed
An automatic forum filter to put 'what we want in the next version' into a 'junk' folder

But seriously,

For me i'd want to up the physics rate from 100hz to >400hz and if posible extent the dynamic range, both of these things should improve the faster cars behavour and help stop the 'out of range/overflow' type of physics 'explosions' we get.

Other than that,
full dynamic weather (like gp4's)
On the visuals side i like to see full pit crews and flag wavers.
Aditionals cars/classes of maybe mx5 types or elese types
On tracks, a 'ring' style track
A Telemtry reader inbuilt
VOIP inbuilt
More ridged pract/qual/race setups (force 10 mins/15mins/10 laps looping) with track changes (like gpl can)

S2 licensed
Imust admit that if someone joins the server mid race and doesnt instantly yield, ive done it. But passing 'non blockers' i try to do cleanly (maybe a little rubbing )

S2 licensed
All i'll say is that i pull the average upwards

S2 licensed
Well i got my advanced unit yesturday through my company.

Still strugling to set it up properly at the momemnt but all looks good so far.

S2 licensed
Leo's learned to press buttons i guess

S2 licensed over powering me..., darn, 'feature request'

Actually directly related to the gear shift reply you gave

I think your 'H' Shifter, shift TO gear method would be good (i wouldnt use a h shifter for a seq box myself) but i know F1 cars 'used' to have a 'shift to button' (i dont know if they are still allowed) that would be a feature i would use, basically its a button with a preselected gear (usually 2nd) that would be pressed for hairpins etc, to make sure speedy downshifts and make sure you dont shift to 1st by accedent.

This would be good if you implemented the 'Shift TO' code for the H shifters.

(hides in corner for adding another feature request)

S2 licensed
TBH, i think Suspension mounting flex is more important than chassis flex, are the mountings modelled?, the higher up the race cars you go (gti compared to BF1) the less mounting flex your going to get (probably neglagable on BF1) i bet on most road cars the wheel can move and inch or so backwards and forwards and the strut flexing making the camber/caster flex too, on rear trailing arms probably some in out movement aswell. All because of the rubber mountings

S2 licensed
My way isnt complex, just the way i put it

Basically if their infront they are either yellow or orange for the leader, if your about to be lapped it will start flashing blue on the car(s) lapping you. If their behind they will be green and if you are about to lap them they will flash red.

Whats complicated about that? (i know i added ai colours too)

Last edited by FlintFredstone, .
S2 licensed
I dont think we need a 1st, 2nd, 3rd colour, i dont see the point, there iether infront of you or behind you, or lapping or leading.

(Car is <as follows>)
Infront (on same lap) - Yellow
Infront (many laps) - BrightYellow
Behind (on same lap) - Green
Behind (many laps) - BrightGreen
Infront (you being shown blue flag) - Flashing Yellow/Blue or BrightYellow/Blue if many laps
Behind (them being shown blue flag) - Flashing Green/Red or BrightGreen/Red if many laps
Leader (on same lap) - Orange
Leader (many laps) - BrightOrange
Leader (you being shown the blue flag) - Flashing Orange/Blue or BrightOrange/Blue if many laps
AI Infront (on same lap) - Purple
AI Infront (many laps) - BrightPurple
AI Behind (on same lap) - Pink
AI Behind (many laps) - BrightPink
AI Behind (them being shown blue flag) - Flashing Pink/Red or BrightPink/Red if many laps
AI Infront (you being shown blue flag) - Flashing Purple/Blue or BrightPurple/Blue if many laps
Own Car - Brown

Its sounds complex but it would make it much easier to see a car (especially the leader) when it is lapping a group of back markers, also will help to see how far your behind the leader.

Last edited by FlintFredstone, .
S2 licensed
i wish i had a birthday that gave me 'I gave birth to my mother in an attempted suicide.'

but i got a boring 'I squashed an XRT in a drinking contest'

S2 licensed
using my knees its right then?
S2 licensed
Crap im 46th on 83000 miles, i must get out more
S2 licensed
Its not 'eric' its E.R.I.C, which is Electronic Remote Inteligence Controller, basically Victor and Scawen are just 'Nodes' of him, he doesnt have a direct output as yet hense no postings.

S2 licensed
This is actually a bug that happend to me in 'U' but you might want to squash it now.


1. Been hotlaping at as club in the fox (note position in chart ) with 10% fuel.

2. Came to league practice where they were running 43 laps, and were near the end of the race, so i just went out on my 10% and practiced for 4 laps when the race then ended.

3. I then went into the pits and changed my fuel to 70%, got distracted (damn cat) and noticed they were starting the race and i clicked ok (save/exit whatever its named) just as it was saying 'Restart:1' and started the race, it was only at the end of the first lap when i'd thought i'd made the best setup in the world because it was so fast with 70% fuel that i realised that i only had 10% and had to pit on lap 6, when the race ended i went straight to the pits, and it was set to 70% like i'd set.

Hope its an easy fix, i may not get onto lfs today to try and replicate it exactly but i think the bug might just be related to when you change the fuel (maybe other settings are affected too?) and the race starts when you are in the pit, im not sure if i pitted out with 1 sec to go or right as the race sequence started though.

S2 licensed
Bz z z z z z z zz zzz zzzz zzzzzzZZZZZZ<clink>Bz z z z z z z zz zzz zzzz zzzzzzZZZZZZ<clink>BZZZZZzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzz zzz zzz zzz zz z z z z<clink>Bz z z z z z z zz zzz zzzz zzzzzzZZZZZZ

Whats wrong with the current sound
S2 licensed

I do realise why less camber is needed on the driven axel, i dont need telling that (but thanks)

Thought i was looking at the live camber, i always 'drop' the car to make sure it settles too (i often have different camber left to right)

Maybe this discusion is mixed up with the 'sidewall' tyre thread afterall

Real vs LFS (camber)
S2 licensed

I know there is a discussion going on atm with tyre wear/heat/sidewalls involving camber, but this post is not conserning that, so i thought i ask a different question (thats been bugging me for a while)

I watch lots of classes of races (now that i have sky+ ) open wheel,touring and gt mainly - what strikes me is that which ever wheels are driven, a lot less camber is on that axel, examples:

F1,A1,Cart - lots of front camber, virtually no rear camber
GT's - Lots of front camber and about half this amount for rear camber
Touring cars - front wheel drive, quite a bit of front camber but even more rear camber, rear wheel touring cars (bmw's etc) more front than rear.

Now i dont drive the front wheel drive cars in lfs (well sometimes if i feel suicidal or something) but all the setups i either make or download for the rear wheel drive cars end up with more rear wheel camber than front camber.

Am i imagining this?, is it just a driving style issue?

Incidently, my own car an impreza wrx sti with rear wheel bias (35F/65R) has more rear camber (quite a bit more) so this is going the lfs way, but its just a 'safe' road setup.

S2 licensed
Quote from sturje :Sites absolutely crawling under all this f5 refreshing bandwidth abuse I wonder how much all this bandwidth is going to cost the devs

Knowing how many nutters are on the internet, if its not released today it might cost there lifes.

Anyway, off to sharpen my machete.....

Wait, F5, bugger.....

S2 licensed
Ok panic over, its backup for me too

Panicing - has gone down for me
S2 licensed
Wheres my paper bag....

S2 licensed
FYI, i was at a hill climb yesterday and most of the minis and novas (and a few others) were quite clearly flat-shifting, the rev limiters seamed perfectly capable of holding the revs down ok

S2 licensed
Ok, dont want to put a dampener on the enthusiasm, but maybe the news update will be 'bmw sauber will be using lfs at there pitlane jobbies', not 'BMW Sauber car included in lfs'

Im posting here just incase im right and can gloat and say 'i told you so'

If im wrong, then someone hacked my account and posted this, ok?
