The x18xe1 has a throttle cable, the z18xe has drive by wire, The z18 has 10 bhp more but a much less sporty gearbox... Anyways, when was the car last serviced? Astras tend to run crap if not serviced regularly... It could also be the EGR sticking open and choking the airflow with dirty air...
Does it do it all the time or just when 1st started? My car started to run crap earlier in the year so i just blocked the EGR port and its been fine since...
The z18 doesnt have a EGR fitted afaik and rough running is usually down to a faulty MAF/AFM...
Some people have luck fixing rough running by cleaning the throttle body but 99% of the time its something has failed on the engine...
Also cleaning the throttle body isnt just wiping it a little, You need to remove it and clean all the little airways and ports that goto the small pipes and such... If you damage it at all then you will need a complete replacement which isnt cheap...
It should... What u do is remove the patch then start a new career with another gamertag... Do the offline cheat then go online and sent the cash to ur other profile by buying a car for however much off ur auction house...
Ill be trying it again soon as ive burned thru another 40m lol...
Its safer to send the cash to another profile so its less likely u get banned from th storefront...
Well just last week i had another woman reversing into my car(3rd time in last 9 years), Stupid bitch wasnt even looking back while reversing out a space in Asda...
A few years ago b4 that i had a woman smash into the back of me doing 60 while i was waiting to turn into a junction, In broad daylight 1/2 way long a huge straight while i was in a black car... I was off work for 6 weeks due to fked back and its still not 100% better... Had just dropped ma 1 year old(@time) daughter off 30 mins earlier along same route...
Just after passing my test I had a lady try to get into a junction on my side of the road while only about 5 metres away and me doing 40, More time off work with broken wrist and mate had sprained ankle...
Sure ive wrote 2 cars off myself but once it was swerving to avoid a deer and clipped the verge and went into a ditch and the other time i smashed a back spring while going over rough ground and spun backwards off the road and rolled...
Every time its involved a woman its like they have been staring at the clouds with katy perry eyes or trying to put on makeup while flying along the road...
Ive had many more close encounters with dodgy lady drivers and its been atleast 10 dodgy woman to every 1 dodgy guy encounter...
I only have a 1.8 and with a full tank and my toolbox in the boot the car feels slow and heavy.... With the boot empty and under 1/2 a tank the car feels more nimble and overtaking things is much easier...
I dont think it would make much of a difference to economy but makes a huge difference in the way the car feels...
Even when i had a v6 Astra u could feel the difference with the toolbox in the boot and its much lighter than 1/2 a tank of fuel....
Its not even a proper stealth game anymore, More like Gears of War with a wall hack and aimbot....
Then the black and white filter when in shadows?.. The game is supposed to be played sneaking about so most of the time its going to be in B&W ffs.....
Ill still be getting it but it shouldnt have been a splinter cell game, Maybe some super agent james bond ripoff but not Sam Fisher... Most of the mechanics that made Splinter Cell top of the stealth genre have been removed and replaced with noob run n gun arcade shooter garbage....
Even T10 ruining Forza 3 with noob friendly changes didnt make as big a mess as this...
Least Thief 4 will have an easy time taking the top spot of the stealth genre now....
I wouldnt get anything with a turbo at high mileage for ur first car as u will rally it alot and end up blowing it up and costing loads to fix... Especially an Escort TD... The 1.6 16v is solid enough if its had the timing belt changed and ok on fuel if u dont thrash it...
Im at level 50 with only 8% done... Mind thats with 55 hours racing with maybe only 3 hours done offline. I dont even think iv finished the first year lol...
You only get a "surging" if you cant drive smoothly or the car is shagged...
Manuals are less effort to drive in traffic at constant 60mph too where you just ease off slightly when things get slow instead of having to brake at every change of situation i.e. on my 30 mile journey to work id maybe have to touch my brakes 10 times from house to work, An auto would be on the brakes all the time at every change in hill angle or slightly slower traffic, Almost giving the car behind an epileptic fit with th amount of brake light flashing going on.... Also with a manual you "drive" the car properly instead of just opening the throttle n holding on to some glorified 4 wheel scooter.....