Without knowing the specific architecture codename (let along the exact model) of the CPU, it's impossible to tell how it will perform. Do you know what year it is from?
There were police officers in attendance, but they were undercover. So no, it's not a blue club. I read one officer saw the SUV driver get beaten and didn't do anything about for fear of blowing his cover. The officer is now under investigation for not intervening.
Tires don't grip best at 0 degrees of slip. Peak grip of slicks is maybe around 2 degrees, while for road tires it's something like 6-8, IIRC.
Also remember the typical pressures quoted by car and tire manufacturers for safe road use are ridiculously high for track use. These pressures are designed to give better grip in the wet, and also to maximize tire life. On the track at such pressures, the tire will never generate enough heat to come up to temperature. In fact, what little heat they do generate inflates them even more than the stated cold pressures, reducing grip further.
Case in point: motorbike manufacturers typically quote something like 32-36 psi for their street tires. And that's COLD pressure! Take that tire on the track and it'll inflate another 2 or 3 psi, reducing the amount of heat going into the tire even further. It'll be very very stiff and have an agressive profile, but it won't stick very well. When taken on track, these tires need to be deflated to about 22-26 psi. Even my race tires, which have a very soft carcass (Pirelli Diablo) require pressures of about 30 and 28 psi front and rear when HOT. Cold, my Pirellis end up being around 26 psi front and 23 rear.
Low tire pressure also increases the slip angle for peak grip, so that means more yaw for a given lateral acceleration.
Because that way is needlessly complicated. You'd get people trying to heat their tires to within a degree of that temperature limit and we'd be practically back where we started.
"As the North Tower collapsed on September 11, 2001, heavy debris hit 7 World Trade Center, damaging the south face of the building[34] and starting fires that continued to burn throughout the afternoon."
"The building was equipped with a sprinkler system, but had many single-point vulnerabilities for failure: the sprinkler system required manual initiation of the electrical fire pumps, rather than being a fully automatic system; the floor-level controls had a single connection to the sprinkler water riser; and the sprinkler system required some power for the fire pump to deliver water. Also, water pressure was low, with little or no water to feed sprinklers.[35][36]"
"At approximately 2:00 pm, firefighters noticed a bulge in the southwest corner of 7 World Trade Center between the 10th and 13th floors, a sign that the building was unstable and might collapse.[41] During the afternoon, firefighters also heard creaking sounds coming from the building."
"...the lack of water to fight the fire was an important factor. The fires burned out of control during the afternoon, causing floor beams near column 79 to expand and push a key girder off its seat, triggering the floors to fail around column 79 on Floors 8 to 14. With a loss of lateral support across nine floors, column 79 buckled – pulling the east penthouse and nearby columns down with it. With the buckling of these critical columns, the collapse then progressed east-to-west across the core, ultimately overloading the perimeter support, which buckled between Floors 7 and 17, causing the remaining portion of the building above to fall downward as a single unit. The fires, fueled by office contents, along with the lack of water, were the key reasons for the collapse.[13]
And why, may I ask, would someone implode a building that did not have the same symbolic and national significance as the twin towers? If the goal was to incite hatred and support for war against middle eastern countries, wouldn't the twin towers be enough? Why bother with WTC7?
Misogyny is not nullified by taking the form of a "joke", just as with racism or any other form of prejudice. Quite the opposite. It allows people who hold such ideas to express them without consequences, perpetuating a culture in which such ideas are acceptable.
Men are sometimes referred to as "bitches" in the sense that they are compared to women, the "lesser" gender, as a result of their actions. Likewise for calling a man a "pussy". These men are thus seen to be "lesser". This too is misogynistic.
By calling her a "bitch" you're calling attention to her gender in a disparaging way, as if her gender were the main factor in her actions. This is unnecessary and misogynistic because her gender has no bearing on her actions with regards to racing, both on or off the track.
All people should be judged on their own merit. In this particular case, I think harsh criticism is valid, but there's no need to bring gender into it.