I spend 2.5 wks at a families house in the US and they had a T3 connection, plus TV, plus phone line, plus unlimited calls in the US...and that was still cheaper than my sky package ( TV only).....if we had 10mb connections, we would use and abuse them, you know that..The UK is so far behind, all thanks to the monopoly of BT ( excluding Virgin area's) and us that are running on old Ali Cables.....Copper is what I dream off LOL
Not sure if you all saw I have my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 working as a HD Dashboard for AC, so I have done a quick step by step on how to get this working on Android Devices and also what you need.
It was straight forward, obviously needs wireless, and you need to download the app for the PC as well from the devs website, and input your phone's IP Address
You will need this, if you don't have it then input your phone's IP Address, hay presto
So you wanted a 1GB Router, as your ISP is upgrading you to 1GB connection to the internet.....You lucky bugger....we are not even over 100mb in the UK
I understand where your coming from, but another over powered RWD..why has there been so much interest in the Seat...because its FWD, its fun, there is a seriously lack in AC here, so I am sorry if I don't wet my pants over another RWD car
Yeah it is up and running, just waiting for my Samsung TAB2 to charge, as I want the Dashboard APP.
You will see there is also the freejoin file and also the SeatIbiza file. I was going to add that tonight with the Abarth500_S1 as they are pretty close in speed, and add's a little more fun
With the T7R Server up and running now, I have uploaded everything in one place that we will use on the server, tracks, mod's etc etc so you are not hunting around the various sites.
PS - I test all tracks before I upload and make available, so if I don't think they are good enough I won't upload them, or it they get updated, I will update them.
I have a 750ti, and can practically max everything out and still achieve very good frame rate's, so if your suffering with a 760, I would say you have a bottle neck somewhere else...and yeah...throw it my way as well