Not if you consider that half is PRO and the rest AM, maybe it should have been posted separately?
- {Feuerdrache, Sascha Riegler, Germany}
- {krkriv, Krasimir Ivanov, Bulgaria}
- {DarknessPainF1, Joonas Koskinen, Finland}
- {Drifters Only, Robbin Heijerman, the Netherlands}
- {Dmt, Dmitri Tšubenko, Estonia}
- {TexasLTU, Klaidas Gasiunas, Lithuania}
- {Framaris, François Maris, France}
- {A3rox, Julien Schein, Belgium}
- {bossforce, Mocanu Virgil, Romania}
- {MrMakintosh, Gauthier Luc, France}
- {Mattydread, Mathieu Lonneville, France}
- {Ceskomasai, Bernard Leclercq, France}
- {azrael5, Ben Dubray, France}