It is a hard combo and not many came for trainings, so by the look of it this will be the chance for many to finish and score strong points!
And I am one of those who need to get back on the board..missed 5 races now...just have to make sure I avoid a looping in the chicane like in training, so expect me cruising tonight!
Sad to ear that Michele , I particularly know you well and I know you were one of those motivated guys who used to give without counting to the community, and I know for a fact that you have been mainly demotivated by the lake of gratitude from many...and with getting too serious about the leagues which helped you forget about the fun of daily sprint races...
But as always, I will never give up on the idea of bringing you back to it! So expect me there...I miss the old days racing with you!
When you see player sent setup, press N (maybe twice) and look right in the connection list, you will see a green s, click on it and name it, that will add it to your list of setups...
Use names like this: Track name/name (e.g. SO4 Framaris)
I like the idea, but this would be looking for problems in my opinion, many will get penalties and that will make many unhappy racers.
Personally I think changing tires add a little more strategy in to the game, you have to chose how and when you exploit their best potential, pit times are more variable and it gives a chance to who has burned his tires prematurely... even if I agree full potential is often in the end of a 1h+ stint, but then you need much longer race and we're talking about endurance . Also it is much more realistic than pitting to say hello to the pit crew....that's why I think pit windows should be long enough if you use that system, like 10min after start and closing 10min before start...
Don't be sarcastic, all we need here is a bit of love and positive influence.
You know ppls don't get motivated with negative feedback and sarcasms...
Personally, I love feedback in general (positive or negative), but I realise things a lot faster when ppls try to motivate me with a positive notes, even when most is negative...but the 100% negative attitude seems to kill all motivations... so I think it is important that everyone knows in the community (including devs organisers and admins) that there are lots of ppls around who think differently about LFS...LFS was great before S3 and remains great today, specially for all the new blood who has entered the scene the last couples of months...and don't forget that to get good servers you need motivated organisers and admins....we are one of the greatest community in sim racing, let's not go in to this spiral where we all are going to hate each others... at least not in this topic plz!
For me freedom means that I can think by my self and avoid all pollution from the outside, my feeling is let's be positive and a lot more things are going to happen!
And don't forget patches are not a right, it is normally to fix problems which should have been taken care of before release, of course they added content with it too, but mostly to say sorry for rushing the I think expecting patches all the time is wrong, it gives too much room for dev to release shit products where you have to wait a year before it is up to the task...if a product is not right it should not be released, period!
Been reading quite bit of the forum lately and most of it is looking so negative, strange things is that I know there are still many LFS lovers around the servers. So I wonder how many of them are still visiting this forum and how much being bored can be contagious?
My feeling is that being bored can have many reasons, but it is almost always a personal problem. That said ppls tend to share more when they are unhappy than happy and often they won’t face the real reasons behind it. Another important factor is that when the majority of ppls are bored and sharing it the happy ppls can find it hard to have fun and remain positive.
So here is a simple poll where the 3 first categories can be considered as LFS lovers with the first one being the unconditional hardcore lovers, where the 4th category could be considered as the source of ''contamination'' and the second and third could be considered as the ''contaminated''…Careful it is not a discussion about LFS development (enough of those topics to discuss that) so keep on topic and only share if you love or loved LFS, this topic is for that, just vote/share how you feel and be honest!
1-I love LFS!
2-Still love it but I am a bit bored!
3-I am bored but I can’t go away from it!
4-I am really bored!
My 2 cents:
I love LFS, for me it is a tool, I feel you get what you make from it and if I get bored sometimes it is because I am doing something wrong or I am in the wrong state of mind (that’s just a human disease ). I love the community side of it and all those funny chats we have on the servers. I love the fact that contrarily to other games the real personalities of ppls are coming out, it really feels almost like real. The day a sim will be equal to reality is not here yet and LFS still does the job good enough for me. I love the leagues and the preparation for them. I use to be a hardcore gamers for many years and on LFS I love the fact that I met so many nice ppls with whom I have build many good friendships. I love doing things for our team and I love to see happy racers. And the last will be shocking to many of you, but I love the DEVs for having thought about LFS and for having spent that much time to give me the cheapest game I ever had (relative to the time I have spent on it)!
Binding the keys in profiler works well, but you need to unbind the button from the normal look function in LFS (set them to some buttons on the shifter or something), that said keep in mind that like EQ said it is more a patch or say an alternative, not an equal replacement...needs some getting used to due to the small delay, radar is also an alternatives, but it take lots of training to get the looking reflex right.
LOL James, tell me, you don't think I have seen all the lfs team websites around? when I said ''I never saw'' it engages only me...are those like super teams?
I thought I give an early warning for next thursday's event since it is GT2/FE4 and we all know that this one will need more than the usual training, so start up your engine and make sure to do an appropriate number of laps before the race!
Finally had the time to read some of your reports, I like reading so I will not complain that they are too long , you're doing a great job, very informative and you give a good representation of your team's hard work!!
Maybe I don't read/post much in this forum, but I'll keep reading your reports!
I sadly had to watch the all race (see why in the result's post), what I can say is that I am impressed at the race quality, it is starting to look like everyone is taking the races very seriously, nice work gents!!
Congratulation to SPDO Blawhoff for an other great win!! and Arthas for making him work for it!!
First I want to say this is a great idea and I hope demo racers will pick up on this!
It all sounds good to me, the only thing I would think about is to limit the amount of race format to avoid confusion, one or two sounds better to me...maybe like one format with 2 shorter races and one with one longer two cents!
You have all my support, just ask if you need anything!
No registration needed, but make sure to read the rules and to do a minimum training, there is often more than 32 racers on the server and only 32 places to race.
Note: I finally got some more free time, so after tonight's race, I'll be looking to improve the quali system which still seems to be hard to understand for many...stay tuned!
This is only showing that the economic poles are shifting and Europe is losing grip to new emerging countries, I think this demonstrate how desperate we are to maintain some kind of military power in Europe. England's nuclear button is under American control for a long time and that's why the French won't share that, like that if the US don't agree France still can do something...
Chirac and Blair had signed some military agreements before which never worked, let see if this will....
I think this bit is not entirely true, from what I have heard last night, England will build a similar testing lab on their soil...looks like they don't have one atm...
Personally I think that England and France working together (what ever it is) can't be a bad thing for Europe, for too long England has been closer to the US than Europe...
Hooo you shouldn't have reacted on my complains that fast, now I will think that you can do anything very fast...Now I've have raised my expectations lol
I have some time today, so I'll make sure to test it later....MERCI!
I think the smooth camera is adding some realism, good one!
Edit: just tested it and it works, very good compromise EQ!
Now let see if you can add a setting for how much degrees we want to turn the head of the driver...