Try to make the skins yourself. You probably won't find anyone who is willing to make more then one or two skins for free. The skin looks easy but a decent skinners wants to make a "perfect" skin. That means he has to switch between the graphic-program and the viewer a lot which task a lot time. It's not like you make one skin and convert it to the others cars in several minutes.
Wide or not wide?
I think it depends on what you are doing with you computer.
I would rather get two 19” with pivot then one 22” wide because I use my computer for working (programming) and not only for playing games or watching movies. If you only play games and watch movies, I'm sure a 22” wide is great but not for working. I have a notebook with 1680x1050 and it's not really wide enough for putting two windows side by side.
If you want accurate colors you should get an EIZO S2110W-K (~ £460) or something similar that doesn't have a cheap TN panel.
I think all your logos are stretched
The puma should look like that
on your skin it's stretched. The Intel logo on the top is stretched more then a bit. I know it's a lot work to resize every logo but you really should think about doing it, it would make your skin look a lot better.
On the pictures you posted a lot logos are looking stretched. Use the top and side view in the skin viewer and you'll see it better. The BMW logos should be round not oval.