i've had a couple of issues...
track1 - exported the lyt file just fine and opened it up and everything was as it should be in LFS. perfect. I went to open its .trk file in tracklab, and nothing was there in the design view. its just empty.
track2 - exprted the lyt file, and tried to open it in LFS, empty car park. this one i can re-open in tracklab and everything is still there. after exporting, there is an alert box saying there was an error, and upon checking the log file, there is the following message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TrackLabMain.py", line 646, in OnExportLFSTrack
struct.error: ubyte format requires 0<=number<=255
the files are saved/exported to a subdirectory of the tracklab folder called tracks.
i've attached both the .trk and .lyt files for both tracks to see if they can help you out.
still think this is a great program