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S2 licensed
my 2 monitor setup isn't working right....

i tell it 1 to the right and the screen sizes and full screen it just stays on the main monitor.
S2 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :hell no. if you are, it can maybe, possibly, explain the skewed view you have on some things. having a condition that impairs your learning abilities, even by a tiny little, is not a laughing matter.

for me its mostly writing and spelling. reading ever now and then but its more has to do with badly written sentences. to go as far as saying it impairs learning i wouldn't say it does make it harder to learn by normal standards. i can't understand something by reading it in a book or on paper you give it to me and let me work on it and 5-10 mins later i can tell you how and why it works or doesn't.

Quote from Breizh :Or that you're totally mistaken on what the priorities are.

every time smoke affects are brought up its the response lfs isn't a screen shot generator. thats why i fear they don't want to add any amount of smoke, sparks, flame affects to the sim.
S2 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :what the hell kind of an argument is that?
equating the safety of someone who relies on abs... with the safety of someone who ignores it?

you don't understand that you, as a human, can not do what abs does, do you?

you still haven't understood what abs can do.

when you do (if you do)... we can talk again.

seriously now, are you dyslexic?

no i am comparing someone that that drives like a fool on bad roads to some one that drives like a sane person that is able to look at the eneverment around them and drive to match situation they are in. ie, driving normal speeds thinking that abs works better then i could ever push the brakes so i can do 40 in a 40 on ice and i will be safe because i have abs compared to some one doing 20 in a 40 on ice because they don't have abs. both will stop in on ice but the abs guy going faster will take longer then the guy driving to suit the conditions.

as for the dyslexically yea i am you want to start picking at me for that now?

and as for saying i could code better with my hand behind my back where at all did i say i could code it, or that i could do it better then any of the devs?
S2 licensed
Quote from Breizh :blah blah blah my truck blah blah LFS is arcade blah blah I could make a better LFS in half Scawen's time & effort with a hand tied behind my back


all the comments like this you guys bash on scawens coding ability more then i do. you think with how good of a game he has made he can't make a little more realistic smoke effect. i think its more he doesn't reason how much of a in pack it makes on the racing.
S2 licensed
sorry but i don't ponder stuff when i hit the brake. when i am behind the wheel i am driving im not on my cell im not looking for hot chicks driving around me. 100% of my focus is on driving the car. partly because driving a short wheelbase sport truck it gets away from you faster then a longer car like our impala.

last winter i was coming back from my gf's house about 15 miles away from my house. from about 5 pm till 2 am it was some of the worst icy snow/rain for. there was areas that were 5 inches of snow that was slushy and there was areas that were just wet snow that froze and was all icy. freeway traffic was doing 10 mph and i saw about 6-7 cars in the ditch some i would say where totaled people in brand new trailblazers and Cadillac escalades. one guy came out of a enternce on to the freeway and just kept in the turn all the way around under the bridge and in to the ditch on the other side of the road he had just came off of.

well i as on my way home around 12 at nite most of the roads i was on where just ice. after about 4 miles there was just slick spots and you could do more then just 10-20 mph. so as im doing 35 in a 45 going over a bridge they had been working on for the last 2 years every thing was ok till then. the road between normal street and the bridge was about a 3 inch tall bump that when my truck hit it the back tires both came off the ground (due to the bump stops hitting) and also due to the slop of the bridge the back end started to come around to the right, so my very first instinct was keep the gas steady, turn to the right right a little and hold it till i can regain control safely. i went from the front of my car pointed at 12 oclock to pointing between 9 and 10 o'clock after about 60 feet or so the super slick bridge was pass me and was just on a semi slick road and could recover the slide with out incident. the only other guy on the road was behind me about a quarter mile or so and after watching me i guess felt it would be a good idea to slam on the brakes when he saw the bump at the bridge that wasn't there a week ago. hitting the bump with abs locked up his tires and threw the car in to a quick spin and he ended up backwards sliding in to the rail on the bridge almost facing the wrong way on a divided highway. abs for the normal idiot gives them the idea that if they just push really hard on the brakes it will make the car stop under complete control.

i was going to a robotics meet in a car pool where one of the other students parents where driving and it was much of the same weather all the roads where icy and snow and cars in the ditches. for about 20 mins of a 1hr drive every time she pushed the brakes the abs kicked in and gave you that kicking action on the peddle and she would release the brakes and push again every time till she stopped. i finally got to the point where i told her just hold your foot on it when it does that its the abs kicking in you don't need to pump the brakes its doing it for you. and she had no idea that, that was what was happening. abs is for the normal every day driver that doesn't want to learn how to drive or become a better driver just wants to get some place. if you drive as if you don't have abs you are every bit as safe if not safer then some fool that thinks b/c i have abs im safer on the roads.

70-0 on dry roads is only about 120-140 feet, in that distance there isn't much your going to do that abs would help you accomplish that you couldn't do your self. its only in rainy, snowy, icy roads that abs comes in to play and its only a last ditch effort by the car to try and save you.
S2 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :uh
you have no chance to outperform abs, not because you don't have the ability to do so, but simply because you don't have that much control with your single foot pedal.

why do i think that you have no idea what abs can do?

also, what kind of argument is that people were able to drive cars without abs? cars didn't have lots of things in the past. that doesn't mean shit.

abs is a luxury to have on a car that makes it easier for any normal person to be able to just hold the brake to the floor and control the car it doesn't stop it any faster then a non abs car but allows the driver to keep it in control. between pumping and locking the brakes you can come to the same controlled stopped but you need to know how to handle it and remain calm at the same time. before the abs went out there had been times where it would go 200 feet on ice and not slow down much at all because the abs was going to light on the brakes. a program in a computer no mater how smart it is can not match a intelligent human behind the wheel. it can't change based on what is around. snow locked up wheels work better it builds a berm up in front of the wheel and the snow will slow the car down better most of the time then rolling on top of it.

your just like all the people that got in to huge wrecks when abs first came out thinking that it would save them no mater what. that is the wrong way to drive with abs. it can only stop you as fast as the surface your on will allow.

abs didn't save one of these guys
S2 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :wat ... ABS_module_rebuild_repair

as in it thinks your sliding so it runs the pump and lets up on all the brakes and you don't slow down. its a common problem and the last i checked they made cars with out abs and people where able to drive them just fine. so unless you want to give me 1k us to have it remand theres no reason. i have driven it for the last 3 years in 6-12 inch snow falls and rain and ice with out a problem. it was scary enough the first time it happened going to stop and pushing the brakes and having the abs pump kick on and run till the fuse blew for it and then all 4 wheels locked up till the car was turned off. this was around 70,000 miles. we put a new fuse in and at 5mph it still just pumped then just locked up, so we pulled the fuse and its been fine since and the truck has 130,000 miles on it now.

yet again this will probably be another thing that never happens in a lfs race. having a brake line fail or a caliper drag and over heating the brakes. should it be in lfs maybe, maybe not. lfs seems more like a arcade game with realistic handling
S2 licensed
Quote from Ziploc :Hahahaha. ABS broken light and a check engine light. Why am I not surprised.

And yes, you bragged about "beating pos inports" so as far as I'm concerned your a moron street racer.

Have a good day.

the abs and brake is the abs module its been checked and its 1,500$ for a 30 day warranted remanufactured one. im sorry but i think i know how to pump my own brakes.

the check engine light is for a multi cylinder miss fire that i have been trying to track down for the past 3 months now. that was the reason for the wires and plugs and soon a new coil. just today changed fuel filter and cleaned the maf sensor along with the K&N filter. the next to things will be the coil and maybe some o2 sensors.

unless any of the highly intelligent kids on here want to add there 2 cents on the next thing to try to fix it?

we have a Actron CP9145 scanner if you want pics of the code just ask.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Now make a smoke scene that pulls 60 frames per seconds in your 3d max with limited CPU and GPU usage to 5%

you didn't read the post about my system did you? i get 340 fps at 1920x1200
gtx 295 and i7 @3.2 lfs at most uses 12% cpu if i recall right.

Quote from george_tsiros :i don't know wth you guys are getting at, but you are starting to lose every smidgen of coherence.

the 3rd gen type r has a top speed of 37mph in 1st, 57 in 2nd, 81, 107, 133, 140

so lets see 4th gear low rpm easy 70
S2 licensed
i don't know why youtube is cutting the end off but 40 mph in 2nt gear in my sport truck. our impala 1 gear red lines around 55mph. so it would have to be a pretty crapy little civic type R to only do 40 in 3 or 4th gear. top speed what 64 mph limited? if he is in 3ed or 4th like you said he is doing more then 40 mph

btw the video is half throttle, you can hear the tire chirp and its about 6 seconds of video to 45 mph on the full video is about 7 to be around 60 mph. if i would have given it full throttle 60 is 2nt gear about 6 seconds. mainly because of the shift kit, and the craptasic first gear and long 2nt gear. 2nt gear floored will go all the way up to 75 mph before it shifts.
Last edited by gotspeed, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :listen to the engines. they're in about 3rd-4th gear. low revs. braking uphill.
ok, i'll brake it down for you.
car on roof= no grip.
roof+sliding+gravel= sudden stop.
do you think that civic was doing 80mph in 3rd or 4th? with such low revs?

you think he had any control over his car at all. he was 4 wheels off the last turn and never touched the brakes in to the turn if he was in 3ed or 4th to power up the hill i dout he was only doing 40 that would be a 1st or 2nt gear for a race set up car.
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :i smell bs... check the vid again. the civic was on its roof for about 15 feet (slid on its roof for 2 seconds). where the hell did you get 150-200feet? and 70-80mph? more like 40mph. ... next_from=PL&index=19

for the 1,000,000th time, stop exagerating.

so you think all those guys went in to that turn at 40 mph with tires squealing and enough speed to flip a sideways car instead of sliding to a stop on the other side of the track in to a sand trap and flipping him self back over. theres a lot more velocity at work there then 40 mph.
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :how long was that civic sliding on it's roof for? how long do you have to weld for the metal to give off smoke (not smoke from the rod)?

150-200 feet with who knows how much weight at 70-80 mph its not how long its how much force is on it too.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :All physx brings to a game is the ability to hand off lots and lots of identical calculations to the GPU, where it can do them very quickly if they're the right kind of calculation. It doesn't 'do smoke'. You still have to spend weeks researching fluid dynamics and implementing it in code, when that could be much better spent on (for example) a new track, a new car and new handling physics.

well the way its going it looks like it take about 1 year to do a track and car so a few weeks doing new smoke that would make a huge difference on every track with every car would be a better use of time/reward when its done.
S2 licensed
Quote from Breizh :The brakes don't glow, metal grind from bottoming out doesn't give sparks, the sun doesn't glint off exact specular angles, dirt doesn't appear on any surfaces, bodywork doesn't break, and so on and on.

Everyone knows already. Where's your proof that you could code a realistic smoke system easily enough that Scavier ought to have fitted it into their past or present to-do short list?

so all this guts and glory that the devs have for building there own racing sim they can't come up with implementing a partial effect that as already been done. its not like there are trying to land a man on pluto they are trying to recreate something that any one in a 3d design course would have to do.

nvidia has physx that can do smoke effects, make it something that only nvidia cards do in game then. just like the new bat man game and the other 2 dozen games that have better physx because they support the physx platform for doing little effects like that.

car crash with smoke from other then the tires ... 43NjY&feature=related
Last edited by gotspeed, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :the smoke came from the tyres. not the roof. you really don't have a clue do you? can i expect another exageration from you to enforce your point?

ever use a girder or weld? both heat up metal and give off smoke after a while.
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :i've never seen a race car give off smoke when on its roof. sparks maybe, but never smoke.

go back and look at the civic type r that flipped it smoked. watch in car footage of any flip theres smoke from the sheet metal getting really hot
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :And you would want to hold the gas down in a spin, ruining your tires, because...

because just like i want a racing sim that when the guy infront of me hits a curb to hard rolls over when some one spins i want the smoke. i want true racing experience not just a well this is kinda how it goes. i never said smoke should be the next thing they should work on but it shouldn't be the very last thing b/c it affects every car and every track.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Special case. Doesn't come up under normal racing conditions.

happens in big wrecks and spins like you said were someone holds the gas and lfs doesn't match it. idk im working on a dds file right now....
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :

Not a whole lot of smoke there.

those are also light weight bikes not a 1ton car on big fat tires.

2:02 i beg to differ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Breizh :Did you say smoke?

we can still conplain about the smoke. the curbing is real in lfs just like real life racing hit it flip your race is over. the smoke is still not true to real life racing. the other half of the problem is you change your own smoke and end up hitting some one that you can't see and they don't know you changed the smoke they yell about being rammed lol :P
S2 licensed
there is no way this is not going to end badly ... &g2_imageViewsIndex=1

or this ... 815&g2_serialNumber=1

now can we stop complaining about a little curbing in lfs now?
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Hmm, never heard of it. Seems like a quaint little track in the Detroit area.

lol, speaking of high curbs: ... 333&g2_serialNumber=2

:12 seconds in ... ZKv48&feature=related

looks even taller when your coming towards it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :I meant what track.

waterford hills road racing.
S2 licensed
Quote from [SWE]RE :That smoke looks better yes, but.. I seriously hope you're sarcastic with that post.

i put it in the dds folder over righting the one thats there and i went to launch the game and just get a black screen and a not responding.