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(151 results)
S2 licensed
just turned off uac nothing changed still just crashes at start. just doesn't ask to run as admin or any thing just goes right to a not responding box.
S2 licensed
honestly that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. i have not had any problems with vista 64. this is on a i7 with a gtx 295 and 6 gigs of ddr3 you can't get a faster system with all the vista updates. there is no reason all of a sudden vista changes its mind and keeps me from playing/running/opening a file i was just using.
S2 licensed
that can not be the problem since i have used lfs on this system for 7 months your telling me i close it one and try to reopen lfs a few hours later and it won't go.
not responding
S2 licensed
i go to open lfs and i just get not responding in vista 64. havn't had any problems in the last 7 months since i built this new system. tried redownloading lfs and opening a fresh "install" of lfs nothing still not responding. what gives?
S2 licensed
its doing it again won't start any copy of lfs up.
S2 licensed
pretty nice. im thinking mine might be a year or two away right now. as of right now this i7 is very quick but until it can be a 128+ and install os on 1 and another 128+ for games and what not i think im going to save up.
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :Great news you got LFS running again

As for your slowing HDD I think its normal as the drive fills up for it to be a little slower, Im not sure tho.
I would strongly reccomend backing up on a regular basis, unbelivably I just had 2 drives die on me this week, and one was my backup drive! its at data recovery atm
I am about to order my first SSD I think it will be more reliable but you can never tell


what ssd you thinking about getting? been looking but there still a little to much. my 74 gig 10k rpm 5 year old rapter is hanging in fine still

as far as the full drive being slow they shouldn't be that much slower its more the registry that when more programs get installed and uninstalled it gets big and slows down the system
S2 licensed
k i got it back working now ran a copy of spin rite on the hard drive. im starting to think this 1.5tb seagate drive is dieing slowly on me
the vista experience score for the hard drive is 5.7 every thing else in the system is 5.9 (max) and the hard drive use to be but it won't hit 5.9 any more 5.7 is the best it can pull.
S2 licensed
its been o.c for the past 2 months now. its stable 24 hour running occt burn in. just played left for dead last night because i wasn't able to get lfs to start and it ran fine the whole time. the system was built by me January this year
Last edited by gotspeed, .
lfs won't load up now after playing HELP
S2 licensed
lfs starts and just shows a black screen was playing it fine 2 hours ago and left and came back and now it won't load up at all. it just says not responding. tried rebooting and even made a new lfs folder and redownloaded the game and it does the same thing.

i7 [email protected] ghz with 6 gigs of ram and a gtx 295. with vista 64 bit.
S2 licensed
it might be a little late now but why not use the input censer from the wheel to see if it is actively moving then turn the power up/on from the normal level? same with the fans put a temp probe on the outside of the case of the motor and when it gets to a certain the fans kick on?
S2 licensed
asking what questions technical assistance in the technical assistance forum?
S2 licensed
wow guys thanks so much for all your help and fixing my problem -_-
lfs seems like a bunch of 12 year olds. the people with dual monitors working post your code plz so i can try it and maybe just maybe i can get it to work since no one is really helping me here.
are the lfs devs dead?
S2 licensed
how long has it been since we were told the wv would be out next weekend its been over 3 months now with out a single update or word about it. no bata updates with the vw to test nothing not even a news update what happened?
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :
- Engine building/tuning:
- Engine Tuning and Car Tweaking:
- Cam timing adjustment:

why not i have always liked the idea of having some one that tuned there car for a 2 lap all out race trying to win a 20 lap race with the tuning being set up wrong its done in real racing the same way. look at a drag racing motor as appose to a nascar motor. drag race motors need to be rebuilt between races and rev very very quickly were a nascar motor is more about running at 7k 8k 9k rpm all day. it would be the same as it is with set ups if your not really good with making a set up from scratch you could ask for some one to send you there "tuning setup"
S2 licensed
o by the way
i want my set up to be like this
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :Maybe you can get some help in here.

http://www.widescreengamingfor ... /wiki/index.php/Main_Page

Oh and Sgt Kill let me guess you are 14 years of age and really should be at school, does your mummy know your not at school?

thank you for adding some thing productive unlike some others looking at it now
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt-KiLL :how about no, yankee boy!

use a single monitor or 3 monitors, using 2 is just plain fuking stupid.

no its not i want to look to the right and see what should be there like the side view and mirror, yea in a few years when i have the space for a 3ed monitor that will be the set up but as of right now i have room for 2 and i want to use them both in game.
Last edited by gotspeed, .
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt-KiLL :dual monitors is absolutely fuking shit, i fuking hated dual monitors, its the shittyest shit I ever fuking tried. get another fuking monitor for fuks sake. stop being a class A c u n t

ok give me the other 300$ to get another flat panel and another few hundred for a second video card o and another 100 to get a desk that it will fit on, o well your at it a few thousand for a bigger room so that can all fit in my bed room plz

o yea i spent more then that just last month building a i7 (o/c to 3.2) with 6 gigs of ram 1.5 tb hard drive, a gtx 295 and a 1000watt power supply.
S2 licensed
Quote from erfrag :you are going to run into issues running 2 monitors with different resolutions.

have you seen this thread for correcting the FOV: ?

i don't think you under stood what i said. i can't get it to work at all it flashes on screen then goes back to the desktop and crashes its not a fov problem
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :change the res on the right side?

i thought thats what i did when i did

i can't get it to use both monitors some times it flashes the little splash screen it has on the right side but nothing to do with the game
S2 licensed
yea 2 not 3 and getting it to span both screens. i can get it to show the higher rez like 3000x 1200 and what not but when i select it it only shows on the 24 and its not even the whole 24. i have seen it done just can't get the settings right.

dual monitor question
S2 licensed
i have a dell 19 1280x1024 and just got an acer 24 1900x1200 the dell is off to the right side and i can't get lfs set to run on both with out it being off center and all messed up looking. i tried softTH but i can't figure out the settings to get it to work in lfs, it just beeps and closes (my guess would be can't render graphics error) what im i missing here.

thank you for any and all help

gfx card is a evga gtx 260 (still waiting for my gtx 295 step up)

; SoftTH configuration file
; by Kegetys <kegetys[ät]>

; deviceIDLeft/right: Direct3D device ID's of left and right monitor.
; secondaryWidth/Height: Left/right monitor resolution, set to -1 to use same as middle screen resolution
; secondaryRefresh: Refresh rate of left/right monitors
; secondary16bpp: Use 16bit colour in left and right monitors, this cuts the required bandwidth in half
; antialiasing: Level on anti-aliasing, use this instead of driver enforced setting
; anisotropic: Level of anisotropic filtering, you can also use driver enforced setting
; borderSize: Size of frame border between monitors that is discarded
; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use

; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide
; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution
; cylindicalCorretionAngle: Amount of cylindrical correction done, use with sideExtraWidth
; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game
; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card
; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head
; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied
; noHotkeys: Set 1 to disable all hotkeys
; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir)

; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes
; doHooking: Enable/disable all hooks
; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly
; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates

; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3)
; Must be last in this file

0.000 SoftTH: SoftTH v1.08 by Kegetys (D3D8)
0.000 SoftTH: Module: E:\lfs z\d3d8.dll ("E:\lfs z\LFS.exe")
0.015 SoftTH: Loading configuration C:\Users\louis\SoftTH.cfg
0.015 SoftTH: Loading configuration E:\lfs z\SoftTH.cfg
0.453 SoftTH: Right monitor ID autodetected as 1
0.453 SoftTH: Added auto resolution 1920x1200 60Hz
0.453 SoftTH: loadConfig return
0.453 SoftTH: Activating Win32 hooks...
0.0000 STHook: Hooks: Attached
0.469 SoftTH: Direct3DCreate8 (ver 220)
1.156 SoftTH: Adapter 0: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 with SoftTH v1.08 by Kegetys (D3D8)
1.203 SoftTH: Adapter 1: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 2852x600 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 3524x768 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 4292x960 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 4292x1024 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 5252x1200 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 3992x700 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 6212x1200 f16
1.219 SoftTH:
1.219 SoftTH: CreateDevice 1024x768 75Hz 23bf 77df 8/0ms
1.219 SoftTH: Focus window: 'Live for Speed'
1.219 SoftTH: Requested mode 1024x768 not triplehead
1.219 SoftTH: 1 backbuffer(s): 1024x768
1.219 SoftTH: SwapEffect 1, PP Flags 00000000, Behaviour Flags 00000080
2.140 SoftTH: Storing function pointers...
2.140 SoftTH: Empty device reference count: 1
2.140 SoftTH: Standard mode: 1024x768
2.140 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...
2.140 SoftTH: Releasing devices...
2.281 SoftTH: Video memory used: 1.50MB
2.297 SoftTH: InitStuff done
2.297 SoftTH: CreateDevice return (1024x768)
9.906 SoftTH:
9.906 SoftTH: Reset main device (2852x600)
9.906 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
9.906 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
9.906 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (2852x600 0Hz), enabling TH
9.906 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
10.422 SoftTH: Reset OK
10.422 SoftTH: Creating additional device windows
10.422 SoftTH: Monitor left: 800x48
10.422 SoftTH: Monitor right: 800x48
10.422 SoftTH: Focus window: 5308986 'Live for Speed'
10.422 SoftTH: Creating window (pos 800x48, size 1280x1024)
10.453 SoftTH: Creating window (pos 800x48, size 1280x1024)
10.484 SoftTH: Creating device right..
11.109 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
11.109 SoftTH:
11.109 SoftTH: Reset main device (800x600) FOO
11.109 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
11.109 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
11.406 SoftTH: Reset OK
11.406 SoftTH: Reset return main device (800x600) FOO
11.406 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
11.453 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
11.453 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
11.453 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (2852x600, f22, ms8-0)
11.453 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (2852x600, f77 ms8-0)
11.453 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (1952x600, f22)...
11.453 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
11.453 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexB (2560x1024, f23)...
11.453 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 800x600, sr: 1280x1024
11.578 SoftTH: Video memory used: 1.83MB
11.594 SoftTH: InitStuff done
11.594 SoftTH: copySurf: Initializing
11.594 SoftTH: Reset return main device (2852x600)
11.594 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 7
13.234 SoftTH:
13.234 SoftTH: Reset main device (3524x768)
13.234 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
13.234 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
13.234 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3524x768 0Hz), enabling TH
13.234 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
13.719 SoftTH: Reset OK
14.031 SoftTH: Creating device right..
14.765 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
14.765 SoftTH:
14.765 SoftTH: Reset main device (1024x768) FOO
14.765 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
14.765 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
14.937 SoftTH: Reset OK
14.937 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1024x768) FOO
14.937 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
14.984 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
14.984 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
14.984 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3524x768, f22, ms8-0)
14.984 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3524x768, f77 ms8-0)
14.984 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2400x768, f22)...
14.984 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
14.984 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1024x768, sr: 1280x1024
15.109 SoftTH: Video memory used: 3.00MB
15.125 SoftTH: InitStuff done
15.125 SoftTH: copySurf: Initializing
15.125 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3524x768)
15.125 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
15.140 SoftTH: createQuad: Creating new buffer 0x0 - 2560x1024 (0/8)
15.140 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice increased by 3
16.594 SoftTH:
16.594 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
16.594 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
16.594 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
16.594 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
16.594 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
18.062 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
18.062 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
18.062 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
18.062 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
18.062 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
18.062 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
18.078 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
18.078 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
18.078 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
18.812 SoftTH: Creating device right..
20.719 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
20.719 SoftTH:
20.719 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
20.719 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
20.719 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
20.890 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
20.890 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
20.890 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
20.890 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
20.890 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
20.890 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
20.890 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
20.890 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
20.890 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
20.890 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
20.890 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
20.984 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
20.984 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
20.984 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
20.984 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
21.000 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
21.000 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
21.000 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
21.125 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
21.156 SoftTH: InitStuff done
21.156 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
21.156 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
21.156 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
21.156 SoftTH: Right device lost! D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET (valid)
21.297 SoftTH:
21.297 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
21.297 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
21.297 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
21.297 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
21.312 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
21.312 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
21.312 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
21.312 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
21.312 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
21.312 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
21.312 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
21.312 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
21.312 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
21.312 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
22.047 SoftTH: Creating device right..
23.937 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
23.937 SoftTH:
23.937 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
23.937 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
23.937 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
24.078 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
24.078 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
24.078 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
24.078 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
24.078 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
24.078 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
24.094 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
24.094 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
24.094 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
24.094 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
24.094 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
24.172 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
24.172 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
24.172 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
24.172 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
24.172 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
24.172 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
24.172 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
24.297 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
24.312 SoftTH: InitStuff done
24.312 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
24.312 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
24.312 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
24.359 SoftTH:
24.359 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
24.359 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
24.359 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
24.359 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
24.359 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
24.359 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
24.359 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
24.359 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
24.359 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
24.359 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
24.359 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
24.359 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
24.359 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
24.359 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
25.047 SoftTH: Creating device right..
26.828 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
26.828 SoftTH:
26.828 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
26.828 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
26.828 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
26.969 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
26.969 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
26.969 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
26.969 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
26.969 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
26.969 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
27.000 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
27.000 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
27.000 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
27.000 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
27.000 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
27.078 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
27.078 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
27.078 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
27.078 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
27.078 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
27.078 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
27.078 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
27.219 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
27.234 SoftTH: InitStuff done
27.234 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
27.234 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
27.234 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
27.265 SoftTH:
27.265 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
27.265 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
27.265 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
27.265 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
27.265 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
27.265 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
27.265 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
27.265 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
27.265 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
27.265 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
27.265 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
27.265 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
27.265 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
27.265 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
27.906 SoftTH: Creating device right..
29.625 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
29.625 SoftTH:
29.625 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
29.625 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
29.625 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
29.765 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
29.765 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
29.765 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
29.765 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
29.765 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
29.765 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
29.781 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
29.781 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
29.781 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
29.797 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
29.797 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
29.875 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
29.875 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
29.875 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
29.875 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
29.875 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
29.875 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
29.875 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
30.000 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
30.015 SoftTH: InitStuff done
30.015 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
30.015 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
30.015 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
30.031 SoftTH:
30.031 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
30.031 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
30.031 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
30.031 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
30.031 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
30.047 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
30.047 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
30.047 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
30.047 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
30.047 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
30.047 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
30.047 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
30.047 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
30.047 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
30.719 SoftTH: Creating device right..
32.406 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
32.406 SoftTH:
32.406 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
32.406 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
32.406 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
32.547 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
32.547 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
32.547 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
32.547 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
32.547 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
32.547 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
32.562 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
32.562 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
32.562 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
32.562 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
32.562 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
32.625 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
32.625 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
32.625 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
32.640 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
32.640 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
32.640 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
32.640 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
32.750 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
32.765 SoftTH: InitStuff done
32.765 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
32.765 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
32.765 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
32.812 SoftTH:
32.812 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
32.812 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
32.812 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
32.812 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
32.812 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
32.828 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
32.828 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
32.828 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
32.828 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
32.828 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
32.828 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
32.828 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
32.828 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
32.828 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
33.484 SoftTH: Creating device right..
35.219 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
35.219 SoftTH:
35.219 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
35.219 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
35.219 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
35.375 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
35.375 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
35.375 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
35.375 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
35.375 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
35.375 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
35.390 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
35.390 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
35.390 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
35.390 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
35.390 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
35.469 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
35.469 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
35.469 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
35.469 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
35.469 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
35.469 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
35.469 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
35.594 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
35.609 SoftTH: InitStuff done
35.609 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
35.609 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
35.609 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
35.656 SoftTH:
35.656 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
35.656 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
35.656 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
35.656 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
35.656 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
35.656 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
35.656 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
35.656 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
35.656 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
35.656 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
35.656 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
35.656 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
35.656 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
35.656 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
36.312 SoftTH: Creating device right..
38.094 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
38.094 SoftTH:
38.094 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
38.094 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
38.094 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
38.265 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
38.265 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
38.265 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
38.265 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
38.265 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
38.265 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
38.281 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
38.281 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
38.281 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
38.281 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
38.281 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
38.344 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
38.344 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
38.344 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
38.344 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
38.344 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
38.344 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
38.344 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
38.469 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
38.484 SoftTH: InitStuff done
38.484 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
38.484 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
38.484 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
38.500 SoftTH:
38.500 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
38.500 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
38.500 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
38.500 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
38.500 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
38.515 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
38.515 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
38.515 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
38.515 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
38.515 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
38.515 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
38.515 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
38.515 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
38.515 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
39.172 SoftTH: Creating device right..
40.765 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
40.765 SoftTH:
40.765 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
40.765 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
40.765 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
40.922 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
40.922 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
40.922 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
40.922 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
40.937 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
40.937 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
40.953 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
40.953 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
40.953 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
40.953 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
40.953 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
41.015 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
41.015 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
41.015 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
41.015 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
41.015 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
41.015 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
41.015 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
41.156 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
41.172 SoftTH: InitStuff done
41.172 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
41.172 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
41.172 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp

need help about explicit skin problem in our server
S2 licensed
a guy had a skin witch after looking at the dds file you can clearly see some female body part that isn't allowed in game. where and what do i have to do to report him about it. i have a mpr and the name of the skin he had.
S2 licensed
umm you guys are forgetting something.... ai can be used online too. they can be added in a online game with /ai if the host allows it. think of a good ai with 50 or 60 cars on the track half being real drivers the other half being there ai driver.... that would be a fun/crazy/exciting race.

in my opinion the ai need to be a little more fearless get on oval with bf1 set, ai to use your setup, put a few ai on with bump drafting sets, once you touch one, they slam on the brakes, and almost act like a old lady turning in to the bank in her 1970's Lincoln. they need to let the tires squeal a little and get the tires a little hot.