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S2 licensed
Quote from Infiniti :Because :lfs: has been touched by the hands of not one god, but three. :cookiemon:mr-t::hippy:

So from Left to right its Scawen, Victor, and that other
S2 licensed
BTW guys with patch X30 XRT is GONE from demo...just FYI.
S2 licensed
Quote from dropin_biking :Really? I've been driving the XRT around, and I'm feeling MORE boost lag. IIRC, before I could be rolling and punch it from third I could get full boost at about 4,500k but now it's not till near redline. Speaking of which, most of the cars seem to be rev limited right AT the top of the powerband, seems like theres no fall-off revs.

Strange, I thought they removed the XRT from X30...
S2 licensed
I got this game for my Birthday in march..Tried installing it once..Was too laggy for even my dad's power PC...

Now it stays in its box, unable to be returned for a refund, collecting dust and also doubling as a paper weight.
S2 licensed
I just went to look at the options by clicking it and the whole game locks up and dissipears from screen. No fatal error. Nothing. Just, gone.
S2 licensed
What's Going On? Currently Active Users: 666 (309 members and 357 guests)
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :Ouch! No XRT for demo users! That's gonna hurt the cheapo drifters a LOT

And seperate JPGs for adverts? Is that the start of a new scheme to stream updated sponsors regularly? Not a bad idea if it is.

A damage repair toggle!

This is just like a list of things people have been asking about for ages finally enabled. Can't wait to see what this does to the world

It means people can make their own

Im gonna make a few later today
S2 licensed
Quote from Drift King CZ :That means, end of demo drifters? Will be the XRT removed from demo forever?

Encourages demo'ers to buy S2..
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :3rd post! thanks scawen!

4th for you actually..
S2 licensed
Removed XR GT Turbo car from demo


2nd post ftw!
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :weird is that everybody is watching at X30 dedi thread

S2 licensed
What's Going On? Currently Active Users: 558 (272 members and 286 guests)

LOL! I guess they got the note..
S2 licensed
LOL Scawen..No surprize LTC's server has their own dedicated as one of the first FBM servers...

A few hours=long enough to finish school and colledge before I throw my social life away to LFS even further.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Can someone explain to me why the stock cars used in Nascar always catch fire after an impact? You very rarely see that happen these days in European racing series, is it something to do with the way the cars are built or the type of fuel?

This is a crash thats been used in advertising race spec fuel tanks, the guy was perfectly ok and not a drop of fuel was spilt.

Jet fuel..After an accident if it touches air it causes fire that is usally safe enough for them to just waltz away from.
S2 licensed
First rush?

When I was 8 going Go-Karting for the first time..

They have one of those bridges that crosses over the bottom track...Well I was going under and someone above had somehow flipped up and over, tumbled right infront of me, landed it, and kept going straight..I almost s**t myself...
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :It is a pain in the ass. They probably will make some sort of teleport thing that takes you directly to the spot.

No, you drive to the stoplights and hold down certain buttons to engage a race.

And guess what? On the 23rd, I bet LFS will be down wreckers by about...70 percent...

But im not a wrecker and im still gonna pick it up because it looks fun as hell.
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Yes, but was Saturn in line with Mars in the second quadrant? That is the main question.

Well..In 2012 on the winter equinox(December 21st) the earth and sun will be aligned with the center of the galaxy..Thats the perfect time for Patch Y to come out
S2 licensed
Quote from Avatar13 :It's pretty funny coming on here and seeing all the anxious kids (yes, I'm one of 'em) hoping they'll see their new toy under the tree today... No wonder my wife thinks I'm pathetic at times.

What tree? (sarcasim, we haven't even got our christmas tree up yet.)
S2 licensed
Quote from Gizz :LFS is a simulator, consoles dont do sims, so IMO no and nor should it be...

its hard enough fighting your way through the drivers with IQ.s of 2 as it is now, can you imagine the xbox crowd jumping in too? ...... gota go i feel sick

So Forza 2 on the Xbox 360 isn't a sim?

I played it and it did great.
S2 licensed
Burnout Paridise comes out January 22nd 2008. For Xbox 360 and PS3. And it is definatly on my list.

Guess that means the decent racers will be on Burnout Paridise :P
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :i love that place, there used to be city life server with a layout on this fernbay and i was driving my uf1 and couldnt stop in time for the turn so i went up the hill jumped turned 90* and landed, Sk8 board style Anyways nice one!

Lol once on CTRA on fern bay this guy knocked me into it and I did exactly what you did and somehow got ahead of him...
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Run for yer lives folks, the Tamagotchi are invading the shores of Fern Bay!

And some weird things called Webkins are invading children's christmas lists! (I see it alot on those charity trees they have in the store where you buy the needy kid something.
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :the music is all about the style u listen, in my opinion Trance house RNB are alot better than stupid 50 cent or something. But again is the style u prefere not what others prefere. About the sizzle, when u play it in vegas yes it does that but when u render it the sizzle goes away. well it did for me

I think you ment ANY kind of music is better than 50 cent crap..

Heck I don't even like country music but I'd rather hear it than I would some music with the F bomb as the chorus.
S2 licensed
Well..Games to get atleast one is The Orange box..

Games not to get(well game lol):

Sega Rally Revo: Rented it..Within 20 minutes I returned it to blockbuster and was able to get a new game because it sucked so badly...

I myself am trying to get Gears Of War, Call of Duty 4, and Naruto:Rise of a ninja (Don't flame me because I have weird tastes).
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :It seems pretty dam pointless. My problem was that i couldn't understand what you wrote because you put forum not FORM.

Damn, is what you ment. And sorry captain spellcheck I didn't think someone like you who is obcessed with grammar would come into the topic.