Im not sure if its from the rental place's thing they do to CDs ("CD Saver" thing which goes over the disc to protect from scratches) but I have found that Forza 2 locks up alot in the mainmenu a few times. Maybe its from my xbox getting a little hot but its not really overheating...I have it set up with a few PC fans outside of it circulating the air.
Yeah..I got this Jeff Gordon electronic clock for Christmas (even though im not much into nascar) so I put some batteries in it and the box says "its cheers for jeff gordon and has sound FX of him winning"...
Well I actually looked up on it and figured out some numbers.
- amount of customers:Average is about 100-200 weekly possibly more (google translator doesn't help much.)
- amount of employees:Acording to google about 200-250 in one of the places.
- type of products offered:Basic cable accessories, video players.
- involvement in local activitiesDidn't look into this enough yet)
The customizing is awesome and its very realistic to say the least.
Online multiplayer is sweet too because you can bring your car from carrear to race other people.
The tuning is kinda like LFS though so its easy to do.
Its hard to get the best upgrades and stay in a certain class though! (cuz if you go over 400 in D class it goes to C class and you cannot race D class races with em).
Overall I need $110 atm..$60 for the game and $50 for 1 year of Xbox Live.
NEWSFLASH!!! Some people have diffrent tastes on racing besides you!
Also..obeying speed limits?? Ha! Thats the fun part of TC CityDriving, not everyone follows the limits and go super fast and race reguardless of virtual law enforcement. And thats where the fun startsursuits. You can and WILL be chased by inserver cops if you break the laws. Thats ,technicly, racing.
If your gonna go agiesnt what im saying then whatever. Most people play on CLC's server's also so don't just rag on TC.
Well, I got a 360 on Monday and figured I'd rent the 360 version of TDU. To my surprise BlockBuster didn't carry it in at all, so I rented Project Gotham Racing 3.