If you want to try something in movie maker use the smudge stick effect on videos or something with low quallity and high FPS. That worked for me and no one else could tell the diffrence
"I told you guys we shouldn't have integrated the Ford Pinto's back bumper and fuel system into our car!"
For those who didn't know the bumper was right next to the gastank and was basicly a match box with fuel. It caused many deaths before the recalls came out.
It was very laggy when the crash occured and thus made it seem like the vehicles were popping out of the map but a few seconds later they were scattered about the road like trash on Interstate I-95.
Yeah and I'd rather hit one, knock it over, and drive off rather than hit one,glitch up, and fly into the air and then fall on someone below me and knock them into it creating a juggling act.
Thankfully in LFS the physics arn't that good so if a bag is coming towards you it would probably hit a wall and fly up into the air...never to be seen again.