The online racing simulator
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S2 licensed
The peak of them is at 1am to 5 am. Im going to be watching em with my family.

A few years back we had some copper filled(green contrails) ones exploding. We had a F**KING HUGE, but still small enough to explode, meteor. It sounded like a Boeing 747 exploded above us but it all fizzled out lol..
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Lol, my heart jumped when I read 5000 euros :P
But then it only was in game money

And as we all know virtual money is
S2 licensed
Im keeping mine the same..its so stupid no1 else would copy it! and if anyone does I have a backup avatar.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Night and rain seem to be the equivalent to "I love the LX cars" we hear about so often. Yeah sure, I'd sure like to see these features and they're pretty likely to be implemented at some point, but it's kinda funny considering how most drivers poop their pants as soon as low wind is activated.

Night racing? Awesome, half the field constantly misses every apex by ±10m. Rain? Never was spinning into the kitty litter this fun! Night & Rain? Newest statistics show that the average T1 survival rate has finally risen to 0.8%!

If theres rain let the good guys start in the back..and low skilled in front, they will slide off while the pros take the is already hard enough to get out of, imagine wet grass at night..
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :that's a stupid suggestion
lets have a server for crackers then.

Im white and that offends me! *Lawsuit* [/sarcasim]

S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Dear LFS friends....

Im comming with great news. has a great action.
If you send me more as 5 energy drinks from your country,
Then you will get a free 20 slot LFS S2 Server!!!

When your on the site click "contact us"

Be quick!!!!!


This is probably the worst scam in history.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :35 years old and I am still 99% complete as the day I was born. I still have all 4 wisdom teeth, still have my tonsils and still have my appendix. The only thing I don't have anymore that I did when I was born is my..... er, well... I have children now, you figure it out.

Virginity has been taken eh? lol..."No, it took my wallet" would be the apropriate answer
S2 licensed
The closest I will be to it is at a convention in atlanta in september..Sadly I won't be able to make it to the meet because I has no car lol..
S2 licensed
Well dude unless we have the SAME exact programs no1 will be able to do the Shift+U mode even saving a replay will not save the camera angles in Shift+U mode.
S2 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :This request is not possible. All you can do with the windows is tint them, but that's it.

Alright then. That throws my other skin projects out the window but thanks anyway.
A request: Whitewindshields with eyeballs..(im serious)
S2 licensed
Yeah I have been watching the movie Cars too much but wouldn't it be a cool mod? I mean for the front windshield on the outside have it white with the eyes on it? It could open up new skinning possibilities. Or make it so the skin's color can go over the outside of the windshield but is still transparent on the inside of the car..
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I am told there was an STCC server in demo, I never saw it myself though.

I did once..It dissipeared rather fast though lol..

BTW RIP to your cat in your avatar..from the looks of it he/she isn't with any of us anymore. I have lost 2 cats of them ran outside in the middle of the night and a car found him at 40 MPH..
S2 licensed
I use a Canon PowerShot A40. 2.0 megapixals FTW.

I mainly use it for Transformers Stopmotion videos im working on and its decent.
S2 licensed
Lmao awesome. Reminds me when I was being chased by wreckers in a demolition derby
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Don`t even want to think on the result of that

You don't have to. My sister witnessed one personally..She was stopped at the stopsign and a motorcycle was coming on her left and an SUV on the right side...guess who turned first? ..SUV..Guy's bike exploded (no fire just pieces) and he went flying..My sister, who was pregnant at the time, got out and ran faster than I have ever seen her run to help the poor guy..Full body cast for 2 weeks and a totale-completely gone motorcycle.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :The car looks shit!
Seriously, I don`t find anything nice with that car, I even hated the colors as much as I hated the actual car.


Guess you have to have a fetish for The Fetish
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Err, no, you've COMPLETELY misunderstood Grunt, he wants to EXPAND on skin uploading

No point in that then. lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnBMW007 :i think i already explained that there could be a place like "my online car skins" (on lfs world) where you just upload the car and it will be visible to anyone regardless of whether they have the car on their computer.

anyways, i guess this idea is trashed and not gonna work

Okay guys he wants CARSKINS to be avalable to view in demo (like custom skins and ect).

MR Demo Dood. Its already a feature in S2. Just pay $50 and you will be able to have your own skins section.
S2 licensed
Quote from simscube :The 3 lights of death are not as much of a problem anymore, and if you get them, microsoft fixes it for free. Great games. Fun for partys if you have good audio equiptment, beacuse it can play music and vids off of your Windows XP (or above) and view your photos too. If you get one, people may say the physics are iffy, but if non-pure simulation is ok, forza motorsport 2 is a great game, strong skin (for lack of a better word) editing system, and fun online (spare those kids like this: link). Also, X-Box live is great for getting demos. Overall, great consol, has a few faults (wireless controllers eat batteries, suggest that you get either rechargeable batteries, or the battery pack for it)

I probably sound like a Microsoft sales rep, that's thanks to my family (most work for them)

Hope that helps at all

Wow..that kid is a little fag dude. I was waiting for the mom to beat him up over XboxLive or the guy aiming at him to shoot him in the head to kill him lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :

I loled.

S2 licensed
Quote from keiran : ... ocid=-5305992491462766951

Slight disadvantage is its size, not quite big enough for a human

I can't believe that bitch in the mini killed that little car. Crazy loon lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from FL!P :He is since the first day I saw him on track several months ago. He's just leaving very slowly.

Yes. When you live a thousand lightyears away from someone it takes awhile for the posts to matter.

That..and puberty sucks.
S2 licensed
Heres my answer to global warming.

"Climate change: Adapt to survive or die stupid"
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Only if you put it in orbit, if you just keep pushing it out past Earths gravitational field it would eventualy just fly away

Well..When they launch another little probe to Mars just put some nucelar waste on it lol...Im sure nothing bad would happen.
S2 licensed
Sure. We all need radioactive Kooala bears and Kangaroos.


Why don't they just put the waste on an MTV satelite and send that into deep space? Theres enough room in the galaxy for some waste in space right? lol..