NEWSFLASH!!! Some people have diffrent tastes on racing besides you!
Also..obeying speed limits?? Ha! Thats the fun part of TC CityDriving, not everyone follows the limits and go super fast and race reguardless of virtual law enforcement. And thats where the fun startsursuits. You can and WILL be chased by inserver cops if you break the laws. Thats ,technicly, racing.
If your gonna go agiesnt what im saying then whatever. Most people play on CLC's server's also so don't just rag on TC.
Well, I got a 360 on Monday and figured I'd rent the 360 version of TDU. To my surprise BlockBuster didn't carry it in at all, so I rented Project Gotham Racing 3.
Its obvious they changed the car classes allowed and im guessing because you took the XFR they were mad because they had RB4's and were gonna be outgunned...
....Which makes no sense because its their own fault for enabling the XFR in the first place.