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S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :lemme see! (btw it was [DWLYTS] Stunt)
anyone have the video by any chance

edit: aww you stink :P i want teh movie!

Nope sorry, teh sockocity might blind you.........on second thought:lemme reupload lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from funnybone2 :sry ive been gone so long guys

Alright, If your gonna start spamming the thread because my movie making skills suck go right ahead.

Im sorry people but this is my 3rd LFS movie. What the god d**n hell are you to expect from me? A damn hollywood blockbuster? A friggin musical???

Screw it. Movies suck anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from kurent :I'm still waiting for Scawen to post in one of this topics with something like: "Huh? What? The patch? Oh right...I knew I forgot something".

S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Excelent idea!

Now if scawen adds that I wanna see realistic damage next (bumpers, spoilers flying off, broken winshields ect.)
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's a racing sim though.

How about a powerboat mode for Fern Bay, so you can watch the race from a powerboat? How about a choice between powerboat and hovercraft? How about horseback?

[sarcasim]Hmm....wait! I have a better idea! Lets make a track designer and editor that lets you make pitfalls for the nubs who cant drive the perfect line![/sarcasim]

S2 licensed
1 Year??? Pfft. Had this had happened in georgia a minimum of 5 years would be in place for manslaughter!

Heck a guy on our lake, on his giant yacht, commited manslaughter by decappitating a man on a smaller boat, injuring the family aboard and left the scene.

He was given 8 years in prision and 2 years probation afterwards.
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Sure. Shift+U.

Yes I know about that view already but when your in it no1 can see you.

I was just sugesting it add a helicoptor skin possibly to airal views like that for realisim.
Possible "Helicoptor ON" in multiplayer/spectating?
S2 licensed
Alright so I figured since alot of racing events have cameras from helicoptors why not allow a spectator to have a helicoptor ingame? They could raise and lower to a certain position in the sky and not be able to mess with vehicles but be able to add to realisim. Plus in Citydriving they could use one for pursuiting "suspects" with a helicoptor. Also it could not just be limited to spectator. The host could decided weither they are on or off and who gets to use one.
S2 licensed
Keep the jokes to that stupid "" place and away from here. Most of already know you played S2 "At your cousin's house" which usally means cracked so stop trying to be a kissass and try to make "cracker prevention" files.

Anyone who's even read your post would know about it and not download it.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAD3.0LT :lol i thought it was gonna be stunts like BL rev jumping the tyres into a drift around the u turn or kickflips in S bends stuff like that

so i give it a -99 rating anyone can crash a car in lfs

Sorry I don't do demo stunts.
S2 licensed
1 Word: DYNO.

[sarcasim]Hey I have an idea! Lets put dynos everywhere on the track so cars exersize and lose car weight to go faster!!!!![sarcasism/]

S2 licensed

Made by myself.

As you can see from the ratings....1 star lol.... ...... ....
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Permission to s**** wildly? (1337 added to avoid censor)

lol I ment it was boring for stunts. Its awesome for racing but stunts is well...boring when car chunks don't come off.
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Boring imo. No offence. But it's like : 3 minutes some crashing - Not real stunts imo.

Well what did you expect for a LFS movie with stunts? LFS has one of the most boring physics engines around.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nosbox :Pretty good, apart from the quality.
What sever were you on?

It was some [DWYTLS] (or something)Stunt server.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :

I uh...*caf caf* recommend this..uh..*caf*

S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :@Roadie, nice Corrodo. LOVE that gold Scirocco in the last picture!

You guys are making me feel old. If I could drag my old worn out bones up out of a car, I'd still be driving a car. Actually, I have the old Altima that I drive back and forth to work. Gaahh, I hate climbing out of that thing. It is in dire need of replacement with a Toyota truck.

My snow driver / kid hauler. Just flipped 3500 miles :

lol my mom drives one of those. only its tan. GIVE YOUR DAMN CAR SOME SUNSHINE!!!!
Live For Speed Stunt Compilation.
S2 licensed
Last edited by GruntOfAction, . Reason : Video sucked
S2 licensed
Dropped out of league.
S2 licensed
Alright people its about to start! please come in now before it starts lol.

EDIT: Signing up my friend Subsonic.scooby.
Last edited by GruntOfAction, .
S2 licensed
Quote from EvilVendingMachine :Thi is the first time i've ever done it
S2 licensed
Quote from EvilVendingMachine :no

Have you had any problems with people connecting to your servers in the past? Hell I don't know.
S2 licensed
Quote from EvilVendingMachine :I'm hosting on patch W.
And it;s showing up on lfsworld


Has anyone else connected yet?
S2 licensed
Quote from EvilVendingMachine :Try now. If it doesn't work then i don't know.

Your hosting on Patch W right? Not the test patch?