If you thought that was bad see my reversed version..the whole video backwards :P
EDIT: Funny thing is, the image for that video that is show was used by the [noobs] guys to try to do a (failed) slander agienst me..By replacing my avatar at their site..(With the words "I wanna suck c**k" uncensored)
Well after testing it with NHancer it runs at about 40-50FPS which is alot higher than before...might be because I defragged my computer and deleted alot of 100MB+ items..
All I know is the memory on it is 70.5 GB and I have about 16.3GB of free space...now thats from 2 people with diffrent profiles but still thats alot of info lol..
EDIT: I seem to remember somewhere on this forum a program that scans your computer to find out the specs...hold on a second..
Isn't it obvious guys? There are bombs on your cars and they are set off after a certain time is done (Like 31.XX on the oval :P). So if you want your car to explode try and go for that world record :P....Actually..It arms the bomb after you do it..but if you go under 155MPH your car explodes...thats how that movie Speed went..lol.
Hey im running a Compaq Presario (Everything about it is unchanged from the factory except for the video card which is a geforceFX5200) and I was wondering what is the easiest way to set it up for LFS without buying a new computer or without killing my own? It runs fine at 40-60 FPS but it looks..ehh..What settings do you reccomend for a computer like mine?
You could always have the button push thing set so when you push the accelerate thing it will go slower so it accelerates the right way..its best to experiment with it though.
Your damn slow then. Me and my bro in law were able to change oil and the oil filter in 30 minutes on a Mazda Tribute..which BTW has an almost impossible to reach fuelfilter.