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S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :nice movie

edit: Grunt of action, I clicked that linky in your sig...
I dont know what I just saw..I dont want to to know what I just saw, I dont want to think about what I just saw... this is something beyond me =\

If you thought that was bad see my reversed version..the whole video backwards :P

EDIT: Funny thing is, the image for that video that is show was used by the [noobs] guys to try to do a (failed) slander agienst me..By replacing my avatar at their site..(With the words "I wanna suck c**k" uncensored)
S2 licensed
You could use I use it alot for some of my don't even need to be registered to upload.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fabri91 :Yep, there won't be a damage model and i suppose that the new smoke-particle stuff won't be there either.

So basicly its gonna be a re-released Need for Speed Underground on the PS2 eh? :P
S2 licensed
Quote from kurent :Or maybe we are being scammed, that email belongs to an innocent person and the whole story was made up to fool us into spamming his email! *dramatic music*

(something like this actually happened, people jump into the angry mob way too easily)

S2 licensed
Quote from marzman :I think you have to give more details of your pc (processor and memmory are important).

But i think most stuff from the startpost will work. It does on my 6/7(!) year old computer. Only when there are a lot of cars on the track it doesn't look that good anymore (all the details are gone, but it doesn't lag).

Well after testing it with NHancer it runs at about 40-50FPS which is alot higher than before...might be because I defragged my computer and deleted alot of 100MB+ items..

All I know is the memory on it is 70.5 GB and I have about 16.3GB of free thats from 2 people with diffrent profiles but still thats alot of info lol..

EDIT: I seem to remember somewhere on this forum a program that scans your computer to find out the specs...hold on a second..

EDIT2: Got specs up..
Last edited by GruntOfAction, .
S2 licensed
Isn't it obvious guys? There are bombs on your cars and they are set off after a certain time is done (Like 31.XX on the oval :P). So if you want your car to explode try and go for that world record :P....Actually..It arms the bomb after you do it..but if you go under 155MPH your car explodes...thats how that movie Speed
S2 licensed
Hey im running a Compaq Presario (Everything about it is unchanged from the factory except for the video card which is a geforceFX5200) and I was wondering what is the easiest way to set it up for LFS without buying a new computer or without killing my own? It runs fine at 40-60 FPS but it looks..ehh..What settings do you reccomend for a computer like mine?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Ah but LFS has both of those. We have lots of race servers that we don't need and need lots of racers but don't have.

*points to the 600+ empty servers of LFS when you allow empty servers into your filter*
S2 licensed
You could always have the button push thing set so when you push the accelerate thing it will go slower so it accelerates the right way..its best to experiment with it though.
S2 licensed
Well I see LFS has yet to improve on realisim by looking at the first crash

Nice compilation though.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :well lets see what we have established up till now
- you dont drive particularly good
- you constantly keep finding excuses for your driving
- you keep finding excuses for why your driving keeps you from achieving anything in either real world driving or lfs
- you keep claiming you overtake just like some of the best
- you are even less skilled at using a forum

and to top it all off you think that its somehow possible to overtake someone 100m in front of you in a braking zone thats barely 100 metres long

And I thought I sucked at this
S2 licensed
Im thinking this guy was on Gumby before he played LFS...

And by that I mean watched the Gumby Movie....I had to watch part of it for my nephew...its a friggin acid trip..
S2 licensed
Yeah...the topic title is...questionable..What do you have agienst white people buying S2?!?!?!
S2 licensed
This reminds me of Lemon Deamon's flash "When robots attack".

"ROBOTS! ROBOTS! No1 is safe when Robots attack!" lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :Keyword "evolution"

And in alabama they are imbred..oh im sorry...I ment to say devolutioning themselves...

"Mah daddy uncle can beat your momma sister anyday!"
S2 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :I saw this on Letterman i was pissing myself laughing i mean my god i know blond (No offence) can be stupid but she kinda proves the Blond Bimbo act.

Well my sister is blonde and she fell for the "Look, a distraction!" trick .
S2 licensed
...Just lol..I feel sad my state is connected to that one.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :The last driver on the starting grid is starting 20 laps down.

S2 licensed
The Antichrist of server hosting has come!

S2 licensed
A racer's heaven would be LFS without cruise servers
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :It is so unrealistic to be able to just upgrade that stuff. It takes alot of time to make modifications to real cars. I went to my friends' house (they are twins), and helped them take the engine out of their Grand Prix so we can put the non-broken one in. I was there for 8 hours, and we haven't gotten the engine out yet. We only got the hood and alternator off, and drained the fluids in 5 hours, before their dad (who is a mechanic, btw) came home.

Your damn slow then. Me and my bro in law were able to change oil and the oil filter in 30 minutes on a Mazda Tribute..which BTW has an almost impossible to reach fuelfilter.
S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :you guys realise this is Rate the username above yours not Rate the avatar above yours

Yes. I realise that. I was going by his username lol..I see "noob" when I look at his name :P
S2 licensed
(sorry for another post lol)

Noobs are pointless.

1/10 :P

Oh and im sure that avatar you guys gave me on the redline forums before I deleted my account REALLY gave you balls of steel.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I have come to the conclusion it's the rivers!

Think about it. The sea is rising and getting warmer - it's because of all the rivers flowing into it. It we get lots of beavers and make them dam all the rivers then it'll stop the sea from filling up. Either that, or we all drink (after boiling/condensing) as much sea water as possible to offset the filling effect. Or both.

Anyone got one of those magic clothes that can soak up vast amounts of water?

That is probably the stupidest solution to global warming I have ever heard....

..I'll grab the straws.
S2 licensed
1/10 because you keep replying in here more than once! This topic will end up locked soon..

Oh, and to other people here my name is original. Check google. You can find every post on other forums that I have made