Did you read a single bit of this entire thread? Please don't bash things you don't totally understand. Also, something like this could be implemented in LFS, but no one is forcing YOU to drive on an oval.
Source- http://www.news.com/8301-10789 ... ews&tag=2547-1_3-0-20
Now, before you imply that this is not real, I have been keeping close watch of this situation in one of the communities participating and supporting in this "invasion" since it began on the 18th. Numerous people participating in this "war" have been DDoS'ing Scientology websites, causing them to crash, or load very slowly. They have also gotten hold of phone numbers, enabling them to fax spam, send in massive orders of various things (e.g. pizzas, clowns)
I, myself, thought this attack would have only lasted a couple hours, but it has been going on strong since it started.
It is the 169.61 and 169.68 drivers that cause the problems. Google the 171.16 beta drivers, it is reported to increase performance a bit as well as fix the anti-aliasing bug.
I was on 169.28, installed the new driver and everything is working great! I did see your mention of the fan spinning up to 100% right off the bat (which is VERY loud on my card) and I have Rivatuner running it at 75%.
I'm having the same problem with my 8800GTS. Since I installed the drivers, I can't get AA to work in games that don't have the option in game. I've tried both the Nvidia control panel and nHancer.
Papyrus stopped supporting online racing for all of it's NASCAR games back in August. You can still find populated LAN servers on NR2003, maybe 2002 if you look hard.
No. Vista 32 should actually address up to 3.5. Try this-
Open the Command Prompt, then type "BCDEdit /set PAE forceenable" then hit enter. It should then be able to address more than 4 GB. I'm not sure if it actually works, because I got this info from a friend. Wouldn't hurt to give it a shot though.