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S3 licensed
If you want to put custom cooling on your card, and/or overclock it, EVGA is your best bet. They support aftermarket cooling and overclocking without voiding your warranty.
S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :What a waste of cows!! :bananadea

Not really. The impact would pre-cook them! Anyone up for cosmic burgers?
S3 licensed
If you can scrape up around £85, you can get yourself a 9600GT, and the performance is around the same as an 8800GT 256, or a Raedon 3870.

EDIT: Ah, sorry, I didn't see that you already got a card
S3 licensed
Great race! Yes, the sponsors are getting rediculous. I wonder how long it will be before they slap a sponsor on the gopher camera
S3 licensed
Now how could you ever get bored of Garry's Mod
S3 licensed
Did you mean your screen or your graphics card? Replacement x1650's for AGP are cheap, and about the best you can get for an AGP system.
S3 licensed
Metallica- One
S3 licensed
Ah, we both run 1680x1050. I use 105 degrees, it actually helps me drive better.
S3 licensed
Last I heard, you were running VERY hot at 3GHz, are you using stock cooling? You should get one of these coolers to keep it at a low temprature while overclocked.
S3 licensed
Why would you want a Smart? If you wreck one of those, keep in mind that YOU will be the crumple zone in it.
S3 licensed
Keep in mind that 80% of the Youtube community are brainless idiots.
S3 licensed
That card will work fine, it is basically the same thing but from a different company. EVGA's Step-up program is absolutely rubbish for Euro customers, so I wouldn't bother even trying to step up to a future card if you get that one.
S3 licensed
Quote from rainspecialist :who said im not getting s2?

Get S2 before the G25.
S3 licensed
30 for me. That equals about one or two classrooms full of kindergartners.
S3 licensed
Quote from atlantian :wow, that's what i was going to say!

Just because you don't like a certain series doesn't mean you can troll everyone who does. Stop posting in this thread or ANY other thread related to ovals.
S3 licensed
I'm using the 169.28 drivers, I got the force AA to work on them. The 171.16 driver was way too unstable for me, I would get random BSOD's, especially in LFS.
S3 licensed
Shouldnt be too hard to stop an AI. Wreck one hard enough and it just sits there
S3 licensed
Avenged Sevenfold- Unbound (The Wild Ride)
S3 licensed
Quote from STROBE :Newegg probably have a reputation that doesn't swim around in a disease-ridden gutter, though.

Newegg usually has a tendency to sell things cheaper than retail. I'm getting a Logitech G15 and G5 soon and the keyboard is $20 cheaper than it is on
S3 licensed
Quote from moskvich3v1 :Wooo hooo
Dudes i am now s2 licensed Powered by AlienT !
Respect man!!!!!!!!

Ah, thats great! Welcome to S2, and stay away from cruise servers unless your REALLY bored
S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Chuck norris make 0 point , dont ask why he made 0 or your be kicked to the ethernity

Ah, he misinformed you, he actually made ∞^∞∞∞
S3 licensed
When I installed XP on this computer (it was a SP1 disc), it ran so painfully slow that I couldn't update it to SP2 or SP3. Installed Vista, and the only problems I have had were crashes while experimenting with overclocks on both my graphics card and CPU.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Avenged Sevenfold - Sidewinder

That song is awesome

Just finished watching Spill Canvas- All Over You
S3 licensed
I got 13,256. ... p;XLID=0&UID=13792910
Don't know why it registers my CPU as an E6700 when it's an E6750.
E6750@ 3.3 GHz
8800GTS 512 @ 750 core
2GB 667 memory
S3 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :That statement in itself just defies logic. Especially after all the technical facts that we've all told you. You know the fact that ovals require MUCH MORE aero then ANY OTHER MOTORSPORTS

The massive amounts of aero is so intense that aero in itself is an important strategic and technical factor in doing well on ovals. This high amount of intensity is prevalent no where else. Why do you think Jacques Villeneuve struggled so hard in his debut races?

If NASCAR was "embarrassingly" simple then by logic people from road course should beat everyone on ovals. But almost every single road course driver who participated on ovals had an embarrassing show (IndyCar series are exceptions).

Stop contradicting yourself. There's a thing called logic ever heard of that?

You have made several VERY good points proving this fool wrong, but there is no point in even trying anymore. Atlantian, if all you want to do is troll this forum relentlessly, you need to be banned.