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S3 licensed
Logging internet activity should stick to school servers, office bulidings, etc. The things these people do to try to destroy net neutrality or just plain invade privacy is getting rediculous.
S3 licensed

See how long you can last. The mods there use short bans as warnings, and permanent bans for serious things and repeat offenders. Also, there are words that if you post them you are instantly banned for 1 or 7 days.
S3 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :talk about waste of thread space.

What this thread should have stated is we need a proper oval instead of this weird kyoto

This whole oval = disabled people's driving is hilarious. But oh ignorance is bliss. Ironic in fact that this community is known for being very intolerant to ignorance in motorsport and yet the hypocrisies of this thread is almost to the point of self righteousness.

But my response to Popps is this: you think ovals are for disabled people? Alright race in a proper oval sim without any aids then come back to tell me that disabled people would find it easy....

and fyi, scrapping the wall or going wide is not considered a successful run on the oval as most people think that just staying on the track is considered successful (think of it as a higher standard of racing).

Great post. I can't seem to go more than 15-20 laps without losing it at tracks like Texas or Pocono, because it's so easy to mess up- it's like driving on ice. Turn the steering wheel 1 degree too far or get on full throttle a split second too early and I go around. There's almost no saving it when you get sideways. Slip up going into a turn, and the result is either a spin or a 150MPH trip into the outside wall.
S3 licensed
Quote from Calvinaquino :Please tell me thats earlier than patch Y. i got a light. just need the banan...

Looks like S1H to me.
S3 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :and x.

V-Y means V,W,X and Y. And +1 to removing them from the master server.
S3 licensed
So is everyone else in this thread.

Quote from Inouva :Mi electric company burn mi pc in a exesive tension line , so i can demand a new pc , i need a pc xtreme high price , because what the electric company do is , give you the 50% or 40% of the pc i ask

S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :except for the fact that they wouldnt ... 76304wcOJlico3z_5_2_l.gif

Not worth it IMO. 4870X2- around $450 i think, and 2 GTX280's are a bit over $1000. Also, there are still no drivers for the HD 48xx series. People who are running an HD 48xx card are using old drivers made for 3xxx cards and below.
S3 licensed
The Mac Pro idea seems better still. I think Inouva said they would pay 45-50% of the computer that she wants. (Your a girl, right, Inouva?)
S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :I dont know how of the spec you put is true , but , how explain

Mi electric company burn mi pc in a exesive tension line , so i can demand a new pc , i need a pc xtreme high price , because what the electric company do is , give you the 50% or 40% of the pc i ask

Easy, order the most expensive Mac Pro you can find- that will leave you with around $13,000 since their prices are so ridiculous.
S3 licensed
Yes, but a video would still be awesome
S3 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :smells like wind.

S3 licensed
Make a video of this, PLEASE!
S3 licensed
RAID 0 with backups would be RAID 0+1. Requires 4 HDD's.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Installed latest GFX drivers - hasn't fixed it. Anything else?

Next time you BSOD- make sure you write down the stop error that is shown then google it on another computer (or the offending one). It will be much easier if you set it to not automatically restart when a BSOD happens.
S3 licensed
Could be your drivers (again). I'll talk to you on MSN so it will be a bit easier to help (I've added you)
S3 licensed
Quote from aIM BLR :Remark. G25 have 500 Hz USB. DFP 125 Hz. Users G25 is cheaters, they play LFS in 4 time frequently.

Good lord you are stupid. G25 users are cheaters because Logitech manufactured them to be of higher quality in every aspect to the DFP, including response time? Hell, according to you, I can go "cheat" right now by using my mouse which runs at 1000 RPS (Reports per second)
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Just add a shortcut to LFS on Steam, and launch it from there. It's what I do.
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Why is this in the General LFS discussion?

If you suffer from itching or a rash, go see a skin doctor.

Read it again. He is talking about getting a random itch while playing LFS. Whenever it happens to me, I scratch it a little while on a straight and it goes away.
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 : you're starting the fight here

Sorry, I kind of snapped there. When someone bumps a thread, even with good content, someone flames that person. If you create a new thread, someone will say "Search" and post link(s) to other threads. It's a lose/lose situation.

Well, to contribute to the thread, I present to you something unoriginal but still funny!
Last edited by h3adbang3r, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :way to bump 1 year old thread!!!!!!!!!!!

At least he didn't create a new one

He contributed to the thread with his bump, and people like you still crap yourselves because he didnt make another thread but you want an excuse to flame him.
S3 licensed
From what I heard, anything other than Bootcamp is terrible for games. Keep in mind you will have to own a copy of Windows XP or Vista to use Bootcamp.
S3 licensed
Hell, I've got the same case! (Except with a side window )
S3 licensed
It would be pretty dang hard to pit in the F1 car without hitting someone, I mean, there's a swarm of crew members servicing the car!

S3 licensed
You can get Visual C++ Express 2008 for free IIRC.