I am living in a country that nearly all religions members living side by side, mostly Muslims though.
I was interested with Christianity in the past and I can say that I know this religion as an average Christian. Muslims respect to Jesus also, he is known prophet.
Virgin Mary died here, she buried at Selçuk near Efes. I visited her several times and burned some candles for her. I like the concept of the Christs teaching. Also, I like Buddhist teaching too. And I would like to show you a Islam sect; Sufis. This people are Muslim too. And they say;
"Come, come again, whoever you are, come!
Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come!
Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times,
Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are."They are followers of Mevlana.
Seven advice of MEVLANA in generosity and helping others be like a river
in compassion and grace be like sun
in concealing others' faults be like night
in anger and fury be like dead
in modesty and humility be like earth
in tolerance be like a sea
Either exist as you are or be as you look
So flymike91, we all human and we all exactly same. Diversity exist but core is same. Open your eyes.
For middle east; someone post this I dont remember who did but it may help to see
other side of the medallion.
Return to subject, average Muslim and Christian or any religion member are same for me. What you call extremists are maybe should not counted as they are part of any religion. If they are terrorists, they are. There is no such a thing like Islamic terror etc. They use the religion as a cover.
Religion itself a tool indeed but not meant to use by humans.
We all coming same source; dozen of eve,
whole world talks same language before several thousands years ago, what happened? Even two cat can understand each other, let say one from Moscow one from Tokyo, than how on earth "the most intelligent creature" can not understand even sometimes in same language.
God created us in his&her image,
so we are like Gods,
and we are exactly act like them.