I have been watching this kind of "lert related" topics since them arise.
Is it necessary posting another one I am not sure, but one thing is in my mind I need to express.
Most of Lert's post was funny, but at the end he writes freely, without any boundary.
That is I admire, being honest is important.
At the other hand, when someone begin to talking about let say "dark/shaded issues" it becomes "weirdness" in "normal" world.
And entering that dark zones have a price; labeled as "crazy/insane" etc.. this one not everyone willing to pay.
I did say found funny most of his posts, well, actually, what I found funny is responses.
Some of reply posts are beyond the term funny, I laugh a lot to some of them.
For example this and response post to this:
How interesting is that the topic shifts from LFS technical issues to "seeing pigeons aura" than modern day toilets and how to use them,
small buttons and big buttons than shifting to "piano" mode.
Congratulations to Lert, he brings another flavor to forum.
It is not magic to seeing auras, telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, apor etc..
He just caught some of you unprepared imo.