Sam did it because it's legal on this forum. I did it because it's legal on this forum. You wanna make something of it, bitch to another moderator. You wanna act like an adult and stop acting like a child, cool.
But if you wanna continue to waste your time and make a goddam village idiot of yourself, shove this in your sandwiches:
In Latin, this fallacious reasoning is called argumentum ad populum or "argument from popularity". However, that an apparent "majority" (sources on that, please) think something is so doesn't actually make it so. A majority of people used to "know" that the Earth was flat and six thousand years old and that it was ok to trade humans like animals, but anyone who proclaims such nonsense these days is, rightly, pointed & laughed at by reasonable people. If argumentum ad populum is the best you've got in your arsenal, pack up and go home. "Morality" and especially "normality" aren't decided by popular vote.
The question of homosexuality being a "lifestyle", as if it's some kind of conscious choice like a political affiliation, is another shining beacon of ignorance which really deserves every bit of scorn it gets. My gay friends & neighbours didn't choose to like men any more than I chose to like women.
And if these charmingly-named "domestic partnerships" and "civil unions" are "more than fair" why is there such opposition to gay people just getting married and being able to call it a marriage? If gay people already have the same rights as me when it comes to a commitment, why can't they just say they're married? It pisses me off that my friends & neighbours were born with exactly the same rights as me - until the state learned they were gay and had some of those birthrights taken away (or just flatly refused to include gay people as "people" under their laws). Now gay people have to protest and form political entities and sign petitions & basically fight like hell to get their rights back. How the **** is that more than fair?
America just voted No on McCain; with any luck it'll be No on Prop 8 too.
Gosh I'm glad "Australia" is both the name of our nation and the name of our continent
Barry O, I knew you could do it. More to the point - I knew most intelligent Americans had had quite enough of a Whitehouse staffed by incompetent, greedy, lying ****wits and were starving to be led by someone with half a brain. The whole freaking planet was behind you Baz, now don't let us down.
Looks like Baz smoked McCain in Pennsylvania too. Mac seems to have held Georgia, but that result was never going to be close.
This just in from the future (and you heard it first): Miss Teen South Carolina nominated for Republican Vice President in 2012; presidential nominee Sarah Palin, speaking from her private Apache gunship whilst on the trail of the last Alaskan polar bear, cites Miss Teen SC's "great geographicable & edumacational knowledge, you betcha"
What I find appalling is this ignorant & retarded yet doggedly persistent "AIDS = the gay plague" meme, which seems to have contributed to this situation with the insurance companies. And thinking this situation is the result of some kind of intervention by the "gay agenda" in the first place is pure paranoia - the kind of irrational fear the Bush team have been feeding and feeding on for 8 years. Just sounds like Rush Limbaugh in between mouthfuls of cheap generic Cialis.
Bored. Wanna get gay-married over the internet? That'll steam a few peoples' dumplings...
DWB: Elizabeth Dole lost in NC! Good. I thought McBush/Failin's campaign was downright mean & strewn with lies & hysteria until I saw hers! What exactly is it with the GOP and their slimy Rovian smearing & fearmongering? Does it always have to come down to "Democrat Candidate X is in league with your enemies and only WE can protect you!"?
Will you actually provide a logical reason why two gay consenting adults shouldn't have the right to marry each other or is this silly non sequitur all you got?
Doesn't surprise me Kezza. Remember the Simpsons episode where they go to Australia? According to that episode we sound like a cross between, I dunno, Sweeney Todd and a sodding Guy Ritchie flick Also, the episode depicts frogs as vegetarians. BZZZT - thanks for playing!
However, they were spot-on with the Mad Max bikers and giant beers. And booting people up the arse.
To throw in my two cents, marriage should simply be a right available to any two adults. It shouldn't be an argument about special treatment, it shouldn't have to be legislated for or against per se, it should simply be a universal right, just like voting. It's the 21st century for crying out loud. It's time to end this medieval discrimination. Some people in this world are way too concerned about who other people love and how they have sex, and way too unconcerned about their basic rights as human beings and fellow citizens.
It used to be illegal for blacks & whites to marry; it used to be illegal for blacks to ride the front of the bus or vote or hold office or own property; it used to be illegal for women to vote or hold office or own property; it used to be okay to buy & sell other human beings like livestock and lynch them at picnics - hell, it even used to be illegal to be gay in the first place, and what happened? Inevitable social progression happened. Anyone voting Yes on Prop 8 is merely delaying the inevitable and wasting their time & effort. Humans have an innate desire for justice and free societies inevitably follow that desire.
Hey, FOTC rule! We (Australians) love it when people think they're Aussies
And someone should just tell Nader to **** off and stop embarrassing himself. Sure, anyone (with a fat stack of cash) can run for Pres (I'm sure people can still recall Ross Perot) but only two people have a single hope in Hell. Get real, Ralphers, and stop wasting your damn vote.
I don't think the world can stand four more years of "bomb them all (if they're brown) & let God sort 'em out". But if McBush & Caribou Barbie manage to Diebold this thing I'm moving to New Zealand. They won't invade New Zealand. Everybody likes New Zealand (thank gawd for Pete Jackson).
Source? And can you show evidence that it was the work of the "gay agenda" that produced this result and not something else?
Straight people get AIDS too. Maybe it's more to do with protecting people with AIDS from discrimination. But I'm not up with US state insurance laws - or with the policies of individual insurance companies (surely they get a say in who they screen and for what). Regardless, it sounds pretty tenuous.
It's a front all right, so's the "sanctity of marriage" argument we hear a lot from conservatives & conservative Christians in Oz (noone down here is silly enough to mention the non-existent "gay agenda"). But of course, nobody has yet come up with a satisfactory, logical explanation of exactly how two gay people getting married is any kind of threat to the sanctity my marriage or anyone else's hetero marriage. My marriage is as sacred as my wife and I make it; it's completely up to us how seriously we take the vows we made to each other. If my gay neighbours get hitched too, I could give a shit! Good on them :up: As tax-paying, law-abiding citizens who have a vote equal to mine and a claim to justice equal to mine, they should have every spousal right that my wife and I have. Besides that, with divorce figures the way they are, I really don't think us heteros treat marriage as very sacred anyway!
Atheists use the same morality when deciding on a course of action as Christians do when they select which bits of the Bible should be obeyed and which should be regarded as metaphors or products of ancient thinking But that's a whole other thread.
That's because the "gay agenda" exists nowhere, except in the minds of certain people, most of whom it seems reside in the US. In fact, I've only ever heard the term "gay agenda" as a US Republican Party/Religious Right talking point & usually only in the context of enshrining ignorance & prejudice into law, as Prop 8 intends to. It's a pure fabrication but, nonetheless, I'd like this alleged gay agenda explained to me in simple terms as an intellectual exercise, so at least I can see what people think it is.
Shit, noone likes brussels sprouts, but what do people do? They just don't freaking buy them, cook them or eat them. They don't try and legislate them into a separate category of second-class vegetable while citing some sinister, made-up "Sprout Agenda" as justification.
If you don't like/understand homosexuality or homosexuals, whatever. But they're actually pretty easy to avoid. A lot easier to avoid than the prejudices of homophobes (aka those behind the "Straight Agenda") in my experience, which are more or less ubiquitous.
FTR: I'm not a gay guy but I hate this anti-gay shit as much as I hate racism and anti-Semitism and religious bigotry and every other kind of baseless hatred. Imagine some politician running on a platform of "battling the Jew Agenda" or the "Black Agenda" or the "Agnostic Agenda"? He'd sound like a bloody Nazi and he'd be booed off the stage in most places. That's what this "Gay Agenda" bullshit reminds me of. Just a hateful slogan, based on nothing & designed to rile up & inspire fear in those who don't pay attention or wonder why they think the way they do, or simply don't want to.
Like I said - you don't have to reload a bat. Or an axe. Or a fencepost, if it comes to that.
Not a petty argument, it's well worth having and clearly necessary. What does absolutely no good is throwing your hands in the air and saying "nothing can help, so let's do nothing."
I don't necessarily think a total ban on assault weapons would've stopped this guy from getting his AK either. But just maybe, a ban would have discouraged the guy, either through fear of a lengthy prison term or, more likely, high black market prices, from getting this particular weapon. But I guess that's moot as the guy seemed pretty unhinged anyway. It might discourage the next paranoid ex-con though. That kid might have lived had the shooter had a semi-auto or, better yet, nothing. I know many Americans will always resist gun control, but they have to realise "control" doesn't necessarily mean "give all your guns back and use a pointed stick". There's more at stake than just their own personal safety; clearly everybody and their kids are at risk, even when doing normal innocent stuff in the neighbourhood.