at the moment we have 20 competitors! the most of them are dutch and french! we need some german, italian, brittish, belgium, danish and more nationalities to make it a real international league!
there are also some great team drivers included like, inferno, r4r FRH, rennesis, Xpower, NexT, TBF and our own R-R
join our league! you don't know what you are missing
for the first race you can join till the 21th of june!
okey sorry i will in my opinion this was the easiest way to contact teams because of diffrent languages on websites and joining forums! i will delete it
This summer Revolution Racing will run a new International League. It is called GTR-L All Stars ( GTR – Light ). In this league we will race with the UFR and XFR with no restrictions.
Everybody with the love for close racing and great battles is welcome!
The series will be 8 race days long on Thuesday evening every two weeks. On a race evening we will do 3, 15 lap races with a pitstop. In total you will race 24 races in the first season!! The first race will be on Thuesday the 23rd of June 2009 at 19:30 PM GMT + 01:00.
We will start with one server. There's room for 30 drivers at each server. When we have more than 40 drivers we will open the 2nd server.
We don’t have a maximum of drivers, that is because we use a qualification system that is also used in the INDY 500. You'll have 24 hours qualification time, so everybody has time to set a good lap. Only the first 30 racers compete. Number 31 to 40 just have bad luck and need to wait till the next event two weeks later. When we have 2 servers online ( 40 or more drivers ) we will have a maximum of 60 drivers on the grid in total. 61 and lower need to wait till next event. When you qualify for server one you will stay the whole event on server one, the same goes for server two. There's no chance of degradation or promotion to one of both servers.
Palvelun välityksellä Käyttäjän on mahdollista ladata omalle tietokoneelleen erilaisia tietokoneohjelmia, kuten pelejä. Ohjelmat voivat olla joko maksuttomia tai maksullisia, jonka lisäksi tiettyjen peleihin liittyvien ominaisuuksien aktivoiminen voi edellyttää maksua. Ohjelmien ja ominaisuuksien maksullisuudesta ilmoitetaan Palvelussa. Käyttäjä sitoutuu ohjelmien ja niihin mahdollisesti liittyvien asiakirjojen käytön osalta noudattamaan Palvelun Käyttöehtojen lisäksi myös ohjelmien mukana mahdollisesti seuraavia käyttöehtoja ja Palveluntarjoajan muita ohjeita. Käyttäjä ei saa omistusoikeutta ohjelmiin ja niihin mahdollisesti liittyviin asiakirjoihin, vaan Palveluntarjoaja myöntää Käyttäjälle ainoastaan käyttöoikeuden näiden ohjelmien konekielisiin versioihin sekä mahdollisiin ohjelmiin liittyviin asiakirjoihin. Palveluntarjoajan Käyttäjälle myöntämä käyttöoikeus oikeuttaa Käyttäjää käyttämään ohjelmia ja niihin liittyviä asiakirjoja vain välittömästi Palvelun käyttöön liittyen tai vain muuta omaa yksityistä käyttöään varten. Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta luovuttaa edelleen, kopioida, muuttaa tai kääntää ohjelmia tai niihin mahdollisesti liittyviä asiakirjoja, ellei kulloinkin soveltuvasta pakottavasta lainsäädännöstä muuta johdu. Palvelussa kilpailujen ajamiseen käytettävän Live for Speed -pelin käyttöehdot ovat näiden Palvelun Käyttöehtojen liitteenä ja rekisteröitymällä Palveluun Käyttäjä hyväksyy ja sitoutuu noudattamaan myös Live for Speed -pelin käyttöehtoja.
The person who came up with the finnish language was crazy! man what a long an difficult words! how do you speak them out? like this one: lainsäädännöstä. or this one tietokoneohjelmia whaha
i hope they all shit on him.. wanker! BrawGP just did the right thing and vulva vibratore made the wrong desissions in the winter period. i realy hope to see the renault end up 19th and 20th next race or better hit him in pitroad when he walks his shithead to the ptiwall or so.. ass
stop crying KSsheppard, RJC pt and others, place yourselve in their shoes.. how would you feel if people are talking about your job, that you don't work fast enough. i would realy be pissed and not motivated to do my best for people that are not satisfied about the thing they have got in the last 5 years for only 24 pounds! and not patience for the work that must be done. you can't build a house in 4 months when there are weather problems for 3 months, how badly you want to make the release date it just won't happen.
i think i'll do some laps on SR - FOX or R-R Dutch LFS experience!
i'ts better for some people around here to do the same or on an other server.. so you don't think all the time: when will the VWS be released.. Come on please, it will come soon or later.. you all must be happy all the new patches are free for use..!
i heard this weekend on dutch television or internet there where 2 other brands interested in WTCC, Nissan and i thought Peugeot, but i don't know the second one for sure! someone else heard about this?
i guy in my street has the same BMW! realy like it!
if i where u, i wouldnt buy is here in the netherlands! its much, much more expencive then when you would buy it in UK, germany, belgium... i think it could save you 10 to 20%! no kidding..
i only saw race 2. exciting race and good work from BMW. they where much faster in turns and braking! only the diesel pulls away after the turns so it's basicly work for nothing i hope Yvan Muller gets a panalty for the sissy action he made.
@bleuflame/lizzardfolk: the diesel just doesnt fit WTCC, they are just to strong with there turbo's and torque. and racing issnt about unfair competition! great battle's, great sound, huge startgrids, lots of brands, NO diesel... thats racing!
and plz lizzardfolk.. don't you ever talk about electric cars again..!!!
a good thing for wtcc would be, use the same engine spec's that they will use in WRC 2010! s-2000 with turbo. i think it would be an open door for teams/ brands to make the step to WTCC or WRC! because the engine what is one of the biggest cost is the same. i would love to see OPEL, SKODA, FORD, VW, MG, PEUGEOT, FIAT in the WTCC and BMW, SEAT, LADA in WRC
i was training online with my team on SO sprint with RAC/FZ5. at the moment i wanted to quit LFS my videocard started to do weird, i only could see an coloured snow screen. even after a few times restarting and also after a day. i have Z10 installed.
it was an ATI RADEON 9600 256MB DDR1 AGP.
i dont want a refund for this. because it wassnt verry expencive ( 60 euro's ) and it was already 6 years old. 3rd reason is that i think scawen has enough on his mind with the new patch!
i hope you guys can do something with this information.
a full season with a second hand kart like rotax-max will cost you around 5000 to 7500 euro's when u race just for fun. if you want to race for the points you realy need a ne kart and a budget between 10.000 and 15.000 or even more euro's.
the best thing to do when you have the money is to buy yourselve into a team. then you don't have to worry about setting up the kart and only focus on racing.
if you don't have a lot of money I would first do training for one or two years and then i would start to think of racing. now youve learned a lot about setting up the kart, sponsors and handling.
i know a lot of karting budgets because i do karting for almost 7 years now indoor and outdoor and had a few opportunities for (inter)national racing like formula ford, formula renault 2.0, superkarts and karting. so i've you have any questions, PM me